End The Fed Rally - Anthony J Hilder

  • 14 years ago
End the Fed Rally

Clip taken from

Frankenfed By Anthony J Hilder

Free World Filmworks

Visit ..... ourenglanduk.com for information on how to leave the European Union.

Support Anthony J. Hilder's Freeworld Filmworks...make a contribution to enable him to travel to England to Complete “EU Hitlers Dream Come True”....a documentary on the European Union plan to take over Europe and the UK by stealth. To help fight back go to: http://www.freeworldfilmworks.com/fwfw-donate.htm Freeworld Alliance http://www.freeworldfilmworks.com/fwa.htm The FrankenFed is the MONSTER AMOUNGST US. It controls our currency. It kills our commerce. It creates our wars. It has brought us debt, diseases and the Depression by design. The Federal Reserve is privately owned. It is a “cabal” of criminals who control our currency and our commerce.