Tropical Plants and Plumeria Care in Temperate Climates

  • 13 years ago Tropical Plants and Plumeria Care in Temperate Climates.

When it comes to growing tropical plants, including plumerias, some gardeners will tell you that these plants cannot be grown in temperate climates. Recently, I have been asked how tropical plants and plumerias can be grown in less than ideal conditions meaning outside their native subtropical and tropical climates.

Tropical plant lovers can let their imagination run wild in creating tropical gardens of their own with all the new plants and information that is available to them these days. No longer do they have to listen to all the naysayers telling them it can't be done.
Gardeners can create a tropical garden with banana plants, heliconias, plumerias, and other beautiful exotic tropical plants. Many of these tropical plants have been developed and hybridized for this very reason.
