Country's Debt and Your Finances
  • 13 years ago
Country's Debt and Your Finances - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Personal Finance - Country's Debt And Your Finance The United States, and treasuries in particular, have always been treated and considered as a risk-free investment and a very safe investment. Well, now with concern about the increased debt loads, people wonder are they still safe and in general, the answer is, yes. But there are some changes that need to be made, and we don't know exactly what changes are going to happen when. One of the things that I think is important is that everybody realize you need to be diversified. You need to spread your assets from different kinds of bonds and different kinds of stocks, perhaps not just in the U.S., but also globally. Because a lot of investments overseas are safe, and a lot of investments domestically are safe; but the treasury bonds and the debt ceiling's rates may go up in the future. We may see more inflation. We don't really know. But if you're diversified, you're at least in a position to cover yourself regardless of what happens.