Federal Crimes - Be Proactive - Federal Criminal Defense

  • 13 years ago

Federal Attorney Douglas C. McNabb is a federal criminal defense lawyer.

Something tells you that the United States federal government wants you.

You have choices. You can ignore the rumors, hiding under the covers, hoping that it's all a bad dream. You can pretend that your coworkers aren't being asked questions by the FBI. You can try to rationalize your situation, dismissing all the signs that point to an imminent indictment. You can even tell yourself that whatever it is they think you've done, it's just a minor thing and the feds won't really care about you.

Or you can take charge. It's all about choices.

You can do something about the fact that the FBI is asking questions. You can put an end to your fear. But that requires you to make the right decision.

Our clients don't often show up in the news, and that's by design.

In the end, the choice is simple. Be proactive or wait for them to come get you.
