Chinese Regime Passes New Military Mobilization Law

  • 14 years ago
Last Friday, the Chinese regime’s top legislature, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress—or NPC—passed the National Defense Mobilization Law. The new law will give the regime and its military sweeping powers during social unrest and in times of war.

[Bai Zixing, Director of The General Staff Mobilization Department]:
"If China's sovereignty on territorial integrity and the country's security are at stake, China's People's Standing Committee will enact a general or partial mobilization in accordance with the constitution. The Chinese President will issue the launch of mobilization in accordance with the decision made by the Standing Committee."

Military mobilization is to be led jointly by the NPC Standing Committee and the Central Military Committee. China’s military, the People’s Liberation Army reports to the ruling Chinese Communist Party.

Once military mobilization is declared, businesses and other civilian resources—such as, banking, transport, health and medical, food production, construction, energy, and the media—will be required to follow the directives given by the National Defense Mobilization Committee.

The mobilization law, which covers (quote) “all citizens and organizations,” means foreign companies may be called upon to serve the military needs of the Chinese regime.

[Bai Zixing, Director of The General Staff Mobilization Department]:
"Part of foreign-funded companies and joint-venture companies can also be responsible for relevant products and production missions. Depending on the demand during wartime, the Mobilization Committee of the Defense Ministry will make detailed directives correspondingly."

The 72-provision legislation also calls for compulsory conscription during a military mobilization, and outlines the requirement for storage of military equipment to be used in times of war.

The National Defense Mobilization Law was first drafted in 2000 and will take effect on July 1st.