Who's who in the new coalition government

  • 14 years ago

Theresa May has been named as Home Secretary and women's minister in David Cameron's new coalition Government.

In the first batch of appointments announced by No 10, Ken Clarke was made the Justice Secretary and Lord Chancellor.

George Osborne and William Hague were confirmed as Chancellor and Foreign Secretary respectively, while Liam Fox will be Defence Secretary.

From the Tories, Michael Gove is Education Secretary and Andrew Lansley is confirmed as Health Secretary.

From the Liberal Democrats, Vince Cable is Business Secretary and David Laws is Treasury Chief Secretary.

Tory Dominic Grieve becomes the Attorney General.

Patrick McLoughlin, the Tory chief whip while they were in opposition, will carry on as the Government Chief Whip.

It was not immediately clear whether there would be a place around the Cabinet table for Chris Grayling who was the shadow home secretary prior to the election.
