South Korean Aquarium Celebrates the Chinese New Year

  • 13 years ago
A South Korean aquarium in Seoul welcomes the Chinese New Year. To celebrate the Year of the Rabbit, it presented an underwater re-enactment of the fable "The tortoise and the hare"--but with an ending more favorable to the rabbit.

A South Korean aquarium gave a new twist to the fable "The tortoise and the hare" to welcome the Year of the Rabbit on Thursday.

A diver in a rabbit outfit and a sea turtle re-enacted the famous tale in Aesop's Fable.

[Choi Young-geun, Aquarium Manager]:
"With the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit, we remembered a fable, 'The Tortoise and the Hare.' So we revised it for the kids to have more fun."

However, unlike the traditional fable, the hare in the aquarium's version won the race against the sea turtle as it did not take a nap in the middle of the race.

[Kim Ji-soon, Aquarium Visitor]:
"It's a very fresh idea for the beginning of this year, the Year of the Rabbits. Children will like that. They can think about it (the meaning of the fable)."

Most of the audience members were children.

[Unidentified Audience Member]:

According to the Chinese Lunar calendar, the Year of the Rabbit begins on February 3rd.
