• last month
The Filipina actress and singer is at the Dubai Mall to promote her new film Never Not Love You.

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01:23Come on you guys make some noise for
01:30Hi, Nadine. My name is John Luna and I'm from Pinas Music Zone.
01:34How's everything? Welcome.
01:36Great. I'm actually super excited for this one.
01:40Welcome back here in Dubai.
01:43I suppose this is your second or your third time?
01:45This is my third time.
01:46Your third time.
01:47The big question to all of our friends right here.
01:50Maybe the questions of our friends outside.
01:53Where is James?
01:56He's back in Manila. He has work to do.
01:59So he has to stay.
02:02By the way, this time, let us also welcome all of our friends in media.
02:06Starting off with Gold News.
02:09Miss Irish is here.
02:11We have some friends also from the Filipino Times.
02:14Sir Reggie.
02:16And from Pinas Music Zone.
02:18DJ Charlene Agoncillo.
02:20And some friends from EMAR, I suppose.
02:23Mr. Boy Dubai is here as well.
02:27And who else?
02:28Hello, sir.
02:30Well, Nadine, we are going to give chance to all of our friends to ask questions.
02:36So let's start off with Reggie from the Filipino Times.
02:47Good evening. Hi. Nice to meet you.
02:49I'm Reggie from the Filipino Times.
02:54I think I'm the only one from the media who apparently seen the advance screening of your film.
03:00Oh, really? Here?
03:01Yep, here.
03:02Oh, hi.
03:03We had a special screening two days ago.
03:05Oh, nice.
03:06So, okay.
03:08I think my question will be this.
03:11If you are or if you will happen to be your character in the film, Joanne, as Nadine,
03:20are you still going to choose the choices that she had made in the film?
03:27Well, because...
03:29No spoilers?
03:30No, no. I don't want to spoil anything.
03:33But it depends because whatever happened...
03:41Is it okay if I don't use the mic anymore?
03:43Because you know what she picked in the end?
03:47And the ending was kind of complicated.
03:49But then, for me, if it's meant to happen, I mean, if it's meant to be, it will still work out.
03:58So, I think she can get the best of both worlds if they try, you know.
04:05I don't want to spoil because if I don't, I'll be the one to answer.
04:08I'll go first.
04:10We'll go first.
04:11Second question.
04:14What are the realizations that you have learned on your character's fate in the film?
04:21Well, the number one thing that I've learned is sacrifices.
04:26I mean, with love, love doesn't make the world go round.
04:31So to say, not everything will make you happy.
04:35It's just love.
04:36Relationship or whoever your partner is, it depends on you.
04:41There are things that, like with John's situation, love is there.
04:48But then, it doesn't make her happy anymore.
04:51So, what makes her happy is different.
04:53So, whatever makes you happy, that's what you should follow.
04:58I mean, if it's not going to work out, don't force it because it's not meant to work out.
05:07It is a very good film.
05:09Thank you so much.
05:10Well done.
05:12No, I'm not giving any spoilers.
05:14It's so hard to answer.
05:17Have you seen it yet?
05:19Why should we watch the film?
05:21You can quote me.
05:24Am I the one interviewing?
05:26First and foremost, it's not a typical rom-com movie.
05:29Typical Filipino rom-com movie that you are expecting from a very young love team.
05:36It has an indie vibe.
05:40It is not shot in a glossy manner.
05:43A typical Filipino movie which is glossy.
05:45It is not jollox.
05:46It is not baduy.
05:47But it is very realistic.
05:50I was surprised about the plot, the storyline.
05:53I was surprised how effective the two of you acted the way delineated your character.
05:59I was surprised that there is no typical highlight in everything.
06:05It was just a real portrayal and real story of two young couples who happen to be in love
06:11and who happen to love life as well.
06:14Their struggles and their conflicts are so real.
06:17Their languages are so real.
06:19And we're going to watch later on.
06:21And you have to watch it.
06:22I do hope that it won't be censored because there will be lots of cuss words.
06:27I hope it won't be censored.
06:29Thank you, Reggie.
06:31Thank you very much from the Filipino side.
06:34Let's just acknowledge our friends also from Pinoy After Hours.
06:38Hello, Direk.
06:39How are you?
06:40Next, we have this gentleman.
06:42What's your name, please?
06:43I'm David Thomas from Gulf News.
06:45From Gulf News.
06:46And my question is, what advice do you have for the young couples who are stuck in the dilemma
06:52between love and a potentially weird career?
06:55Oh, that's hard.
06:57Just your advice to them.
06:59An advice?
07:00Well, just keep everything simple.
07:03The more you make everything complicated, the more you put stress into the relationship or the work.
07:08It's going to be so much stressful for the both of you.
07:12I mean, if the relationship is not working, then you shouldn't push it.
07:18Maybe you're not meant to be together.
07:21Or if your work isn't working for you, maybe there's another opportunity for you.
07:29You can't really force things if it's not meant to happen.
07:32I have one more question.
07:34Long-distance relationships can sometimes be difficult.
07:38What would you like to convey to those who are fighting the barrier of distance?
07:43Oh, that's hard.
07:45I've never been in a long-distance relationship before.
07:48But I think the only thing that matters is trust.
07:51For me, if you trust each other, just trust that everything's going to work perfectly for the both of you.
08:02Thank you, sir, from Gulfviews.
08:04And I suppose I'll go to this side.
08:06By the way, FYI, did we reach around 100 million sales for this movie?
08:13Oh, yeah.
08:16Now, let's go to Boy Dubai.
08:18Really? Okay.
08:20Hi, Nadine.
08:22This setup that you from the Philippines are going to abroad, Dubai, to be closer to the fans for Premiere Night,
08:30it doesn't usually happen.
08:31It doesn't happen often.
08:33So now, especially the story resonates to many OFWs as well.
08:38They are torn between relationship or career.
08:40Filipinas man or Dubai.
08:42So how does it feel now?
08:43You're coming close to your friends, to your fans here, to JD fans here,
08:48for the Premiere Night of this film.
08:50Actually, I'm really, really excited to see everyone because I haven't been here.
08:56I think the last time I was here was…
08:58Last year, right?
09:00It was in August.
09:01So I haven't seen all of them.
09:03I mean, I like being close to the fans.
09:04I like being able to see them.
09:06Because we already know that, especially the ones who are working abroad,
09:11who are far from their families.
09:12And their only connection to the Philippines are the teleseryes and everything,
09:17all the celebrities who come and visit them.
09:20So I'm really, really happy and I'm really thankful and blessed
09:24because it's showing here in Dubai.
09:28I mean, there's a lot of other movies that are beautiful as well.
09:31And the Never Not Love You, the one that was chosen to be shown here.
09:36So I'm super excited and I'm excited for everyone to see it.
09:42Who is your inspiration or who do you look up to as an actor?
09:46As an actor?
09:47It's hard.
09:48Well, for some reason, I really like Johnny Depp.
09:53I mean, he's very intricate, his acting.
09:56And it's so different from all of his characters.
09:58I mean, I like being able to switch from one character to another.
10:03It's so different.
10:04The characteristics are so different.
10:06And the mannerisms and everything are so far apart.
10:11Thank you so much and congratulations.
10:14Thank you, Boy Dubai.
10:15And to note, this film is directed by Antoinette Hadaone.
10:21My boss, DJ Charlene Agoncillo.
10:23Any questions?
10:25Where's your mic?
10:31Hello, welcome to Dubai.
10:33Anyways, my question.
10:35I'm so excited.
10:36If you can see all the fans outside.
10:40My question is, what makes you and James decide to take it to the next level?
10:46Because this movie is more mature.
10:49What made you decide to take this movie because it's more mature?
11:19We're really excited because this is something new for us.
11:23I mean, the process in working on the film, our acting.
11:29It's so much different from our old ones.
11:31Because with Never Not Love You, most of the lines were improvised.
11:38That's why it's so real.
11:42Because most of the time, we work on the script before doing the scene.
11:48So, all the lines are there.
11:49There's a backbone for the story.
11:51But then, Director Net wants a collaboration.
11:55So, she wants us to contribute to the script and to the story also.
12:03Actually, fun fact.
12:04Never Not Love You, because we didn't have an ending yet.
12:08We only had...
12:10Spoiler alert.
12:12No, no, no.
12:13I mean, we have an ending.
12:15But when we started working on the movie,
12:20when we started shooting, the script wasn't finished yet.
12:23So, what Director Net wanted was for it to be spontaneous.
12:29What she'll feel while doing the movie,
12:33or what we'll feel while doing the ending.
12:37So, it's like she decided on the ending right after the shoot.
12:42So, the ending is also very impromptu.
12:44But I mean, I guess it works.
12:46As you said, it's real.
12:48Because me and James, we wanted to make sure that everything we'll do here is so real.
12:56And there's no...
12:58You know, most of the time, we tend to overact.
13:05Because we're used to doing TV also,
13:08where there should be big movements and everything.
13:10But here, in this movie, we wanted it to be as real as possible.
13:19Yes, I'm going to this part of the audience.
13:23Hello, sir.
13:25What's your name?
13:26Christine Evold from The National.
13:29I don't know if you're aware,
13:31but you've joined the illustrious company of Theresa May this week
13:37by landing in a spot of hot bother over Frida Kahlo comparisons.
13:42Oh, yeah, yeah.
13:43I wondered, were you a consultant before the illustrious brand made that comparison?
13:48And how much do you feel you have in common with a 100-year-old disabled communist?
13:53Well, I think for me, Frida Kahlo is an inspiration.
13:58I mean, I love her art.
14:00So, I think that's why me and BYS decided to use her as a peg for the makeup.
14:06And I mean, I like having colors.
14:08I like seeing flowers.
14:10And Frida Kahlo was the first person to come into mind
14:14when we conceptualized the whole makeup thing.
14:20So, you were very much involved with it then?
14:24Thank you, sir.
14:27By the way, we would like to congratulate you also for your new single, Stay Up.
14:33And when are you going to release, by the way?
14:36Are you going to release another album from CMM?
14:39Yeah, soon, hopefully.
14:41I'm going to start working on it when I get back to Manila.
14:45How soon?
14:46Like, tomorrow?
14:47We'll see.
14:48I'll be back, I think, on Saturday.
14:52Ah, so you have time.
14:54I still have time to go around, yeah.
14:56By the way.
14:57That's nice.
14:58Any particular place that you have to be within these coming days?
15:03Oh, well, definitely going back to the desert safari.
15:07And maybe going on a yacht cruise.
15:13We'll see.
15:14Are you ready for the heat of Dubai?
15:16I'm super ready.
15:18And so is Irish as well.
15:23Hi, Nadine.
15:24How much of your character is similar to Nadine?
15:29What's the name of the...
15:32How much, I guess?
15:37Joanne is a very career-driven woman.
15:44I think that's where Joanne and me are the same.
15:48I'm very focused when it comes to my career, when it comes to my work,
15:55when it comes to all the things that I do.
15:58Just like her.
15:59But there's a lot of differences as well.
16:03Mainly one is the career plus the love life.
16:06That's different.
16:08And I guess with how she is, her attitude.
16:13Because she's...
16:15In the movie, she's a bit impatient.
16:19So I'm the opposite.
16:21But mainly it's just the career.
16:23It's pretty much the same.
16:27Well, follow-up question.
16:29How close is James to his director, Gio?
16:32Sobrang layo.
16:34Very, very different.
16:35Because Gio is short-tempered.
16:39He's a bad boy.
16:41And he's very reckless.
16:43James is the complete opposite of Gio.
16:49Thank you, Nadine.
16:50From this part, I thought you're going to ask Cholo.
16:52Come on, Cholo.
16:56Hi, Nadine.
16:59So we left work early just to see you.
17:02I'm Rosanne.
17:03I'm from the content creator group, which is Dayo.
17:06And I also wrote...
17:08I'm not plugging.
17:09I wrote a book called,
17:10Practicing Missing Scope Book Under Psycho.
17:12And I wrote this because of the social media age of
17:16hashtag relationship goals.
17:18So my question is,
17:19how do you think this movie will speak to the
17:23quick crowd online,
17:26which is just uploading couples together
17:30on Ferris wheel or travel goals.
17:32Those are hashtag relationship goals.
17:35So what truth does this movie want to speak
17:39to this day and age of couples?
17:42I think it's an eye-opener for young couples, especially.
17:46Because in the movie, it's not just love
17:49that we're talking about.
17:50We're talking about career.
17:51We're talking about family.
17:52And I noticed that millennials are so into
17:57the concept of love.
17:58Like who got lions and all.
18:02Anything about love.
18:03You see their eyes sparkling when love is being
18:08talked about.
18:09Like them and their friends.
18:11So I think this will show them what love truly is.
18:15That it's not just happy moments.
18:17It's not just kilig.
18:19Yeah, it's not just romance.
18:22It's a truth.
18:26When you're coming of age,
18:27it's not just the relationship you have to worry about.
18:30You have to worry about your family.
18:32You have to worry about your career, too.
18:34Because you are growing older.
18:36And then you can't just survive with love.
18:39So I think that's pretty much what they will get
18:43from this movie.
18:50That's quite deep.
18:53You can't survive with love alone.
18:56And for some, they need love to survive.
19:00Right, Shirley?
19:03She's not here.
19:04Lerek from Pinoy After Hours.
19:07Lerek Ray.
19:30In real life.
19:35That's kind of hard to answer.
19:36Now I'm thinking about it.
19:40I don't think so.
19:41Because me and James, we're really just relaxed all the time.
19:46We're chill.
19:47And the difference between Joanne and Gio and me and James
19:51is that our relationship is working alongside with our careers.
19:55So there's no...
19:57There's no issue in the movie.
20:02James and I don't have that.
20:04So I don't think there's an issue.
20:08We have each other, Gio and Joanne.
20:12But I'm still thinking about it.
20:14Looks like there's none.
20:15Looks like there's none.
20:17Maybe she'll update you on social media.
20:21You're a girl of talents.
20:22You sing, you dance, you take photos, you're a photographer.
20:26Now you're venturing into video directing.
20:30In fact, you're collaborating with Derek Peterson.
20:35How does it feel like collaborating with Derek Peterson
20:38on a James Reid MTV?
20:43I love working with Peterson.
20:45We're not just workmates, we're also friends.
20:48And Peterson is...
20:50He's my training wheels.
20:53He taught me a lot.
20:55Actually, we shot my music video first.
20:58Before we worked on James' one.
21:01I learned so much from him.
21:03And I would very much like to work with him again in the future.
21:07Any other questions?
21:08Ladies and gents.
21:10This is your chance and your only chance.
21:14Okay, sir.
21:21I also saw your movie.
21:23And I just thought...
21:25That's so unfair.
21:29In the movie, you come from a province in Zambales.
21:33And do you speak their language?
21:35Or did you learn it?
21:36How did you do it?
21:37I really learned it.
21:39I have a Zambal coach on set.
21:42Every time I have a scene where I have to speak in Zambal,
21:46it's quite hard, actually.
21:48Because the language is almost Tagalog.
21:52But there are differences.
21:56It's hard for me to memorize something that I don't understand.
22:00So someone...
22:02My coach, he's Sir Norman.
22:04I don't know if you've heard of him.
22:07He's my Zambal coach on set.
22:11Every time I have Zambal lines,
22:13he has to explain to me what this word means.
22:16But at least I know how to say it properly.
22:20And of course, we Zambalists are OFWs.
22:28Oh my God.
22:29That's the only thing I can't do.
22:31Because the lines are fed.
22:35Huh? Sorry?
22:41I also have a coach here.
22:43I love you.
22:44I love you.
22:45I love you.
22:48Anymore questions?
22:50I think we're going to close our press conference.
22:53And up next, by the way, it's an exclusive interview with Gulf News.
22:56And before we close,
22:58this is the tag that is really catchy when I saw the poster.
23:03It says,
23:04love is delicious,
23:09That's what we always read.
23:12But maybe not.
23:15So how do you find love to close our press conference?
23:20Well, for me,
23:21I mean, love is amazing.
23:23Love changed me.
23:26Last year was a really tough year for me.
23:29A lot has happened.
23:31And I think James was one of the most.
23:36He helped me the most.
23:38I needed so much.
23:39Because love is understanding.
23:40Love is unconditional love.
23:45He's helped me so much.
23:50I mean, love is different for everyone.
23:53For me, it's good.
23:55Maybe for other people, it's not.
23:57It all depends on your situation, I guess.
24:01Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up.
24:03Thank you very much, Nadine Lucre.
24:06Don't forget, the number one blockbuster movie.
24:09I hope today.
24:12Nice to see you again.
24:14I hope to see you again.
