Ilim o Ulama | Rehmat e Sehr
Host: Raees Ahmed
Guest: Allama Liaquat Hussain Azhari, Mufti Muhammad Akmal, Allama Hafiz Owais Ahmed, Saqlain Rasheed, Ali Shabbir, Tasaduq Rasool
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Host: Raees Ahmed
Guest: Allama Liaquat Hussain Azhari, Mufti Muhammad Akmal, Allama Hafiz Owais Ahmed, Saqlain Rasheed, Ali Shabbir, Tasaduq Rasool
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00:00The month of blessings, the ship of greatness, the cradle of life, the soul of Mecca, Medina
00:10All praise is due to God, the Lord of the worlds, and to the righteous, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, the Holy Prophet.
00:20I seek refuge with God from Satan, the accursed. In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
00:26Verily, Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who have believed, send blessings upon him and accept his salutations.
00:37God Almighty has spoken the truth.
00:40Respected viewers, today's topic under the programme of Ilm o Amal is Faza'il-e-Durood-e-Paak.
00:51Durood-e-Paak is such an act that takes us to the nearness of the Prophet at every moment.
01:05It is such a beautiful act that there is nearness and there is also a loftiness in the ranks.
01:12And the reciters of Durood-e-Paak also have the reward of Allah the Lord of Glory.
01:17And the sins of the reciters of Durood-e-Paak are erased in such a way that it is like eating fire and wood.
01:26And the excellence of the reciters of Durood-e-Paak is that the virtues are enhanced, the sins are erased and the ranks are elevated.
01:38I would like to say that when this holy verse was revealed in the Holy Quran, the Companions were overjoyed.
01:47In this, since the act of worshipping God has already been mentioned,
01:52it is the commandment of prayer, but it does not say that I pray.
01:56It is the commandment of fasting, but it does not say that I fast.
02:01It is the commandment of Zakat, but it does not say that Allah alone gives Zakat.
02:08It is the commandment of Hajj, but it does not say that I also perform Hajj, but I sacrifice myself.
02:14Allah is Great!
02:16In this, how beautifully and beautifully the act of worshipping God has been explained.
02:23Indeed, Allah and His angels and the angels of Allah send salutations upon the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings.
02:36After presenting the act, He said,
02:40O you who believe, send salutations upon him and upon him be peace and blessings.
02:49O you who believe, send salutations upon him and upon him be peace and blessings.
02:52What a beautiful act!
02:56And it was understood that the act of sending salutations upon the Prophet is one that will never end.
03:04From the beginning to the end is God.
03:07From the beginning to the end is God.
03:09From the beginning to the end is God.
03:12Now the Holy Quran says that a time will come when there will be death upon death.
03:17When there is death upon death, it will certainly be understood that there will be no servants.
03:21If there are no servants, there will be no worship.
03:25If there are no Muslims, there is no one to perform Hajj and Baitullah.
03:29There is no one to worship.
03:32So it was understood that Hajj, Baitullah, worship, Riyazat, these things will also end.
03:38A time will come when if there is no remembrance of Allah, then who will do Zikr?
03:43Zikr of Allah will also not be done.
03:45But Allah is Ever-Living, Ever-Present, Ever-Righteous.
03:51What does Allah do?
03:52No doubt, Allah and His angels send salutations upon the Prophet.
03:59And the salutations that are sent in the presence of my Master,
04:04are sent in the name of the Prophet.
04:07And this is the means of the Prophet's understanding.
04:10It is the means of his closeness to the Prophet.
04:13I will give a small example here.
04:16If you do not have a relationship with anyone,
04:20if you do not meet, greet, talk to anyone,
04:24then every time you go to the mosque,
04:27you meet him, you greet him,
04:31he responds to your greeting.
04:33If you pass by every day,
04:36then after a few days, he will ask,
04:39where do you come from, where do you intend to go?
04:42You greet me every day, I respond to your greeting,
04:45but I am not familiar with you.
04:48Come and sit with me.
04:50He takes you to the drawing room.
04:52He serves you tea, coffee, and food.
04:58So, that series of salutations,
05:00reached the series of greetings.
05:05You came to his house.
05:09For what reason?
05:12The series of salutations,
05:16brought you so close to him,
05:20that you became friends with him.
05:22Now, when we repeatedly greet the Prophet,
05:28then this is the means of the Prophet's closeness.
05:33And if we go towards the blessings of salutation,
05:37I will not go there,
05:38because I just want to explain
05:41why there is a need to recite salutation.
05:44Allah and the angels recite salutation.
05:48When Allah recites salutation,
05:50he brings the Prophet closer to him.
05:54When the Ummah recites salutation,
05:56it brings the Prophet closer to the Prophet.
06:00Because salutation,
06:04salutation upon him, and salutation upon him is accepted.
06:09And salutation is a sign of Allah's love for him.
06:13So, salutation,
06:15brings the Prophet closer to the Prophet.
06:17On the other hand, salutation,
06:20is an act of Allah.
06:23Allah has not told us about its form,
06:25nor has He told us about its form.
06:27Allah has not told us about its time,
06:30nor has He told us about its limit.
06:33It is unlimited.
06:36When Allah recites salutation,
06:37it brings the Prophet closer to him.
06:40If we look at the relationship
06:42between Allah's closeness to the Prophet,
06:45then we find that Allah's closeness to the Prophet is
06:47summadana fattadalla faqaana kaaba qawsayni aw adna.
06:53So, how long has Allah been bringing the Prophet closer to him?
06:56And how long will He continue to do so?
06:58And what is the limit of Allah's closeness to the Prophet?
07:00No one can ever know.
07:03And when the Ummati presents salutation to the Prophet,
07:08it is presented to the government.
07:11It becomes a means of Allah's closeness to the Prophet.
07:14The Ummati is brought closer to the Prophet.
07:17So, this salutation and salutation
07:20becomes a means of Allah's closeness to the Prophet.
07:23Now, when we perform Salat,
07:25it is the time of Fajr, Zuhr, Maghrib, Asr and Isha.
07:32But there is no time for salutation and salutation.
07:35So, whenever you want,
07:38as much as you want,
07:41keep presenting salutation and salutation
07:45to my Prophet.
07:47There is no restriction on this.
07:52The situation is such that
07:5570,000 angels in the morning and 70,000 angels in the evening
08:01come to the Darbar-e-Mustafa to present salutation and salutation.
08:06And salutation and salutation in the presence of my Master
08:10is like a lover who presents salutation in the presence of his beloved.
08:16Rather, if you have ever paid attention,
08:18even though salutation and salutation have been placed in Salat,
08:23salutation and salutation are also present.
08:25When we sit on At-Tahiyyat,
08:29after reciting Sana,
08:34we recite Surahs, Fatiha and Tasbeeh.
08:39But after that,
08:40you should sit with Adab.
08:42Keep your hands on your ears,
08:45keep your hands on your ears.
08:47First, recite At-Tahiyyat-ul-Illah-was-Salawat-wa-At-Tayyibat.
08:50Recite the name of God's worship, worship of the body, soul, and body.
08:54After that, you should say,
08:59Why did you say it at the beginning?
09:01He said, no, first sit down and pray.
09:04Be satisfied.
09:05Be content.
09:08Now, with complete concentration,
09:11think about my beloved.
09:13Then say,
09:15O Beloved,
09:25Therefore, dear viewers,
09:27Allah has made Durood-ul-Salam obligatory in Salat.
09:30And after that,
09:32you can recite it whenever you want.
09:34There is no restriction in reciting it.
09:38You can recite it before Salat,
09:40after Salat,
09:42before and after Azan.
09:45You can recite it while walking or sitting at home.
09:48You can recite it in business, shop or car.
09:52At the same time,
09:54you should be clear that Durood-ul-Salam is Allah's beloved act.
09:58Because Allah does it Himself.
09:59He is the One and has no partner.
10:01He does not worship anything.
10:03Worship is done by Allah.
10:05Whom should Allah worship?
10:07He is the One and has no partner.
10:09He is Qazi-ul-Hajat.
10:10He is Musabb-ul-Aswab.
10:11He is Raaf-ul-Darajat.
10:12He is Daaf-ul-Baliyat.
10:13When worship is His,
10:15then whom should Allah worship?
10:17Allah says,
10:17Everyone worships Me.
10:19I recite Durood-ul-Salam for My Prophet.
10:23My worship is for the love of the Prophet.
10:27I present to you the example of Durood-ul-Salam.
10:29Hazrat Imam Sufyan-e-Sawri, may Allah have mercy on him.
10:33He says,
10:34I was in the courtyard of the Ka'bah
10:36when I saw a person
10:37who was busy in the Ka'bah
10:39and was reciting Durood-ul-Salam.
10:42I kept watching.
10:44He says,
10:44When he was free, I called him to me.
10:47I told him that I am Imam Sufyan-e-Sawri.
10:51People recite Tasbeeh here.
10:53They recite Talbiyat.
10:54You are reciting Durood-ul-Salam
10:57in the Ka'bah.
10:59He said,
11:00My father and I
11:03left for Hajj with a caravan.
11:07On the way, my father fell ill.
11:11After falling ill,
11:13when we reached there,
11:16the caravan said,
11:17Since we have to reach there,
11:19you should know,
11:20your father should know.
11:22He said,
11:23When they left,
11:23my father passed away.
11:27Along with his passing,
11:28we were already in trouble.
11:32We were travellers.
11:33My father passed away.
11:35Along with that,
11:35my father's face turned black.
11:38I could not even tell anyone.
11:41I could not go to him.
11:44I was in a state of distress.
11:46I swore to the grave of my father
11:49that a divine personality
11:52and turned his hand of mercy
11:54his hand of holiness
11:56on my father's body.
11:59That black face
12:00turned into divine.
12:02When he left,
12:03I was in a state of distress.
12:05O beloved,
12:06who is it that has showered so much mercy?
12:08Who is it that has showered so much mercy
12:12on my father?
12:15He said,
12:16I am the Prophet of your father
12:18and the Messenger of God.
12:21I have come because your father
12:24has been reciting Durood-e-Salaam
12:25on me all his life.
12:27Today, my mercy cannot bear
12:29that he has passed away
12:31and his color is not even as bright as light.
12:34Why should there be no mercy?
12:37Imam al-Jazuli
12:41collected a large collection
12:43of Durood-e-Salaam.
12:47I will tell you the reasons for this.
12:50He said,
12:50I was walking
12:52and I was thirsty.
12:54I could not find water.
12:56So, I reached a well.
12:58When I reached the well,
13:00I saw that there was no utensil
13:02or bowl to take out the water.
13:05I was in a state of amazement
13:08when I saw a little girl
13:11standing on a roof
13:13next to the well.
13:15She came to me and asked,
13:17Babaji, who are you?
13:19He said,
13:21I am Imam al-Jazuli.
13:23He is such a great Imam
13:25and you are standing
13:27in this state.
13:29You are in a state of amazement.
13:31I needed water
13:33and there is no utensil here.
13:35He said,
13:37that girl spit on the roof
13:39of the well.
13:41She was about to die
13:43when the water
13:45reached the edges.
13:47I was in a state of amazement
13:49and I was standing
13:51in a state of amazement.
13:53Sometimes I look at the girl
13:55and sometimes I look at the well.
13:58He said, what are you looking at?
14:00I am looking at the girl
14:02in a state of amazement.
14:04She said, Babaji,
14:06this is a well
14:08and if she spits
14:10in the desert,
14:12the water will overflow from there.
14:14He said,
14:16I decided from that day
14:18that I will collect a treasure
14:20and present it to the Ummah.
14:22So, dear viewers,
14:24those who recite Durood-e-Salaam,
14:26someone asked me
14:28that where did you get
14:30so much beauty and sweetness
14:32in your poetry?
14:34You have a lot of talent.
14:36He said, it is not talent.
14:38I have recited Durood-e-Salaam
14:40on the 17 attributes
14:42of the Prophet Muhammad.
14:46Dear viewers,
14:50can be recited in any state
14:52and in any condition.
16:48Why is Durood-e-Taj called Durood-e-Taj?
16:54It is the perfect and perfect duty of the Chishti and Qadariyya.
16:59Our elders used to be involved in its duties day and night.
17:04And they used to recite it thousands of times.
17:08Why? Because it contains the attributes and descriptions of the Chosen One.
17:14When a poet asked a lover,
17:17why do you always mention your beloved?
17:20He included the beautiful attributes of the Chosen One in it.
17:24He said,
17:28My beloved is the one who is wearing a crown,
17:31who is wearing a turban,
17:32who is wearing a buraq,
17:35who is such a glorious and generous master.
17:40He has described the state of the Chosen One.
17:45Since we have limited time,
17:48I will not go into the details.
17:50If you want to read it,
17:52you will have to read it for about 40 minutes.
17:56You will see how beautifully the Chosen One has described the Chosen One.
18:03Let us recite the Durood-e-Taj.
18:04Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin
18:10wa ala aali Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin
18:15wa ala ashab-e-Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin.
18:19Let us include the spouses and the progeny.
18:23So that you can recite the Durood-e-Taj in any state.
18:27Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin
18:31wa ala ashab-e-Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin
18:34Recite the Durood-e-Khidr, the Durood-e-Hazara, the Durood-e-Lakhi.
18:38Recite any Durood.
18:40If you do not have time,
18:41you can recite the Durood-e-Sallallahu ala Habibihi Muhammadin wa alaihi wa barakuhu.
18:45You can recite this much.
18:46Keep reciting it.
18:48Make it your duty.
18:50Then you will see that your tongue will be cleansed.
18:53And you will have the opportunity to recite the Durood-e-Salam
18:58in the name of Allah.
19:01This is the way to reach the feet of your beloved.
19:05So, viewers, make this your duty.
19:08This is the word of Allah.
19:10Allah recites the Durood Himself.
19:12Therefore, it is the Sunnah of Allah.
19:14So, we will also follow this.
19:16May Allah enable us to always follow this.
19:21We take your leave until tomorrow.
19:23Allah Hafiz.
19:28Allah Hafiz.