• last month
00:00Now the one thing that was great about
00:02Saturday was met a lot of guys now back to Stiney and guru on
00:0895-7 the game. All right, it's crossover time
00:11Which means we are joined by Dan Dibley and Mark Willard and coming up in 10 minutes
00:16The what's bugging you segment fellas, which also will include the what's bugging you tag?
00:22Which I will read and that's always a excursion
00:30Hey, hey you guys do it. Oh, I might as well. I might have been me. Okay, I might have been me my bad
00:36My fault. Well, what is happening?
00:40We had kind of a kooky show today good
00:44For get loose we did. Yeah good. We didn't solve any problems, but we
00:50We punched the clock. Okay, you know, I mean, what's excited you guys your flowers for you to
00:56Interviews Broussard anchor. Yeah, you guys do great interview. Well, thanks Dave. I mean that's that's that's on them
01:03You know, they both they both had stuff to say Steve's always good Steve's the best we actually stood out to you
01:09Well, we used
01:13Quotes and built a segment or two off him
01:15First one was the great soundbite on what was caught on court of gold that he spoke to. Yep
01:22It was like a minute about and I said, you know
01:26The Curry's the greatest face of a franchise in sports history
01:30Oh, this one we got in the fight, right?
01:31But then then Steve apparently said he's actually the greatest human I know who's ever lived. I know I mean he's ever met
01:38Why yeah, right. Well, that's so
01:42Jesus and Moses
01:44Humans never met so Gandhi. Yeah, I only speak to the experiences you have and apparently to Steve Kerr
01:51Steph Curry's the greatest human beings ever walks face to the earth. So I
01:56Okay, I said so I was like and I've said this before actually I said it five years ago to Bob Myers and he was
02:04Very intrigued by it. Okay, but
02:07And you gave yourself your flowers earlier about D and you were talking about a seven minute victory lap and Evans like would it take
02:14You seven minutes to like walk around
02:17Whatever but no go ahead. I'm not trying to like deprive you of your flowers, but
02:22It was a little much. Yeah a little much as an audience member. It was a little much but go ahead. Okay
02:28I'm just gonna kill who said Michael Jordan
02:34And tell him who else I said I had another Derek cheater, yeah better much better, right, that's what I said. Yeah
02:40That's what I said Jordan who is much better. No, I said they would go on my Mount Rushmore
02:46More of a franchise a better face of a franchise than Jordan and Stan. He's had a problem
02:51He don't like Mike, but he had a problem with what we don't know that I said
02:54No, those those dudes are presidential like curry is to me. That's all I'm just saying Tom Brady could be up there
03:00Wasn't a great teammate at times
03:02Well, and you invoked the gambling the gambling the gambling which I think is uh, I mean a stain
03:09I'm kicked out of the league for two years. Oh, wink. I'm
03:14Right, right and allegedly his dad got murdered
03:21Yeah, I put it out there
03:24Kicked out of the league. I mean that is conjecture. I don't know if it's a leg. It's all a legend
03:29It's all do you have sources? Do you think I show?
03:34He's putting it out there it's an internet rumor
03:37We could say the same right been alleged about Andrew Wiggins absence exactly. Nobody knows right?
03:42No, but I mean somebody knows nobody in this room does nobody knows. All right, so
03:47Michael Jordan didn't get kicked out of the league. We don't know green. Did he ever get suspended Michael Jordan?
03:53Did he yeah, I mean Ron Artest got suspended for 73 games because he went into the crowd
03:59It doesn't know that Dustin Johnson gets suspended. Uh,
04:03No, you don't know I answer is you don't know, you know, no exactly, okay
04:08That's what it ever officially. All right did Donald Trump get convicted?
04:14Stiney, what were you?
04:16That's coming up in ten minutes, but go ahead
04:19Oh, no, just do it during a course
04:25Go ahead then the other thing we got some mileage out of was
04:28Dan Dibley asking Steve Kerr if Curry's shot was the greatest shot in the history of basketball and
04:36Yeah, Steve Kerr did is did a little Greg Cosell where he said well, that was more like of a dagger three
04:45But he mentioned Jordan shot over Craig Hilo and so then we we had a lot of great ones called in big
04:52You know biggest shots ever. Yeah any sport any sport like yeah
04:56You guys apparently don't remember when Brett Favre. Oh
05:01That's my Mike Steiner, all right, you got it you sure
05:06Nothing happened. Go ahead Willard. Yeah, you guys don't remember that Brett Favre. I think what was it Greg Clark or something?
05:13Whatever, but I what my favorite part of that phone call cuz I was listening was the guy called it a Hail Mary
05:18He called it an 18-yard Hail Mary. I'm like, you can't throw a Hail Mary from the 18-yard line
05:23That doesn't exist a Hail Mary's gotta be at least about 45 yards
05:29Hail Mary is not from the 18-yard line
05:31He threw it to an open receiver and the receiver caught it in the end zone for a touchdown
05:35Not a Hail Mary. I was like what a Hail Mary. You guys don't remember that?
05:39Anyway, Brett Favre. Greg Jennings. No, no, no, it was Antonio Donald driver
05:45No, it wasn't one of it wasn't a big name receiver
05:49Greg something something. This is some white guy running around the end zone. I threw it to him
05:55Yeah, I beat the Niners 18
05:57He's career. Yes an 18-yard Hail Mary
06:00Anyway, Brett Favre can't be your favorite play of all time because this is a terrible human being but mine was the kid
06:06Go mine was the kid. Yes. Yeah, that's day one from the Cowboy fan. Yeah. No, it's day with Steve Kerr
06:13Actually said the Michael Jordan on Craig Elo
06:16Yeah, it's great
06:16if you think about it in that moment where
06:18You know Elo tries to close out and he kind of half falls down and Jordan hangs he rises and he resets and then he
06:26Hits it and then it's that big
06:28Double pump before Tiger even fist pumped Michael Jordan had the too big the double up
06:35and so yeah, and and Steve is right about the
06:38Gold medal game and I went back and I've watched it now four times in the past week or so just because you know
06:45We're all talking about Steph and what Steph did and if you want to watch that game
06:50France cut it to three
06:52Wemby had a shot that he missed and he went up and he offensive goaltended
06:55which is actually legal in the international game and all the American players are like, you know pointing to the ref and
07:02They cut it to three and the next trip down Steph gets one of those classic pump
07:07Oh man relocation three
07:09I got you in the blender to put him up six and that for me was the bigger three than the famous
07:15Golden dagger, which Steve is right for dudes on him
07:18It felt like well you go from up six to up nine with 38 seconds left
07:22It was probably already over for me
07:24The bigger three was the first one he hit of the four where that thing was getting away from a man
07:31They needed to Greg Lewis. Yeah
07:35Yeah, Greg Lewis and I was thinking when I was a Packers damn it. It was a Viking. Okay. Yes
07:40Yeah beat the Niners on the last play of the game. What's one for you? Just growing up just one that
07:46That play the play like the absolute play this and we're doing
07:52Anything any sport any sport? Yeah, Gibson was on mine. We did a lot of sports and our Gibson
07:58I'm channeling my inner willard right now
08:00I have your answer and I don't say it because I'm hoping I'm right and you'll be honest if you're wrong, of course
08:06Yep, go ahead
08:09Ishikawa, no, I brought that I mean no cuz that was like we debunked at it. Well, I brought
08:19Was tied right it's you on nobody out. I mean they were probably gonna score dude, right?
08:24He was nowhere my dude. Yeah, his career was over
08:27No, he was brought back off the scrap heap if you want the I'm sorry
08:32The actual only how it goes like through that my spine and and largely the Ishikawa thing
08:38Like I was in it. I was an adult by then. It's a little different when you're a kid
08:42it was
08:44Will Clark's shot back up the middle against the Cubs. Okay in the NLCS that essentially now
08:51I think it was the bottom of the eighth
08:53So it wasn't a walk-off boy doesn't count but it gave the Giants a it broke a 1-1 tie
08:58Long at bat against Mitch Williams
09:00Oh made the lefty Vin Scully on the national call and day baseball game playoff games
09:07During the day back then. Oh, yeah
09:09and so I think I watched this at school because back then teachers were cool and they would turn stuff like that on in the
09:15Middle of your classroom Wow and will Clark went through a lengthy at bat with the wild thing Mitch Williams and then knocked him right
09:22back up the middle
09:23With the bases loaded to break a 1-1 tie make it 3 to 1 and the Giants were on their way to the World Series
09:28The earth was about to start shaking a week later. We didn't know that at the time
09:31That was the first time Giants made the World Series in my life. So that was a battle. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's a great one
09:37Yeah, that's the one that comes to my mind
09:39it's always funny because like the moments that you remember either as a kid or if you were there somehow matter more than
09:46Those ones that are otherwise and so for me that the Baron over Kyrill Anko will always be a
09:51Moment, even though in Steiner, you're always quick to point this out and I love that you do they lost that series in five
09:57It's not like that that led to you know
10:05We can
10:06Re-adjudicate that entire series I can give you the play-by-play
10:09minutes of both first and second game
10:11You were there for all of it, but in that moment, even though it was a moment that led to
10:17Well nothing that moment
10:20Ultimately for me in my heart having been there with a couple of other
10:24You know former radio co-hosts on the far end of the of the gymnasium in that moment
10:30It was like oh my god, and then they showed the replay during the timeout the media timeout after Mike Tirico
10:36And you'll be
10:42At some point here like you and guru to have Hubie Brown on cuz he's retiring
10:47Yeah, but in that moment, you know Tirico's yelling and hello
10:51And I mean that TV call for me because I was in the building
10:56I didn't have the radio or the TV call, but that's one of those moments where it's like, yeah
10:59I mean, whatever it led to who cares look at look how much we've changed in how many years was that?
11:05When was the we believe 2007? Okay, so in in
11:09The kid in 18 years, look how much we've changed because
11:14Back then a second round out was worthy of a documentary
11:19Yeah, and now a second round out just leads to everybody being pissed off who's getting fired. Yeah, so then that's us
11:25Well, the doc never was complete
11:27Actually that documentary should be how the documentary is about to happen and then everyone stopped and got high
11:41That's pretty much Wow, and that should be the end of the doc. It's about eight minutes long
11:46Like that eight that should be it. All right be about as long as their playoff run, but whatever Wow
11:52Moment before that's man. Yeah. All right time for what's bugging you. Hey, uh, oh, it's a new one. Oh boy
11:59February's pest of the month is
12:03Rodents are the pets of the month
12:05pests of the month
12:07Whether it's rats or mice the experts at atco they have you covered they can get rid of those pesky critters without using poison
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12:31Rodent free for good. You nailed it Sonny and my man
12:35I mean you had me getting emotional because I lost my mother-in-law about four weeks ago
12:40and I'm thinking back to three years ago when my
12:43Then fiance and I lived with her parents as we were trying to buy a house and all the rest of it and they had
12:49A rat problem and they didn't have atco what they had was multiple traps set up
12:55so part of my morning routine was
12:57Dan Dan and my late great mother-in-law would summon me to let me know that she thought that a trap got triggered and so
13:05Up in the attic I go and your boy in his 50s mark
13:09The last thing I want to do is be going up on a ladder at 714
13:15Wanted to go on a ladder, but anyway
13:17And you look and it's like it's a lot of droppings. It's like dropping but nothing in the trap
13:22Oh, yeah in the trap what you found. I'll see you stop, dude
13:27I'm talking about like a two-footer had to be like a 12 pounder Oh God, and so now Oh bigger what bigger?
13:35Yeah, and I'm talking like fat fat like the sandwich we all used to eat in our 20s like yeah
13:41Let me get that sandwich and let me get a bag of chips, too
13:44I got rat phobia man, dude, like four days in a row Dan and so I love you Mima rest in peace rest in power
13:51She had me up the ladder and if we had atco your boy wouldn't have had to go out there and fish out
13:57Carcasses day after day. Did you ever see one like run by you? No, okay
14:01No, but I saw them after they got they got caught up here. You just
14:09Random visual sorry making me think of this. Yeah, I
14:13I was a camp counselor for Sports America day camp at Aragon High School in San
14:21Okay, so this is back probably a little bit a little bit
14:25But like this is summer after I don't know sophomore year whatever like as soon as you can start working
14:30These were my first two jobs longs drugs
14:34Camp counselors America day camp and I go there and the Sports America day camps the summertime
14:39So there's nobody there and you like what are we doing today?
14:43We've on the softball field or we in the basketball court
14:47We're at the gym that day playing hoop and I take a break and I go out on there's this little balcony on the back
14:53Side of the gym and I look down at the walk path that goes down from the gym to the baseball field
15:00And I'm telling you it the rats were having a party. No, man
15:07Party like a rat party dance party. They're doing the samba
15:13Not even knowing you're watching
15:19All that long and they're just like
15:28My god, I got a IV up there right at Aragon
15:34Rats love the is it like juniper bushes or well called no doubt
15:38Yeah, those thick Wow where the ball goes into him and that's the rap like you're not finding those
15:43No, it's a rat is what it is Juniper and Ivy. But anyway, I didn't mean to like, all right jump the no
15:50I know that's all right
15:52Okay, so as we all know last week was all-star weekend
15:56So I got to attend a couple festivities and in doing so this just is a PSA to all
16:02the party throwers or or security
16:05Don't take your job too serious because some of the things I saw last week were straight power moves of the guy or the gal
16:14Knowing that you're in control of the line the situation
16:18I've saw a no remain nameless famous people try to get friends in
16:23some people including your boy try to go in and out but there's a way to handle people and tell adults no and
16:30there's a way to handle the power because essentially you do have the power, but what I saw was Bobby Knight's of
16:38security in regard to telling people know whether you're a man or a gal and it was the biggest turnoff and it just
16:45reminded me of
16:46Some people don't deserve that
16:49Responsibility to have that power because they like to abuse it and it was on full display
16:54I told my guy Stani earlier this week. Like I just saw some stuff on how I
16:59Don't know you Willard, but I know you're abusing and joy and saying no to any and everybody
17:06Don't be that type of person when you got the power and everybody's just trying to have a good time and kick it
17:12I don't like that dibs. Yeah, that's all no, that's what's bugging me. You're not wrong
17:16And like mark when he takes phone calls
17:19He does a great job of not exerting that power because a lot of hosts it's like once somebody tries to come down your road
17:25It's like bloop. Uh, yeah, and then you you do 30 seconds and you bury that collar and then you move on
17:30But you know, it's hard in our business
17:33But if you got that velvet rope and you're standing there and you're your dark blazer with your earpiece
17:39It's hard to not feel like you're out there running
17:43Powerful of a power that we have in this business
17:45Some people have a velvet rope an official has like the technical where they can hold the arms. Oh tomorrow
17:51We have a mouse. I'm back to my computer mouse where we can be like
17:56Drop it literally said we could click it and then
18:02Here I'll get mine out of the way just because I've been said the guys know I've been saving this since Tuesday
18:07Literally I was like I gotta get this off my chest and they're like save it for Friday
18:10I'm like, I have to eat this for four days. You don't eat it. Yeah, but I did it. We made it
18:15We arrived here. We are I don't understand you human beings who can receive a text message and not reply
18:22I don't get it. I don't understand. Are you?
18:27Are you like are you that?
18:31Much of a jerk that you can literally and yes
18:37I'm mainly tucking this into the idea of in our business
18:40We reach out to people on the daily basis to see if they'll come on the show
18:45And I don't know what the hell has happened since kovat
18:50But people have decided I can just look at that
18:54Move on with my life and say nothing
18:58Even if they're your personal friend
19:00I have no idea what has gotten into all of you like it's no bother to just be like no
19:07Thanks, I'm busy
19:10Can't today
19:11Hope you're well, I don't know
19:15Flip me off with an emoji
19:17the goal
19:19to have the blue dot on your phone and just be like
19:24Gonna act like it doesn't even exist
19:27You think you are it is I've never done that to someone I've got people
19:34We you know this you hit nerves
19:37And people who want to get into our business or whatever or people who want us on their shows who reach out every day
19:45If I've never met you before I'll at least be like hey like
19:51Appreciate the hustle. Oh
19:54Try me again in three months. I'm in the weeds
19:57Something I would never ever look at a text and just be like I'm too good
20:06What is the matter with y'all
20:08Say something. Yeah, no worthy man. God not talking about me because I haven't I saw you grab your phone
20:1717th was the last time that I ignored him. So yeah, it couldn't be fresh on his mind
20:23That's only 34. Yeah, that was a great. That's right. I mean he and I like today
20:27I sent him a message and I got a thumbs up back
20:30It's like perfect because I didn't my message did not require more of a response other than I see it
20:36I receive you I understand you whoop and it's like cool. We move on. That's all I'll go
20:44Tiny if you have one, you know for me
20:47it's about politics and sports because we have politics and we've got world politics and Russia we all know is
20:55bad Russia's bad and they have
20:58Like invaded Ukraine and it going on what three years now
21:01And it's it's a joke and nobody steps in and we all pray for Ukraine and all the rest of it
21:06I'm not gonna get political in this but you had the four nations hockey tournament. I watched it
21:11Russia's not in and Russia, by the way would be the number one seed
21:15so all these Russian players whether it's Khrushchev or
21:20Mr. Skin and all the rest of the names that I'm going to butcher all these people these human beings who may or may not
21:28Agree with Putin and what they're doing
21:30They don't get to partake in the greatest tournament in the world because of their government
21:35And so for me, I look at the 1980 US boycott and then the 84
21:41Russian boycott and all the rest of it and it continues today
21:45Can we take our politics in our sports and put them aside for these Russian hockey players who play in the NHL?
21:51Like you're here. You're doing it. You're carrying the league and this four nations thing was pretty cool
21:57I wish I was more into it. I wasn't I watched a little bit of it yesterday
22:01But without Russia for me, it kind of felt empty and because Russia is Russia
22:07We have to say oh you can't play even though these Russian players
22:10We don't know how many of them stand with Ukraine, but because we have these events and you're Russia now you can't play
22:17I'm out on politics and sports
22:20It's supposed to be the toy department and yet we inject all these other things into it
22:25Even though our president is super Russia friendly and yet Russia couldn't play in this tournament
22:31I'm just out on politics and sports. That's all
22:35All right. Um, no comment
22:37Y'all coming with it. No one I
22:42Well done he gets nervous, yeah, he does get nervous
22:47There's another word for it, but this is
22:49This is gonna be a little bit. What's bugging me is shaving cream. Oh boy
22:54It's a hot shaving cream. Now. This is unique. I don't use it
22:58Whoa, whoa, how I use liners, right?
23:03Get back to sensitive all the shaving cream that's gone down my drain in the course of my life
23:10I would never have to buy shaving cream again
23:14You cannot use shaving cream without wasting
23:19Two-fifths of the can you put it in your hand you put it on your face and it falls out of your hand and you
23:26End up wasting like half of it. It's kind of like when you get a bag of chips
23:30That's about half full and you're like, wow, it's only half full. It's good works the other way with shaving cream
23:37It's just you cannot be efficient with shaving cream. Not only that it's very expensive
23:43So it's not only expensive but you're wasting half of it go electric
23:48Yeah, huh? Why not electric? Yeah, I don't like the feeling this is strangest take I've ever heard
23:54And I go dry shave
23:56I almost feel like I'm missing something like Stiney. Nobody else waits. Yeah, stop dropping them
24:02Why are you dropping it? Like it doesn't fall out of my hands. Oh, you use it. Oh, please you dry say
24:13I don't I don't know what he is the edge. I don't use the clippers
24:19I'm never I'm Harry's parents this it slips out of your hands. Yes
24:24Yeah, I just I don't have that experience to put it in my hands. You put it on your face
24:28You rub it around and then you shave it didn't put it falls all over the place
24:32Some are saying they got shave in jail. Maybe you should try that. Well, the other thing is oh, well, that's what yeah
24:38Are we talking about the the gel? Are we talking about school white phone both?
24:42Yeah, I
24:44Have that experience
24:46So you put it in your hand? I want to relate. I wouldn't know do you yeah
24:50But you always have like you can't put just a little because it won't go all over your face
24:55so you have to put a big one in there and then
24:58It goes to waste
25:00It just doesn't it's not efficient. I'm baffled real quick back to you
25:11I use that to shave. That's how I shave dry shave. Oh barber. You don't use that. I'm done. Yeah
25:17Yeah, I'm white guy. Go like I'd be yeah, I'm dark able
25:25Doing something right? Yeah, it's a dry shave dry shave in the shower
25:29You know here bop bop bop and you're done. Yeah, what are you doing? All right, and anyway, yeah
25:35You're lucky if you can do that
25:38No, there's a dry yeah, and then there's chafing and then we have a whole night like that
25:42I had a friend look like he had bit into a stick of dynamite
25:48Come home with a hickey what just happened to you anyway, yeah
25:53All right, we'll be listening warrior game tonight Stein looking forward to mine is to war I feel like I know some people that hammered
25:59It I I knows I know some people who decided to stay the bleep away. Do you have any idea?
26:05Days though
26:06Butler Kings and the Warriors I have no clue what to expect your point yesterday
26:11I think sacks headed the wrong way. I could be wrong
26:13They are in a large sense, but they still got hands and it's still the Warriors and the Warriors on them and the war right?
26:19They've been embarrassed a number of times up there recently. I'm not are you confident tonight? I can't
26:26Confident. No, I just I'm looking forward to a game
26:29Same. Yeah, I don't think the Warriors are a lock at all
26:32I mean, I don't I mean I'd probably bet on the Warriors to win but
26:36Grandi's gonna go into full depression if they lose
26:39He said that earlier. That's a shame. Yeah, man. Okay that that don't matter 15 guys
26:46T I'm not I'm gonna I'm not gonna put in for overtime your paychecks gonna be
26:51Stick around don't go anywhere Willard and dibs 95-7 the game put it in my head. You put it on your face
26:57You're rubbing around