Israeli Medical Corp Uses Smart “Computerized” Doll

  • 14 years ago
At the Medical Corps in Israel, medical personnel learn to treat casualties in a unique way. They use breathing and talking dolls. Because these dolls fully function as simulated humans, the soldiers can learn to treat the wounded under pressure - like that of the battlefield.

Here at the training facility for Trauma Injuries at the Medical Corps, in Israel, computerized dolls are helping to teach soldiers how to treat casualties in the field.

This medical school has a vision – to prepare the medical system in Israel for times of war. The professional level of the courses studied here is very high.

Dona Gal explains the process of using the resuscitation doll.

When using these dolls, you usually begin with the model R Man, which focuses on the airways, and then move on to the model C Man.

The uniqueness of these dolls is that they respond to treatment much like humans.

Here a C Man doll is used as an injured doll, simulating real-time battle casualties.

The well-equipped medical assistants treat the patient – with time being of the essence.

[Major Itzik Biton, Medical Corps Chief Instructor]:
“Our uniqueness is in the way we perceive medical simulation as something holistic. That is, not only when treating the doll as a medical assistant or paramedic, but in the overall simulative concept. How do I train a full crew, what are the different levels in apprenticeship? In the beginning I have to teach by using simpler dolls, and only then move on to more complicated things.”

The simulated conditions are like those on a battlefield.

The final goal is to prepare paramedics, medical assistants and doctors to function in complicated conditions like those on the battlefield.

Reporter:Janet Zrian Photographer:Anat Markram
NTD News, Israel.