Dating Activities for Knowing Him Better

  • 13 years ago
Dating Activities So You Get to Know Him Better - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. A way to understand men at a deeper level is to understand that their brains are wired completely opposite ours. The connection between the right and left brain in a woman is 1 1/2 times bigger in a woman then in a man. So a woman can feel think, think feel, feel think go back and forth. Man is usually in a think or a feel. What I encourage women to do when they are dating as an activity, is to be a generous listeners. Ask him a lot of questions about himself and what he thinks about things, because that's usually the place that man is. Do things that he likes to get him to talk, like for instance, if he likes to go hiking, or he likes to go bowling. This way the man will open up. And believe me, men are very nervous when they are dating and this will calm him down, and you will get to see his true and his best self.