Parenting: Learning Sources for a Newborn

  • 13 years ago
Parenting: Toys and Books Ideas for a Newborn - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Newborns' greatest source of development is interacting with their nurturing caregiver. So, I hate to say this, you know, to the Baby Einstein people and people who are marketing all kinds of developmental stuff for zero to six month-olds, but your face, your voice, your touch, and your presence are the best learning tools for your new born baby. All the other stuff is really extraneous and fluff and sure, get it, use it if it makes you happy because if you are happy you are going to spend more time talking to your baby and interacting with her, and that is where she really learns. The brain development in zero to six month-olds is primarily fostered by human. Electronic media should not be even a minor slice of the pie in zero to six months, and the best thing you can do is have a nurturing, interested human interacting with your baby. She will learn the fastest and the most effectively that way.