Immigration "reform"; Gulf spill; Times Square "bomb"

  • 14 years ago
The Stench of Truth (316).mp4 With all the brou ha ha over the Arizona law, let us not forget that the first step in any so-called reform is to SECURE THE BORDERS! The Gulf oil spill is like Obama's Katrina but more importantly puts a damper on any new drilling here. Suspicious timing. If BP was doing shoddy work it should come as no surprise in the name of profits. The Times Square "bomb" sounds more like an amateurish attempt by some dumbass than a real threat. This coming at a time when the administration is targeting militia types, patriots, and the so-called "right" looks pretty strange to me. As for the Mid-East and Israel/Gaza/Iran. This administration has no credibility as long as an IDF soldier is in the White House, Rahm must GO!
