Egyptians stage another huge anti-Mubarak protest

  • 13 years ago

Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians demanding President Hosni Mubarak's downfall have flooded Cairo's Tahrir Square in one of the biggest demonstrations yet against his continued rule after three decades in power.

Many were there for the first time. Some said they had been encouraged by other protesters who had told them about the festive atmosphere in the square, the hub of protests that have rocked Mubarak's rule.

Others said they had seen through what they called lies by the state media, which has depicted the protests as part of a foreign conspiracy against Egypt.

Correspondents have said the crowd appeared larger than it was last Friday, one of the biggest days since the protesters came out on January 25 to challenge Mubarak's authoritarian government.

Many protesters camp overnight in what has become a tented village in the heart of the Egyptian capital, with people selling food, drink, newspapers and Egyptian flags.

Vice President Omar Suleiman has promised there will be no reprisals against the protesters for their campaign, now entering its third week.
