AYR230 Ayurvedic Nutrition 002 Ayurveda Textbook p240

  • 14 years ago
http://www.Ayurvedic-College.com – Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute:
• The most comprehensive Clinical multimedia audio and video-based Ayurvedic distance learning program on the Planet - $1250

• MP3 recordings of over 1500 Patient Consultations for Clinical Experience. Searchable database of photographs of tongue diagnosis and iPod compatible audio files of my Ayurveda client visits.

Michael Reid Kreuzer, D.Ayur, Ph.D completed a 6-Year 1800-Hour 1900-Patient Apprenticeship with Ayurvedic Doctor Vasant Lad. Dedicated to "relentless joyful service"! He has served more than 6000 patients in 12 year healing career.
Call us at (1) 510-292-6696.

Taught by Michael Reid Kreuzer, Ayurvedic Practitioner volunteer teacher of the Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute of the Medicine Buddha Healing Center in Berkeley, California (http://www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.com)


The Distance Learning Program Ayurveda Dharma Wiki:

http://www.archive.org/details/ayurveda_institute - Ayurveda Videos (30 hours of them for free) made when I used to be (for 3.5 years) a novice Tibetan Buddhist Monk (formerly Losang Jinpa)

Ayurveda Medicine Buddha Healing Center:

Our Ayurveda book recommendations:

Each segment of the http://www.Ayurveda-TCM.com film is based on the following book bibliography that the speaker comments on and lectures from under Fair Use for non-profit educational purposes:
Source: Lad, Vasant, Dr., B.A.M.S., M.A.Sc., Textbook of Ayurveda, Vol 1, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Ayurvedic Press, 2001, ISBN 1883725070. 800-863-7721 or 505-291-9698 www.Ayurveda.com, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1883725070/ref=ase_medicinebuddh-20
