Gunmen Open Fire on Tourist Bus In Delhi, India

  • 14 years ago
Two gunmen on motorbikes fired shots at a tourist bus in India's capital, Delhi, on Sunday.

Minutes later, a car at the scene of the shooting caught fire, creating panic among locals.

Two Taiwanese visitors were wounded in the attack -- both have been rushed to the hospital.

The victims are listed in stable condition, and one of them underwent surgery.

Firefighters rushed to the scene to douse the burning vehicle.

But police have refused to comment on any possible link between the shooting and the charred car.

Investigators have cordoned off the area, and are searching for clues to the identity of the perpetrators.

The chief cleric of a nearby mosque spoke of the attack.

[Syed Ahmed Bukhari, Chief Cleric Jama Masjid Mosque]:
"Two militants came on a motorbike, carrying a Sten gun. The rider in the back seat opened fire indiscriminately. After 2006, this is one of the biggest attacks on Jama Masjid, in which two people have received bullet injuries and they were both foreigners."

Police would not confirm whether militants were behind the attack.

In 2006, at least seven people were injured when two bomb blasts rocked the same area.

The incident will further raise security concerns for the Commonwealth Games, coming to the Indian capital in only two weeks time.
