The Fastest Way to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

  • 15 years ago - Everyone is looking for the fastest way to lose weight. That is why many turn to fad dieting and all kind of fast weight loss schemes. The truth is that the fastest way to lose weight is by exercising. You have to exercise a lot and persevere if you want to lose weight. I believe that exercising is the fastest way to lose weight because you avoid yo-yo dieting and the rollercoaster ride of losing weight and gaining weight. In the long run you actually win because you lose weight slower but you don’t put it back ever again. That is why exercising is the fastest way to lose weight. The main benefit of exercising frequently is that you speed up your metabolism and keep it speed up for long periods of time. This turns your body into a fat burning furnace. By exercising you don’t only lose weight you also sculpt your body, making it smoking hot too.
