FBI Vs CIA Interrogation

  • 15 years ago
FBI takes over CIA Interrogation View report by inspector general of CIA torture abuse technique : http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/nation/documents/cia_oig_report.pdf?hpid=topnews .View VALERIE PLAME WILSON AS DISSIDENT SPY WAS A FAIR GAME FOR BUSH & CHENEY TO LAUNCH A IRAQ WAR DEFAMING OPPOSITION AND EXPOSING CIA SPY http://www.xmail.net/technologos/AVALRY.html & http://www.xmail.net/technologos/Arice.html focused on NEOCONS war strategy webcinema http://www.xmail.net/technologos/
View next Human Rights & National Security lawyer Scott Horton debates George Bush CIA Torture illegitimacy to investigate by appointing independent special prosecutor
