Ajay Devgn And Not Akshay Kumar To Host Khatron Ke Khiladi 4? - Bollywood News

  • 13 years ago
Watch Ajay Devgn And Not Akshay Kumar To Host Khatron Ke Khiladi 4? - Bollywood News. Bollywood stars are slowly turning to the small screen as hosts of reality shows. After Big B, King Khan Shahrukh, Khiladi Akshay Kumar, it's now time for Action Hero Ajay Devgn to join the TV show-host ranks. Take a peek to know the complete story. Visit us at http://www.rajshri.com/Listing/Trailers-and-Trivia/Free-Hindi-Trailers-Trivia-New-Bollywood-Promos-Clips-First-Look for the latest bollywood film reviews, makings & trailers. 
