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Billboard reacts to A$AP Rocky's not guilty verdict, Drake and PARTYNEXTDOOR's '$ome $exy $ongs 4 U' album, Kendrick Lamar makes Hip-Hop history following his Super Bowl Halftime performance and more!


00:00Yo, yo, what's going on y'all and welcome to a fresh episode of Billboard
00:08Gentlemen, yo, what's up? We are live in effect. Happy to be here. Oh happy to be here
00:15He'd be with my brothers you feeling better. I'm feeling a lot better. Yeah. Well, yeah
00:19Well, you want I are I was on I are three weeks the bug got my brother Damien
00:24So I'm Dame feel better my brother. We're gonna try to hold it down
00:29It is gonna be a very busy busy show. Yeah. Yeah a lot to cover our first up
00:36Brother a sap rocky. They try to charge me, but I'm not guilty
00:53ASAP rocky if you guys are not here was found not guilty
00:58After an alleged shooting incident that took place in 2021 in November
01:03Of him allegedly shooting his one-time friend ASAP. Reli. He was facing two felony counts
01:10Of a firearm if convicted would have been facing 24 years the maximum
01:16Yeah, and yesterday we got the news around 7 o'clock for Pacific that he was found not guilty
01:23It's gonna be a meme now the way he ran over to Rihanna
01:27And just literally just jumped over the railing
01:31I thought it was gonna catch, you know an injury assault charge or something the way he was
01:36Those people I was like somebody finna break a leg. I love that. You know, he rejoiced shot to Joe Takapina, man
01:42He is a Sam Joe ASAP Joe him and Brian still we need an ASAP Joe record
01:48On don't be dumb rocky go hold you to that. But um, no, it was a very
01:53celebratory night for rocky and company
01:56Guys thoughts on the verdict and what this means for rocky moving forward who couldn't now focus on career family life, etc. I
02:05Mean listen only rocky and God know the truth here. I think the way that man was breathing heavy
02:12the way crowd surfed a jury
02:15He was shaking his boots a little bit, but he's free
02:17He get to be with his kids gets to you know, finally put out this album
02:21So I'm excited big up rocky big up uptown big up Barbados like they he got off
02:26I love seeing a brother beat the system. So I'm happy with this
02:36Yeah, I mean clearly you saw you know for all the reports about how he was thanking the jurors when they were leaving like just
02:41You know profusely like thank y'all for saving my life
02:43I mean obviously just how long this whole saga has been going on
02:47Yeah, you could tell and all people were talking about even when this started
02:50There's the offer the plea deal at first that would have been a couple years probation 180 days relatively
02:56You know some other minor things that he would have done. It wouldn't have been that disruptive in the grand scheme of things
03:01So a lot of people were up, you know shocked that he didn't take that because it's like really a lot of people
03:07I mean everybody
03:08So the fact that you know, they went and said no we're gonna you know, we believe in the innocence of this
03:13We're gonna go all the way and everybody was like and that's that is gonna be your fatal mistake, sir
03:19And yeah, I mean clearly, you know, you didn't know until until that moment
03:23What was really gonna happen and clearly, you know now of course in hindsight money more to quarterback
03:27Everybody's like great job that he did it great. You know, that was the right call
03:31I knew all along that you know, that was the truth. So
03:34obviously, you know
03:36They sort of gambled in that situation and they came up big like I don't want to I don't want to trivialize it like
03:41You know like like it was just a game. I mean, that's really his life. That's decades of his life. That's his children
03:45That's everything but clearly they thought they had a solid case and you know from what we're seeing even now
03:51you know things are still breaking a lot of the jurors talking about they they
03:55Didn't have enough to convict him even though they think some of the things
03:59Like the idea of the prop gun people were like, I don't know if I really believe that but whatever was they didn't have enough evidence
04:05They thought the prosecution to get the case over the finish line
04:08So, you know the system played out how it does and of course shout out to Rocky Rihanna and you know
04:13Glad they could put this behind them. I'm sure Rocky like I said has an album coming out
04:16He's got a film that he's gonna be and he's got a lot of plans coming up for this year
04:20So, you know the fact that you don't have to worry about
04:23This entanglement going on with that is you know, take a break take a breather and you know
04:28Get back to what you love and I'm sure he'll be
04:30You know invigorated by this much more appreciative of all the things that he has. I think you know, you'll really see
04:35You know a guy who understands what he was facing and on the other side of that, you know
04:40It's gonna be renewed and inspired again. Yeah, well said I mean when you look at Rocky his first tweet
04:47post trial don't be dumb
04:49which is
04:52Poetic in a sense. I mean, you know for the kids don't be dumb, you know, I'm also the name of his
05:00Heard about this album for how many years now, you know what a he has no choice, but to drop it
05:04Like he needs to like I feel like the case like come up
05:08After we find out about don't be dumb the title at least like we've known this for a minute
05:11So I hope that he finally puts it out there
05:13I read that one of the jurors said that they didn't bring up Rihanna's name at all in the liberation. Y'all believe that
05:21Like at all at all I was I mean listen in passing no, she had to she can't do with the kids to
05:27Like I mean, yeah, I'm sure if you read the transcript the word Rihanna shows up somewhere
05:31I'm like, you know, what kind of weight did it have? What kind of you know consideration?
05:35You know, I wouldn't think it would be me you hope it didn't matter we hope you hope I mean
05:42Look only know when somebody does that tell all that cash grab and tries to get you know
05:47The book of I was juror number seven or whatever
05:49I was probably more cats have not done that right?
05:55Yeah, I mean yeah, that's a lot of high-profile trials that yeah, they're just just well
06:03Well juror if you're out there, you know you want to come on
06:08We gotta see we always got a seat right for you we can do the voice filter and the mask and everything
06:12Filter is nasty. Yeah on live to
06:16Rihanna went on Instagram yesterday
06:19And said the glory belongs to God and God alone thankful humbled by his mercy
06:29Rocky brother. I am so happy for you, man. Um, I think now I'm curious just from a musical standpoint
06:36what kind of
06:38music we're gonna get going forward because I think this is a
06:42perfect time for him to be super vulnerable and
06:45Candid about what he went through in terms of the trial
06:49I would affected him the loss the possible loss. He would have had to deal with in terms of his family his kids
06:56You don't get Rihanna every day
06:59You know, I'm saying and then potentially you're out of place where you could lose her
07:04billion dollar wifey
07:06and the kids
07:08That's right. Cuz Rihanna's only a billion dollar wifey is all
07:17Really know we know we weren't looking at you, but you know that account and I'm here when God gives you a gift
07:26Appreciate that and that's up. Yeah
07:31Stay at home dad between this and my trip having to get him out of the other shit a couple years back
07:35Let's let's relax. I almost forgot about that. It's all you know, I was reading the whole saga like it was crazy
07:42About like, you know, we can bring ASAP home. We got ASAP. It's like
07:48He just be
07:50Being the studio. I mean, I do think yes, he can do the vulnerable side. I mean, I also want some celebration
07:56I want some jubilation. I was the Lord. I want like
08:01Like I mean you you almost were in a situation where you very possibly may not have seen your kids until they were adults
08:10Like and they and they're not teenage, you know, I'm there's not close like these are babes
08:14These are not even school-aged kids. Like when you think about what that future, you know
08:21You gotta be like
08:24You gotta be celebratory for that. I believe Rih is like the consummate super loyal chick
08:29I can't see her six years later coming doing the phone call shit
08:34With the kid like six in six years in
08:38Like yo six years
08:44Six I did read that
08:47It said 24, but then it was like whittled down to eight. Yeah
08:50I mean 24 would have been the max, right?
08:52It's hard to think that they would have you know, so let's say if he got a good behavior
08:55Oh, you're six. You're six out of eight reads coming through
08:59With the kids like oh man, and we doing the phone
09:01I mean, hey
09:05Tiffany haddish
09:07Cat Williams
09:09Rocky there with the do-rag and the sig like yeah, we almost home. Yeah, this sounds like them. So actually
09:18Yeah, I mean we're playing hypotheticals we don't have to worry about
09:22I am curious to see what this a set, you know for all we know
09:28A set might be a Tribeca Film Festival with you know, Spike Lee as you mentioned
09:33He's gonna be acting alongside Denzel Washington and I spent and I spice another, you know, renowned actress. Don't do that
09:47Oscar hopeful I spice. Hey, so this could this could very much be
09:58Spiking Denzel
10:05We taking that home
10:08You don't get that nomination you what's go, you know, this is we handed it to you
10:13This is gonna read your good a momentum. All right, grande this year. I spice next year
10:18So rocky team rocky
10:22Enjoy it brother. We'll be looking for that album and the upcoming movie now
10:27Pivoting over we have some new music that dropped on
10:32Valentine's Day
10:34Some sexy songs for you. I'm gonna sing a mood today
10:51Man but no some sexy songs for you
10:54Party next door and Drake can't say Drake. Let's get that right. That's right party next door and Drake the long-awaited collaborative album
11:0121 songs and
11:05R&B centric it was catered for the lovers
11:09Did y'all feel the love on this album in terms of like them delivering what we were hoping from an R&B standpoint?
11:16Did we did we get the the heavy hits?
11:19Did we feel our heartstrings get pulled a little bit on some sexy songs for you
11:27Kyle oh
11:29No, oh
11:33I think I really enjoyed the first six tracks. I love CN Tower. I love something about you
11:38I love spider-man Superman. I know we had some friction on that on the panel, but I love that one
11:43I think deeper party solo track is the best track on the album
11:46I think the middle gets a little bit shaky. I appreciate the swings. I like the production
11:52Give me a hug. The Melissa Ford line takes the entire thing out for me
11:56I think that if we are going to make a song that's essentially an olive branch to the women
12:02Why are we name-dropping women to get at the men?
12:05Just he did he did just just say his name just say his name because he's never shied away from saying that's fair
12:11That's me. Like I don't understand why at this point you are still
12:17Into going through the women to get to the men whether it's posting people on Instagram or name-dropping them in songs
12:22Talk to the man stop being a bitch be a real nigga and speak to the men like they address you you address them
12:28That I don't like but you know Nokia. It's grown on me. Yeah, I definitely see this being the hit
12:34It does kind of feel like you wanted to reheat the nice for what nachos a little bit, but I'll let him do it
12:40Meet your Padre that should have never left the studio
12:43I even got no Spanish in me and I
12:45Shit that song is how about the Chino?
12:47No, um, but I think my biggest issue with the album that it's really not sexy enough at all
12:52It's very much clearly for me Drake using women sex love relationships
12:57To get back in the good graces of the men whose approval he really wants the most and that to me makes there
13:03Be a disconnect between what he's saying and how he's saying it like there's not much warmth in these songs
13:09Nothing about this makes me want to like
13:11link up with my special somebody and like have a night to this album like this isn't
13:16One of those and as a fan like I have wanted a Drake party album for such a long time
13:22None of these songs live up to like come and see me at least or like wasn't I didn't collude like those are my two
13:27Favorite party Drake tracks and we have 21 you songs here that don't hold a candle to these
13:33But I don't think it's a disaster of an album either
13:35I think there was enough that I liked that I saved that it's like there's some signs of life here
13:39I think you know like any Drake project at this point in his career
13:43He's gotta whittle it down and gotta trim the fat, but I don't think it's an outright disaster by any means
13:4921 songs
13:51six solo records for Drake on this album
13:55Trev some of the words I have been seeing it to describe this album have been desperate and
14:01Sloppy I did see desperate
14:03Your thoughts any highlights lowlights in between um
14:08Yeah, I mean I definitely have seen that the D word go around a lot nasty word um it is
14:16But I think I'll you know hit it on the head with first of all yes 21 songs
14:21Let's always start there that we could have trimmed a couple for sure
14:24I mean I did like I thought the structure actually worked out
14:27Okay, cuz I was you know at the beginning. It is what you think it's gonna be it's gonna be very slow
14:31It's gonna be very moody
14:33It's gonna kind of try to echo some of that early 40 production
14:36And then I was actually kind of surprised that it picked up in the middle
14:39yeah, and then when like like probably say give me a hug is sort of the start of act two and then like give me a
14:45Hug all the way to Nokia. Maybe die trying. I was kind of like okay. We got a couple different things in here
14:50We got cheeto pockets. We got one of this all yeba got like all pop kind of sound which I definitely didn't expect midway through
14:56The album so for me. That's probably the strongest section. I do think I mean give me a hug
15:01You know we're just sort of seeing on streaming and the first few days is definitely the one that was most you know blown up
15:06I mean you did see the yay tweet even calling it out
15:09I don't you know to what degree that could have helped, but clearly that was the people's choice initially
15:13We're starting to see a shift towards Nokia like pick it up in the back half of the first week
15:17So it definitely seems like you know the uptempo records the more
15:21Energetic records are the ones that people are picking up on and those are the ones that I've definitely sound like that could be the
15:25Radio hits they you know
15:28I'm not gonna say they're obviously gonna be
15:30You know in my feelings level or anything like that, but even Nokia if you look at that as a reheated
15:35Nacho of nice for what nice for what is such a good song?
15:39That's why I'm I'll take a reheat like like you know like I'll take a clone of nice for what if that's
15:46Yeah, I mean, I think it's like that him like calling out the women's names in the beginning
15:50Yeah, it's video a little right. It definitely has like a I think I think production wise
15:54Maybe if it's more than but just in terms of like lyric and intention
15:57I guess it definitely you know people compare that to nice for what left or right um I?
16:02Mean the only thing about that yes when it's called some sexy songs for you. I definitely thought it was gonna be more
16:09Romantic in its
16:12Execution yeah, and it definitely sounds like you know I mean Drake's always been good at you know
16:21Promoting his feelings in a very you know sort of vulnerable ish, but also kind of
16:27sly like
16:29sly like sleek kind of charismatic way and
16:33Sometimes I think it gets a little bloated on this album like we hear too many songs too many
16:37You know too many attempts at this and we're seeing really kind of what's going on like just okay?
16:42We get it. You know you're you're in a in a bad spot
16:45Clearly you know the public approval is going clearly you feel like a lot of people have abandoned you who you know what?
16:51Claim they were ride-or-dies claim. They were always gonna be there, and you want to get that out
16:56No problem with that it just feels like we could have got that out
16:5914 tracks rather than 21 tracks, but I do appreciate I will say the up-tempo breaks
17:05I think those could actually if we're talking about
17:07You know all the questions of it when Drake's gonna come back. How he's gonna come back is
17:12Possible that those two show up though
17:14It almost feel like you can't escape the shadow of Kendrick and any of this and even the idea like Oh Drake with the melodies
17:20You know that's the one that we like
17:21And it's like those those kind of songs those little up-tempo bops are the ones that are popping off, so
17:27It's almost like he didn't plan this
17:29But it in a weird way feels like it goes back in that same in that same circle
17:34And even I'll give me a hug we have a few shots
17:35You know that people are reading into the lyrics about you know who the who it's supposed to be aimed at and that this beef
17:41May not be dead no matter how much you know people want to project and say that it is and claim that it is
17:47You know there will always be a couple subtle shots that you know will never fully die
17:51Yeah, no, I think well said
17:54Hits early projections have the album
17:59Potentially as a lock for number one
18:02250 we don't say that word Oh projected. No. We don't say that first word which one Oh
18:10You know bad blood, but you know but no projections have the album slated to be
18:24250 week one if they do secure that that would be Drake's 14th number one on a billboard 200
18:32Tying him for the most ever for a rapper with Jay-z let me be clear
18:37That's we're still literally in the middle of this tracking week very close
18:40Oh, you know we don't know what the final number is gonna be we don't know what's moving
18:45It is obviously gonna be you know the big front-runner for number one next week, but don't hang don't hang us on that number
18:51You know things are still moving literally you still have today tomorrow to stream so very much still in flux very much
18:58So um and I do slightly want to pivot a little bit because I'm sure everybody's like oh, it's
19:04Stove yoga, I gotta say
19:08You know if this goes number one it's looking good party next door let's first let's give it you know
19:14I know everyone's obviously right I was talking about you know what I mean for Drake's legacy
19:17But for party to get his first number one album that is a huge milestone for him as well
19:21So what hurts me with that and then I'll get to that pivot. I was telling Kyle earlier
19:27That's a huge win for party huge milestone. I just wish for this album
19:31There was more of party, and I wish for this achievement
19:39Like a solo number one like I kind of hate that like the first one and who knows maybe only one is gonna be
19:45attached to like all of this and what is carried with this album and then him not being necessarily the dominant or a
19:53Dominant presence for real like it does really feel like you know party in service of Drake versus party and Drake
19:59Six solo tracks, which is about a yard of the track list
20:02So yeah, yeah, and it's crazy to say like one of the top songs on the album is a solo party cut which is deeper
20:08That's the best track. You know
20:10Hello deeper
20:11I I was talking to you about this earlier about just like the idea of like what R&B means in this context cuz like
20:18You know we're gonna have this major opening week
20:22Give me a hug is a rap song that's blowing up. You know he has a pop song that's blowing up
20:28From this R&B album. What does this mean for the genre for the space does it mean anything at all like I'm so
20:36Intrigued by it because it feels like
20:39R&B is not like leading the conversation around this Drake project even though it's living in that space
20:44I would agree. I will say I think a lot of
20:47The R&B projects that we've come to know and love like it seems to be an album
20:52Genre right now like you know we I mean we talked to her to death about how few songs really pop up you get your
20:57You know you two residuals you get your made-for-me's things like that
21:00But I do think you know when we talk about where R&B is now
21:03it's not you know the quality is necessarily lacking, but I think people are experiencing it in a
21:08In an album kind of way top to bottom and finding deep cuts and things that resonate with them
21:13That's rather than necessarily
21:15You know a slew of hit singles that are gonna pop off and be all over radio and be all over tik-tok
21:20So I think I think to that point that's kind of where I feel like R&B is is now
21:25I'm not too surprised that there's no R&B specific cut. That's jumping off. I just think people kind of
21:30In general if you fuck with the album you fuck with it as an album rather than individual songs
21:36Do you feel that anything on this album?
21:39Pushed either party or Drake into new directions in R&B
21:48Not off not off rip on it. No, and I mean that's not a bad thing. Yeah. Yeah, but I didn't hear anything I
21:55Guess progressive in a sense of like oh like let's go down this hole a little more
21:58I mean most of that most of the things that were more progressive were like bringing in other genre
22:02I honestly like rap or Latin or the Yeba cut so if anything that to me is what the most
22:09Experimental cuts were if you wanna use that word
22:12So we will see to Trevor's point what the album looks to debut on a billboard 200 next week
22:19Fingers crossed for the boys. We will celebrate though. Somebody the numbers already in and
22:27We're gonna get flowers. I'm fair to do that to a
22:32To a mr. Lamar wait, we gonna skip we not gonna do the OVO
22:36OVO review. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I want it. Yeah, I wanted I think the people need it. Oh, man
22:41I only journalistically right, you know, we got we got the thoughts on the record. I was yeah, cuz it's gonna probably take 40 minutes
22:46No, no. No, I think I think realistically. Um, I thought the album was okay
22:54Certain cuts that I love a spider-man Superman
22:57When he's gone greedy
22:59Give me a hug was a was a great, you know rap record kind of gave me family matters in terms of the flow
23:06So no key as I mentioned gave me honestly nevermind vibes
23:10But I do wish there was more party involved and to Kyle's point when I think of come and see me when I think of
23:16over here
23:18They don't have a record that matches that like intensity and chemistry to me, you know
23:23And that was what was lacking when I was listening to the album
23:28When I saw certain
23:30Words like desperate and sloppy. I was like, holy shit
23:34You know and I saw T pain and it kind of made me wonder a little bit
23:37He said he felt like it was essentially a throwaway in terms of like they just took all the old records
23:43They had stitched it together
23:45And call it an album
23:51Yeah, I think when you listen to it like you said with even with Howard structured
23:55There's a level of intention behind her to some degree. I don't think they just like hobbled together
24:00Whatever was laying around in the studio. I think there's some cuts that definitely give studio cuts, right?
24:05But I don't I don't think it's fair to say that like the whole sort of Frankenstein's. Yeah
24:10Yeah, you know, but overall I think the album it was it was okay. It was okay
24:15That's probably a strong seven eight songs that I will go back to
24:19Does this put Drake back in position in the driver's seat?
24:23In terms of like culturally speaking. No, it's still Kendrick very much. So as
24:29I don't know if you know, I'll say from jump. I don't know if this is the album. Oh, no, it's not it's not
24:34You know, but I think it would have at least bumped him a little bit up in the conversation
24:40You know, I wonder like leading up to that next solo album
24:43Sure, you know would have landed if we just got like 10 fantastic tracks from them instead of like 21
24:49We asked that for everybody. Just like, you know, but he
24:52Knows that he kind of knows that I feel like the impact of that could have been so much
24:57Yeah, the drink almost to two dozen album songs I really want
25:05Yeah, really views yeah more live scorpion certified
25:08I mean, they're all like and if you think about it at least 18 when he did his interview with rap radar
25:14Mentioned that I think it was scorpion because it was the double-disc that he wished he condensed it and why he views
25:21nothing was the same as the perfect album because
25:25It did what it needed to it was like what 14?
25:31You know, so to your point, let's see what the solo album does bring he did
25:35He did kind of drop some hints like I think I'll give me a hug that I mean just some lines that you know
25:40I'm gonna run the city again back out
25:41I had a little summer 16 kind of preview energy and I know people are I think he might strike
25:46I mean, he obviously has mentioned
25:49Just watch or maybe the week before wireless be on the lookout Drake is hard
25:54It's hard to contend with I just want to say I when we spoke about
25:58Rolling him turning down rolling louds offered to highlight headline three nights in a row
26:03I said he should do that like different sets every night. We're finally gonna get a wireless
26:09Although I don't I'm now I don't know how I feel about it. Um, the poster kind of read me the wrong way
26:14Yeah, the poster. Yeah, it was kind of crazy. It was weird Drake in the mandem. This is y'all's country
26:19What the fuck but but the idea like hell no
26:22Yeah, I know y'all let that happen. That could never be me some folks
26:27But I did and also morning vibes told me that he was headlining
26:31That's what that was what was said in January and now he's a special guest
26:34He deserves his headlining slot to come make this happen. Like I feel like damn you just gone come over here and
26:42I'm gonna get a super bag. You're gonna be performing alongside Drake
26:46Dreamy numbers are going to run to his side regardless at some point this year. Do you think what happened right this year?
26:52I just wish that just think you got to have his
26:55Moment, I know he's still well, he's still well
26:57I don't I don't I don't love that
26:59You know a the heat Drake overtook it in a way that is casting aside or maybe not guy
27:05we have to wait and see but like
27:07Immediately casting the rappers in that country in a supporting role. It's kind of crazy at their festival, but they like it
27:15Boy, and and the festival is sold out
27:23July 11 to July 13 three nights of Drake this summer be on the lookout
27:29Finsbury Park in London, it's gonna be a movie. Yeah
27:32Mr. Kendrick Lamar made a movie of his own
27:36This past week making a history the brothers scored three
27:41Albums in the top ten on the Billboard 200 number one G and X
27:48Want to say was damn and good kid, man
27:51Yeah, damn nine good kid mad city ten. He scored four out of the five slots on the hot 100
28:00Including not like us returning to the mountaintop at number one got overall five in the top ten
28:07Scissors 30 for 30 with Kendrick. They making it at number 10
28:12What a time to be a Kendrick Lamar fan post Super Bowl. Oh
28:17the brother made some
28:19historic movement
28:21Guys, I think at this point is it safe to say this run? It is probably the best we've seen in hip-hop
28:29hip-hop in hip-hop
28:31You have to give me an hour to think through that. Okay
28:34Or at least in the modern day
28:37Yeah, I mean I think feeling the only year I can remember
28:41modern day
28:44Like Drake 16 Drake 18, like those were really massive like all-encompassing years. I can't think of
28:52Another one for like a rapper with these kinds of wins back to back to back to back to back
28:58I mean
28:58I think like of course Drake 18
29:00I think statistically is where I always start just because he had the three number ones
29:04He was number one for more than half the year
29:06But the only thing I guess that makes or not the only thing but one thing that's different about this run
29:11Versus that run is that run was very spread out and it was very
29:16Sequential like I mean God's plan was sort of the dominant hit in the late winter spring then nice for what comes like
29:22Around April or so and then my feelings blows up in the summer when the album comes out
29:27You know with Kendrick it feels like all these hits are happening simultaneously
29:30Obviously we have not not like us back at number one after the Super Bowl, which in itself
29:34Let's you know, let's pause and say that song was number one in May
29:38That song was number one after the video came out in July like that now Christmas and came back again, right?
29:44like that like that shit was number one around Independence Day and here we are, you know at Valentine's Day and
29:51We've never seen a song, you know, see really Super Bowl affected jump like this
29:54Of course, we never seen a song so anticipated Super Bowl ever
29:57So we'll give that caveat of course, but but the fact that that's happening
30:01you know TV off is back in the in the top three when that was
30:04It's sort of like it might have got buried under squabble up when it first came out and then you know
30:09It had its moment
30:10But it kind of stopped and now Luther is really blowing up Luther's number two this week on the hot 100
30:15It has a good look at being number one at some point
30:19So, I mean the fact that all these things are in conversation with each other
30:22Of course not like us not even on the album and then you have stuff like all the stars and others
30:26So these catalog hits that are coming back as well
30:28You've got like you said 30 for 30 SZA and Kendrick record, which was even performed at the Super Bowl, right?
30:32But is a current single so really not only is Kendrick winning just like in terms of you know
30:38Not like us at the Super Bowl and the Grammys and all these other sort of cultural milestones that are going on
30:42But Kendrick and SZA are really establishing themselves as like one of those all-time just great
30:49Hip-hop and R&B pairs we knew that beforehand
30:52but I think just in particular with what's going on in the past couple weeks like and once this tour is right and
30:57Right, like the done like though. They are really like up there and you know, you could say JB category
31:04You could say, you know, whoever you want to put there
31:05It's like I mean would they not they're the first hip-hop R&B do it to do stadiums like around the world after J&B
31:12Yeah, I mean cuz if they were there like what 20 like 18 on the run to 2014
31:17I mean, I know Eminem didn't Eminem and Rihanna do like a couple one-off
31:20I think so for the monster look around something around that time
31:23But I guess in terms of a you know, full-fledged like or UK Europe. Yeah
31:28Yeah, and I mean clearly they've got you know, three four or five
31:31Solid proven hits that are gonna be up there filling that catalog
31:35So just that just the combination of them says number two on the Billboard 200 this week after the Super Bowl as well
31:40So and that's a well came out
31:4322 I mean, I got the read, you know the reissue which obviously helped out and then a couple more tracks that dropped last week
31:49But yeah, just like they're one and two together, you know, the songs are really blowing up simultaneously together
31:54Like this is really as far as you know, it's it's ride-or-die a B. This is a combination that's making history
32:01I think you guys may have just like
32:03Open a can of worms with that conversation J&B verse Kendrick and SZA
32:07I mean, I'll never compare the legacies right now
32:11But in terms of all the long tails, you know what what they're doing in these
32:16Levels, right?
32:18They're setting us up for that path for sure
32:21I think I was most impressed, you know seeing stuff like good kid go back to go back to top ten seeing stuff like
32:26Money trees pop up on like the rap stripping charts and stuff
32:29Like these are songs and albums that were not performed at halftime. Yeah
32:32Love all right
32:33Also with that right people were really looking at this show
32:36Impressed by G and X went back to G and X then went back to the rest of his catalog
32:40He didn't he didn't have to direct them there himself, which I think I think is so interesting
32:45Like I don't think we've ever really gotten a Super Bowl set set list like this
32:49So to see the effects really play out across his catalog is super impressive and you know as a Kendrick fan
32:55It's nice to see these kind of commercial wins. These numbers are dope. I mean, he always was a strong commercial presence
33:00It wasn't like he was a nobody before
33:02But I think it's a sweet moment to have after
33:05so many people tried to play like he couldn't or never was able to
33:09Do stuff like this and it was just like now when he wants to he can lock in and do this
33:12It's just not his bread and butter all the time. I think it's interesting
33:16You know, I wasn't here to speak to you guys about it in terms of this performance
33:19But what I loved about it was the messaging the intentionality
33:23But also the fact that he kept it very G and X heavy. He didn't lean on
33:28The mainstream hits he could have did a love he could have did a loyalty could have did a swimming pool
33:34He didn't do free stuff like he didn't I was any back all right
33:38I don't know how many casual waiting for that like
33:41So many in the fact that you guys are saying now fans are doing their own
33:45due-diligence and diving into those records knowing that his intention at the halftime show wasn't to bring the
33:53commercial records I think
33:55That is dope yeah, that's off seeing that's a morale rise
33:59Yeah, even give that album half a mention at the show. Yeah, that shit is getting streams up
34:03like that's really fucking dope to see Wow, um, I
34:09Kendrick you got it, you know
34:14I mean listen, listen, I mean we're gonna celebrate next week, you know, the tide are we are slowly turning, you know
34:22We bring it I mean look we don't lose we all know what all's gonna bring some
34:27If Drake is number one on the albums chart and Kendrick
34:30You know if Luther does make its way to number one on the songs chart
34:33Is that gone is that gonna rain on your parade a little or be an interesting?
34:37Thing to look at in terms of like how we've seen these albums and songs land in real time
34:41Like how do you guys heard some sexy songs for you over the weekend? Have you guys heard it over the weekend?
34:46I probably know but I've seen it a lot on social media
34:49Like I've seen different people post it into their stories and you know, yeah stuff like that
34:54I think Nokia in particular is the one you know
34:56Like I mean clearly you can just sort of see it blowing up day by day and like right I've seen more people
35:01Because it really wasn't a called-out record when the album first drop. It's kind of buried in there, you know ten tracks deep or whatnot
35:07So people are finding it on their own and playing with it and doing their kind of reels
35:11I mean, it's got a lot of you know, meme comic potential. So that
35:15Then that route that's kind of how I'm seeing it out
35:17I'm not necessarily hearing, you know people drive by, you know blasting blasting the rate the record from their radio
35:24But I think it's online presence will be where it it really finds the strongest audience
35:28I think the only concern I have and this is generally for artists and now Drake is
35:35Unfortunately in that conversation. He's gonna have a decent week one
35:39What's gonna happen to three and four and that's my biggest fear where that album could just potentially collapse
35:46Outside of the top 10 well, you know
35:48We gotta see how I mean, give me a hug and Nokia going viral will be the initial saviors
35:53And I will say I think you can kind of tell a lot on your first listen and reaction to an album
35:59You can tell everything but you can tell some important things and I think after my first listen when I really didn't have a desire
36:06To run it back outside of like wanting to hear something. I hadn't caught the first time
36:11Told me that this probably won't stick around for a minute like I finished you next I was like, oh shit
36:16I gotta hear this shit again. Yeah
36:18that was not the way that I finished my first listen or second or third of this one and I only had a second and
36:22Third because it's my job. So it's like
36:28That was harsh Drake still rooted for you man champagne poppy you got faith in you brother
36:36Somebody has to
36:39We would not gonna like like throw too many tears off a potential number one album
36:43I mean, it's gonna be a success. Anyway, I mean 200,000 people would kill for that like
36:48You know, we're not going there's not too much to cry. It's not like you got a lift of spirits up too much
36:52Well, we're gonna potentially celebrate next week. I'll bring the champagne. Hey, okay poppy. You feel me?
36:59Number 14 because it's gonna be a record tying you getting too close. I don't like that
37:04I mean listen, he's one away if he secures next week. He's one away from breaking it
37:08I'm after seven. Okay, bro rapping for rappers
37:14Chasing the Beatles I don't want no Beatles
37:28You guys are gonna have to wait and see and tap in with us
37:32Next week to see what the final tally is
37:34But appreciate you guys taking it with us for another fresh episode of Billboard unfiltered. We'll see you guys next week
