Paul Walker’s Brother Cody Shares Struggle With Guilt After Actor's Death _ E! News
00:00Paul passed away way too young at 40 years old.
00:02Man, the guilt is like, why?
00:05You look like a spitting image of your late brother, Paul.
00:08I mean, it's amazing to just speak with you
00:11and to see the joy on your face now,
00:1411 years since his passing.
00:18That's a huge compliment.
00:19He was very handsome.
00:20You know, he just had a huge impact on me.
00:22And there was a time in my life when I was in middle school
00:25and my parents separated and ultimately divorced.
00:28And so whether it was him working on a film
00:31or going on a surfing trip or just going to Santa Barbara
00:35or before that, Huntington Beach, where he lived,
00:38I was playing hooky all the time.
00:40My mom, my parents would call Paul,
00:43you can't just take your brother out of school like that.
00:46And he would just famously say all the time,
00:48well, he's learning everything he needs to learn with me.
00:51So I was the little brother,
00:54but he also played another father figure.
00:57I had like two father figures in a way
01:00for those very formative years of my life.
01:03Do you hear from him?
01:05Do you get signs from him?
01:07Oh, all the time.
01:10All the time.
01:12I think about him every single day.
01:14Like anybody who's ever lost somebody
01:17before their time or in such a way,
01:22it's not like I'm dwelling on it all day long,
01:25but something will happen.
01:27Or he was really into numbers
01:33and people don't really know this.
01:35Not like crazy person, but his favorite number was 47.
01:41He put it on his race cars.
01:43He had little stickers made.
01:44He put them on even some of his guitars, his helmet.
01:48He was just number 47 and everything.
01:50And that shows up in my life all the time.
01:55And people say, oh, it's because you're looking for it.
01:57It's like, no, I'm always looking for my number
02:00and it never happens.
02:02But I'll get like number 47 at the restaurant
02:06or I'll get, you know,
02:08there's always something going on with the number 47,
02:13which is, it's freaky.
02:15It's the point where it's freaky for some people around me.
02:17They're like, whoa, I've had naysayers that have been with me
02:21who's been seeing it happen.
02:23And then they're just like, oh, this is, that's crazy.
02:26Paul passed away way too young at 40 years old.
02:29And like I said, I'm 15 years younger.
02:32And every single year I get closer to 40.
02:35It just bums me out.
02:39I'm ever more closer to, you know, his time.
02:45And it's just, it's weird.
02:46It's weird to say that I'm 36.
02:51I'm going to be 37.
02:53And I feel like every year beyond 40 is just going to be like,
02:58you know, he should have had this.
02:59Oh, here's another year Paul should have had.
03:02It's yeah, the guilt for like, you know,
03:06like, you know, getting there.
03:09I mean, I've got to get there first,
03:10but it's like anything beyond that.
03:13It's going to be like, man, the guilt is like, why?
03:17But it has taught me, you know,
03:18to be grateful for every day that you have
03:21and tell the people that you love, that you love them.
03:25You know, tell them that every single day.
03:28I tell my kids that every day.
03:29I tell my wife that every day.
03:31Every time I talk to my parents,
03:32that's how we end our conversations.
03:35You know, I love you.
03:36Tell me about this concept of fuel fest,
03:38a bunch of cars, fast and furious style.
03:41Give it to us.
03:42So the whole idea was to bring car culture together
03:47under one roof.
03:49This is not just some car show.
03:52This is, as you said,
03:53this is in a way bringing fast and the furious to life.
03:58This is a concert.
04:00This is a car show.
04:01This is a motor sporting event.
04:04This is a place where people can see
04:07and smell and feel the culture
04:11and the automotive pulse.
04:14That's what fuel fest is all about.
04:17And the catalyst for why I even started doing this
04:22or why there even is a fuel fest
04:25was because I wanted to find a way to create funding
04:30for my late brother Paul's charity
04:32known as Reach Out Worldwide
04:34that he founded over 15 years ago.
04:37And through fuel fest,
04:38we've been able to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars
04:41for his charity.
04:42This weekend's going to be a joy
04:44and may the sun continue to shine
04:47all over West Palm Beach for fuel fest.
04:49I mean, we can't wait to continue to cover it.
04:51800 top custom exotic cars.
04:54It is going to be a sight to see.
04:56Thank you so much, Cody.
04:58Thank you very much, Francesca.
04:59I appreciate it.