Home Remedies for Summertime Maladies

  • 15 years ago
In this episode of DadLabs Daddy Brad meets with Jennifer Crain of Mommy's ER to discuss home remedies for summertime maladies. The two discuss some of the common bumps and bruises that occur with kids every summer including bee stings, spider bites, sunburns and ear infections. Watch this informational video to learn more about some of the natural home remedies you can use. If your child is stung by a bee and doesn’t have bee alergy’s consider removing the stinger with a credit card. Natural remedies such as papaya and backing soda can help ease the pain. For mosquito bites consider using tea tree oil or lavender oil to prevent itching. For swimmers ear nothing works better than a little apple cider vinger and/or rubbing alcohol to prevent nasty ear infections. Remember things laying around the house can often be used to ease those summertime bumps, bruises, stings and sunburns that are sure to happen with kids around the house. Distributed by Tubemogul.
