penile thrush - baby thrush - thrush in men - thrush remedies

  • hace 13 años - penile thrush - baby thrush - thrush in men - thrush remedies

Maybe Isn’t Good Enough For Your Baby

I started with the fluconazole the doctor wanted me to give her. Could the answer be that simple?

I was hoping, but one study I read called it a “RELATIVELY” safe drug! What does that mean?! How could I allow my baby to be RELATIVELY safe?

Then my doctor suggested Nystatin. Yet I found out that Nystatin is mixed with sugar so it tastes better to babies. Sugar supercharges yeast and can cause the yeast to spread even faster.

Come on, common sense tells you not to keep feeding the yeast that you’re trying to overcome!

penile thrush - baby thrush - thrush in men - thrush remedies
