Toyota to Recall Vehicles in South Africa

  • 14 years ago
Toyota Motor Corp will recall vehicles in South Africa due to accelerator pedal problems. The company has not confirmed the number of vehicles to be recalled.

Japan’s Toyota Motor Corp will extend its recall of more than eight million vehicles to include South Africa.

Toyota’s recall began in North America for sticky accelerator pedals two weeks ago and has spread to most regions of the world.

The company has not confirmed the number of vehicles to be recalled in South Africa and did not forsee massive losses.

[Leo Kok, Public Relations Manager]:
“In terms of business for us it's a pre-emptive measure, it's not a problem that we've seen happening and I believe people will see this - that we are being proactive. So we don't foresee a big impact on our business in SouthAfrica.”

Toyota however, has said its biggest-ever safety recall would cost it up to two billion U.S. dollars this quarter.

Kok says the company has done everything necessary to ensure the safety of its customers and not all problems are preventable.

[Leo Kok, Public relations Manager]:
“The problem if you look at the actual instances where the accelerator pedal has actually gotten stuck, it's very few. But I believe it's to the credit of Toyota for being responsible and making this a global recall, but the actual instances of where this happened and the conditions that haveto be there for this to happen is so rare that it's quite difficult to foresee every circumstance.”

South Africa has the largest vehicle manufacturing industry on the continent.

Toyota controls about 22 percent of the vehicle industry market share.
