00:00This horrendous, senseless act is a stark reminder.
00:05The investigation so far reveals that there was an altercation between two groups of people
00:09and that altercation escalated to gunfire between both groups.
00:14Several other people were also injured in the crossfire.
00:17Officers arrived on the scene and began treating people immediately while trying to deal with
00:21the chaos of that situation.
00:23Bystanders, some of them had already started administering treatment.
00:28Officers' fire arrived very quickly and they began immediately rendering aid, despite the
00:33fact that the scene was not secure yet.
00:39But as of right now, there are 15 people that are injured and three that have passed away.
00:44This is a huge crime scene with a lot of moving parts.
00:48It will take time to process it thoroughly and reopen everything.
00:53We are asking for anyone who witnessed the shooting to contact us by calling 575-526-0795.
01:01If anyone has relevant video or photos, we ask that they please upload them to the link
01:06that was provided on our Facebook page so that we can go through that and find the leads
01:10and ultimately hold the suspects accountable.
01:14The city has invested in park rangers for parks and I'm just curious, were they at all involved?
01:20Casings have been located throughout the park and parking lot.
01:22Again, it's a huge scene.
01:25All the casings located so far are handgun caliber casings.
01:29There are no rifle casings consisting with an AK or AR style rifle.
01:33In fact, there's no rifle casings that have been located at all so far.
01:36They're all handgun casings.
01:39Did all the caskets found, are they all from the same?
01:44There's still a lot that is unknown and being pieced together.
01:47We will try to answer the questions we can, but we will not speculate or give opinions
01:51that are not based on facts.
01:53Has there been any arrests in connection with what happened last night or anyone detained?
02:01There have not been arrests or anyone detained.
02:03We have leads that we're pursuing, but we are also asking the public or anyone that
02:07might have information to please provide that to assist us.
02:11We were out there last night if all the shooting occurred in the parking lot.
02:15But that area has been troubled with crime more so in recent years and I spoke about
02:20it during a committee, an interim committee meeting recently about the level of violence
02:24we've seen in that park.
02:25So in spite of some of the efforts, we are still struggling with that obviously.
02:32Justin Garcia, Albuquerque Journal.
02:34We know that there was some type of ill will between these groups prior to last night.
02:40So they had some issues before and it escalated last night.
02:44As far as an estimate, do we have an estimate?
02:49Approximately 200, but again, that's an approximation.
02:52Good morning and thank you.
02:56Right now and as reported in the news release, ages ranging 16 to 36, seven patients were
03:03treated on scene, 11 patients presented to local departments, two were pronounced dead
03:09on scene, four were transported locally, and one was flown to El Paso for treatment.
03:16The overall status that we have for right now is three patients are deceased, seven
03:21have been sent from local hospitals to El Paso for further treatment, four patients
03:26have been treated and released, and we don't have a status for the remaining four patients
03:31at this time.
03:32We're waiting on updates from our local hospitals.
03:35We haven't scheduled it right now.
03:36Keep watching for news releases and or.