• last month
00:00Jags have a head coach in Liam Cohen, but still need a new front office exec in that general manager's spot a lot of
00:07Virtual interviews that will lead to a final list the arrest of five candidates for in-person interviews on
00:14Wednesday good for the Jags. They're getting closer
00:17Hey, how about that looking to have a complete football team where everybody is on the same page?
00:22And I look they're interviewing guys that most people have never heard of but honestly making that decision because you need a general manager and a
00:29Head coach on the right page here typically Ben what happens in NFL franchises GM comes in picks his coats
00:34This was the opposite way around this was the coach coming in basically saying now
00:37I just need my right-hand man. That's gonna work with me not against me and my calls
00:42He's going to execute so I like the way Jacksonville is thinking now in this Liam Cohen's franchise. Let's make no bones about that
