Hotel Charley 4 Teaser

  • 13 years ago
From Ben at Jackson Kayaks:


Ok just a small Teaser in Anticipation of a Big Saturday night World Premier in Hood River at River City.

Truly an amazing collaboration this year between Jesse Coombs and I and our favorite "Heroes of Huck." Sure everyone is anticipating the big one in the end but along the way you will be taken to one of the most formidable river canyons on earth in the Rondu Gorge of the Indus river in Pakistan. Of course the build up to Pedros big line in Brazil is nothing to sniff at either, and I give you a sneak peak of 2.6 seconds of onboard freefall with one Rafael Ortiz. Ok just to keep everything on the up and up I better mention Darin McQuoid, Chris Korbulic, Phil Boyer, and Roland Stevenson for their massive contributions to this film. Enjoy the teaser but believe me when I say that you have seen nothing yet.