Old Message New Messenger - By Dr. Rashad Khalifa

  • 15 years ago
Explains and details the Quranic Prophecy regarding the Messenger of the Covenant (Quran 3:81). The Messenger of the Covenant is also prophesied in the Bible's Malachi 3:1-21, Luke 17:22-36 & Matthew 24:27. God's Messenger of the Covenant is a consolidating messenger. His mission was to purify and unify all existing religions into one: Islam (Submission). Islam is NOT a name; it is a description of one's total submission and devotion to God ALONE, without idolizing Jesus, Mary, Muhammad, or the saints. Anyone who meets this criterion is a "Muslim" (Submitter). Therefore, one may be a Jewish Submitter, a Christian Submitter, a Hindu Submitter, a Buddhist Submitter, or Muslim Submitter. God's Messenger of the Covenant delivers God's proclamation that "The only religion approved by God is Submission" (3:19) and that "Anyone who seeks other than Submission as a religion, it will not be accepted from him/her" (3:85). Topics addressed include: requirements of a messenger, human beings as messengers, the difference between prophets and messengers, etc.

For more information, please visit http://www.submission.ws
