The Dark Lord of the Sith visits Obama, deaths, and Haiti

  • 14 years ago
The Stench of Truth (284).mp4 Remember that this is not an apologia for Obama who is a Wall Street puppet and stooge. But a REAL player is GHW Bush. Bush the elder is one of those people like a spider at the center of his web he is a major link in the whole mess of the world today; globalism, NWO, assassinations, war, covert action, secrets, conspiracies, and you name it. He is a power broker in my view and from my research. So what the hell is this 20 minute meeting in the WH with him Obamanation, Bush the younger and Jeb? Marching orders anyone? A couple of mysterious deaths that really aren't that mysterious except to the sheep and the corporate police investigating them. And finally Haiti. What the hell, really? This country has suffered a major disaster and now they have people flooding in there to steal their children, I mean come on! What the hell is going on really?
