Kill The White Man Round 2 Hilder vs Khallid Abdul Muhammad

  • 14 years ago
This is a challenge.... Anthony Hilder Challenges the current leader of the Black Panther Party to an open debate. Haarlem or Madison Square Garden. Mr Hilder wants to expose Racism for what it is..undesirable and manipulated.

This is round 2 and is from the video "Kill The White Man" by Anthony J Hilder. Anthony J Hlder Vs Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad. Mr Hilder wants to expose Racism for what it is and uncover where it is coming from.

" America is on the brink of RACE RIOTS & REVOLUTION. The intent of the Cashist Cartel which has "engineered" the upcoming currency crash and race riots will attempt to establish a cashless controlled socialist society by Millennium 2000. Order out of chaos.
