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These toy train stories are all based in the snow and include Thomas and his friends along with Tom Moss up to his usual tricks.
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00:23It's a very snowy day, and the engines are enjoying the snow.
00:28Yay, snow!
00:41I love clearing the snow!
00:46Hi, Funding!
00:59Can't get me!
01:04Oh, you got me!
01:07But not all the engines are enjoying the snow.
01:11Oh, I don't like the snow.
01:16You freeze in the snow.
01:20You can slip and fall on the ice.
01:24And it's really cold.
01:29I'm too scared of the snow.
01:34Hi, Percy. Do you want to build a snowman?
01:38Yeah! Ben and Frosty have already started.
01:42There we go. All done.
01:45No, I'm going to stay here.
01:49Okay, let's go.
01:53Percy is missing out.
01:55Percy is missing out. The snow makes everything look magical.
02:03Yeah! Also, you can do this.
02:15I'm okay.
02:21Oh no, it's another snowy day.
02:25Why does it have to snow?
02:29Hi, Percy.
02:32Are you coming out of the shed today?
02:35No, I'm going to stay in.
02:40You're missing out, Percy.
02:43Fine, I'll leave.
02:46Oh, it's very icy.
02:49No, I'm going back inside.
02:52Oh, okay.
02:55Well, we can bring all the fun snow activities to you.
03:03There we go. Another snowman.
03:07Yay! I'm going to catch a snowflake.
03:23Just miss me!
03:29What's everyone doing over here?
03:32We're over here so Percy can join in with the fun.
03:38Thanks, everyone. With your support, I'm going to go out in the snow.
03:48I caught a snowflake.
03:51This is cool.
03:58Wow, everything is magical.
04:02Hi, Duck.
04:04Yay! Percy is out in the snow.
04:11This track is slippery.
04:16Uh-oh, I've slipped.
04:20Don't worry.
04:23We can help you onto the track.
04:31Thanks for helping me.
04:34We look after each other in the snow.
04:37With your support, I could go in the snow.
04:41And I love the snow now.
04:45Wahoo! It's almost Christmas.
04:47Hi, Rascal Fungling. Are you looking forward to Christmas?
04:51Yeah, but it's not as fun when you know you're not on Santa's nice list.
04:58Sorry to hear you're not on the list.
05:01No, I meant you're not on his nice list.
05:05Wait, what? I'm not?
05:10Nope, sorry. I thought you knew. Bye now.
05:14Bye now.
05:16Why am I not on the nice list?
05:19I still have time to make it onto the list.
05:22I just need to be extra nice until Christmas.
05:28Phew, this job is tiring.
05:32Why, hello, James.
05:34Hi, Fungling.
05:36I recently found out I'm not on the nice list.
05:39So I'm offering to paint any engine for free.
05:41Oh, yes please, Fungling.
05:44Okay, James.
05:46There we go.
05:49What is it?
05:51Hey, you didn't paint me red. You painted me black.
05:55Oops. Oh, Fix-It Fungling must keep his black paint in the red paint tin for some reason.
06:02Oh, this isn't what I asked for, Fungling.
06:05Sorry, James.
06:07Oh dear, today hasn't got off to the best of starts.
06:12Ah, I love pulling the express in the snow.
06:18Who wants some food? Fresh from my barbecue.
06:23Oh, food?
06:25Yes, Gordon. I'm trying to be extra nice. Would you like some food?
06:29Yes, please.
06:31I can offer you a hot dog.
06:33Sounds perfect.
06:35Okay now, where is it?
06:37Oh, oh dear. Okay, the hot dog has gone mouldy.
06:44Er, I think I'll have something else.
06:48Oh, how about a cookie?
06:50Why are you barbecuing a cookie?
06:53Because it tastes great.
06:55Oh, not you too. It's mouldy as well.
07:00Oh, that's very mouldy.
07:03Well, the only thing I have that's not mouldy is this box of granola.
07:08Oh, well…
07:10I'll barbecue it for you.
07:13Hmm, it could be a bit boring for Gordon, so let's add a tiny little bit of Super Mega Spicy Sauce.
07:23There, here you go.
07:26Er, thank you.
07:28Oh, that's hot. Very hot.
07:33Do you like it?
07:35No, it's too spicy. Oh, my mouth is on fire.
07:40Why did you add Super Mega Spicy Sauce to granola?
07:44Oh, here comes Gordon.
07:47And there goes Gordon.
07:50I need to cool down.
07:51Oh, that's better.
07:54Oh, Funling, I did not enjoy that.
07:58Oh, sorry Gordon. Oh dear, I seem to be making things worse.
08:05Hi Captain Funling, I'm trying to be really nice. Can I help you with this?
08:11I'm trying to be nice too, to get on Santa's nice list.
08:15Er, good luck with that. But can I help you?
08:19Yeah, this coal is for Thomas and the diesel fuel is for Diesel.
08:24I'll leave this with you while I do other nice things.
08:28Sure thing. Wait, which one was for Diesel? Oh, I'm sure I'll figure it out.
08:34I'm here Captain Funling.
08:37Oh, you're not Captain Funling.
08:39Oh well, can you load up my truck please?
08:42Sure thing, Diesel. Er, now which one was for Diesel again?
08:47I think you said that coal was for Diesel. There you go.
08:52Thanks. Bye.
08:54Yes, I finally did something right.
08:58Hi Funling, please can you give me my coal?
09:03Here it is.
09:06There you go.
09:08Thanks Funling. Bye.
09:11Wait, did he say coal?
09:17Oh dear, I've ran out of fuel. Truck, please can you pass me some fuel?
09:22Nope. Sorry, I'm only carrying coal.
09:26Oh dear.
09:27Truck, please can you pass me some fuel?
09:30Nope. Sorry, I'm only carrying coal.
09:34Oh, that Funling gave me the wrong thing and now I'm stuck on a crossing.
09:40Watch out Diesel, you're on the crossing.
09:43Slow down Thomas.
09:48Oh, I ran out of coal.
09:51I ran out of fuel too and that Funling gave me your coal.
09:55Oh no, you have my fuel.
09:58Oh Funling.
10:02Funling, you got it wrong.
10:04Oh, I'll never make it onto the nice list now.
10:08I don't think he was ever going to make it onto the nice list to be honest.
10:13Oh, but now neither will I.
10:16Hello Funling, are you alright?
10:18No Jolly Funling, I'm not on Santa's nice list this year and everything nice I'm trying to do is going wrong.
10:26Huh? I work quite closely with Santa and I'm sure you are on his nice list.
10:36Of course. It's not all about being nice in the few days before Christmas, but about being nice for the whole year.
10:45Phew, that is a relief.
10:48Then why did Rascal Funling tell me I wasn't on the list?
10:52Rascal Funling? Well, he's definitely not on the list, but you are Funling, so relax and have a Merry Christmas.
11:04Thomas, I know it's almost Christmas, but I have a few jobs I still need you to do.
11:10Please can you deliver these presents to the school?
11:14Oh, and Henry has collected all of the letters written to Santa and needs to deliver them, but there's still snow on the track of part of his journey.
11:22Please could you clear it?
11:24Of course.
11:26Oh, and please can you make sure the snow monster is still fast asleep? We don't want it ruining Christmas.
11:32I'll check.
11:34Thank you Thomas.
11:36No problem.
11:40But someone followed Thomas all day.
11:44Tom Moss!
11:55Alright then, let's clear this snow off the track for Henry.
12:00But Tom had other ideas. He wanted to undo all of Thomas' good work.
12:13Okay then, let's see if the snow monster is still asleep.
12:19Yes, it's still asleep.
12:22I'll leave it alone.
12:31But Tom wanted to wake the snow monster up.
12:37Oh no!
12:39Oh no!
12:41Oh no!
12:43Oh no!
12:45Oh no!
12:47Oh no!
12:48Let's wake the snow monster up.
13:01Tom's ... were working. He'd covered Henry's path in snow, taken Thomas' presents and woken up the snow monster.
13:10This was going to be a Christmas, no one was ever going to forget.
13:14get. Oh, I can't wait till Christmas. Ah, here comes Thomas. Hi, Fun Leng. Hi, Thomas.
13:26Looking forward to Christmas? Yeah, I've just got to finish doing some jobs. Ah, is one
13:32of those jobs clearing that snow off the track? No, I've already done that. Oh, well, didn't
13:40do a very good job, did you? That's strange. All I have left to do is deliver these presents.
13:46Er, what presents? What? Oh no, someone's taken the presents. What is going on? Someone's
13:54undoing everything that I've done. Yeah, next thing you'll tell me is that you checked the
13:59snow monster was asleep, but someone woke it up. Ha ha. Uh oh. Oh no, who's doing this?
14:16Uh oh, I think I know. It's Thomas and he has your presents. I can't let him get away.
14:26I'll chase after him. What can I do to help? Can you clear the snow off the track for Henry?
14:32He's on his way. He might crash. Yes, Thomas. Right. Phew. Tom, give me the presents back.
14:51Uh oh. Phew. There, all of the snow is cleared just in time. He did. But just around the
15:16corner. Uh oh. Watch out, there's snow on the track. Uh oh. Well done, Funny. You caught
15:34Tom. Oh yeah, I did. Uh oh, the snow monster. Sorry Tom woke you snow monster. To say sorry,
15:49why don't you take a present? Ah, looks like everything worked out in the end. Yeah, now then,
16:07Tom's not going anywhere and these presents still need delivering. So let's sort that out next.
16:13Yeah. And together they delivered the presents. But when they got back, oh no, Tom has escaped.
16:25Oh well, at least we fixed everything he'd done. Tom didn't ruin Christmas in the end.
16:35Thomas, Will and Ben were looking forward to Christmas.
16:38My favourite part of Christmas is probably all the presents. What? That's my favourite part.
16:45You can't have the same favourite thing as me. Yes, I can. Okay, you two, you both enjoy the presents.
16:54What's your favourite part of Christmas, Thomas? Well, I love the Christmas dinner. Oh yeah,
17:00that's a good shout. I love every part of a Christmas dinner. Well, except for the
17:06except for the brussel sprouts.
17:11Ew, brussel sprouts. I'm glad they only come out at Christmas. They taste horrible.
17:21Excuse me, you three. Could you help me? Sorry, I've broken down. Yeah, and I'm asleep.
17:30Please, can you help me, Thomas? Okay, Diesel, I can help you.
17:39Thanks, Thomas. Please, can you deliver these trucks? I wonder what's in the trucks.
17:46Please deliver these trucks of brussel sprouts to King Funling.
17:50Brussel sprouts. What? Brussel sprouts? Yes, thanks, Thomas.
18:00I don't want to deliver brussel sprouts. Well, Thomas, I have an idea. There are enough brussel
18:07sprouts in those trucks to feed the whole of Sodor. So why don't we hide all of the sprouts?
18:14Yes, so there won't be any left for Christmas. Great idea. Well, we're full of them.
18:23So they each took a truck of brussel sprouts and hid them around Sodor.
18:44Yay, Christmas.
19:01Merry Christmas, Chef Funling. Merry Christmas, Thomas.
19:43Thanks, Snow Monster.
19:55That's all of my brussel sprouts hidden. Mine, too.
20:00All of mine are gone. We did it. No sprouts on our plates this Christmas.
20:06Hello, Bill, Ben and Thomas. Have any of you seen Diesel? He's got a delivery for me.
20:12Oh, I don't think you'll be getting that. What? Why not?
20:17Well, we tried to make the delivery for him, but we lost all of your brussel sprouts.
20:24What? All of them? Oh.
20:28Yep, no brussel sprouts for anyone this Christmas. Which is a good thing, because nobody likes them.
20:35I like them. What? You do?
20:39Yes, well, they're green, like me, and tasty, and I could eat a hundred of them.
20:46But they're all gone. Oh, I'm sorry, Your Majesty.
20:49I didn't realise you loved them. Yes, this Christmas just won't be the same
20:54without them. Oh, actually, Your Majesty,
20:58we hid the brussel sprouts. We didn't lose them. Thomas!
21:02What? You hid them? Yes, because we really don't like them.
21:07But if you want some, there are some hidden here.
21:13Some sprouts! I'm sorry, Your Majesty.
21:16How can we make it up to you? Well, there are four of us,
21:21and there are four sprouts. I think we should each eat one.
21:25Oh no, don't waste them on us. Yeah, we really don't like them.
21:30Yeah, don't you want to save them for Christmas? Nope, we'll eat them now.
21:34Yummy! Now you!
21:39Oh, hum-num-num-num. Fine, hum-num-num-num.
21:47And? What do you think? It was actually very nice.
21:51Yeah, that was lovely. Why did it taste so good?
21:55Chef Funling prepared them. He is a very good chef, you know.
21:59I actually really enjoyed that. I kind of want some more.
22:03Don't worry, I think we can remember where we hid the rest.
22:06Oh, marvellous. So we will have brussel sprouts this Christmas. Hooray!
