• 2 months ago
Super Bowl champion Joe Theismann joins G&D and discusses the huge win in Detroit, and also sees special qualities in Jayden Daniels.

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00:00They just played the team that they're playing to get to the Super Bowl and beat them a few weeks ago
00:05But speaking of Super Bowls in this town
00:09Nobody we'd rather talk to about this run and about important football in
00:15January then Joe Theismann who joins us on the guest hotline Joe. Thank you so much for the time, buddy
00:21It is good to have you on the show. How about these commanders?
00:25How about them, huh, wow, what a what a run what a magical season guys
00:30And you know when they say 33 years since the last time we've been in a championship game
00:35That that doesn't sound as long as three decades
00:40Three decades has a ring to it like it, you know, it has been forever
00:43but this this football team is just so special in so many different ways and I the fans have just
00:50You know, they've come out in droves to embrace what this football team has been able to do and you know, we used to talk about
00:57Optimism and hopefully it will work well and the season would start well, and this has been an unbelievable run by an entire football team
01:06We've had six kickers. I mean Jaden has been I don't know why he isn't in consideration
01:11I wasn't in consideration for an MVP of the league as well as rookie of the year runaway rookie of the year
01:17The defense is playing well the offensive line has stepped up. I mean, it's been one total team effort
01:23That's been so much fun to watch
01:24So Joe through your eyes someone who did it pretty damn well in his own, right?
01:28During your playing career at that position. What makes Daniel so special so different. I
01:34Think it's his temperament his composure. I think that's where it starts
01:39The game was never too big in the beginning of the year. I don't know whether we had this conversation
01:43What somebody said? Well, how's he going to handle all the pressure? I said, he's the Heisman Trophy winner
01:48he's been under the microscope and
01:51People looking at him all of last year in college
01:54Just stepping into this role if you have the talent like he has stepping into this role is not difficult
01:59It's being able to understand and comp and compute basically in your mind
02:04What Cliff Kingsbury wants to do with the offense and he deserves a lot of credit for the way that he calls games as well
02:13Remember Tom Moore who coached Peyton Manning in Indianapolis told me once when Peyton was a rookie
02:19He said I want to do two things with him
02:20I don't want to get him beat up physically and I don't want to get him beat up mentally
02:24And I think what Cliff has done with Jaden is wonderful because even though he runs a lot people might say well
02:30You know, he's gonna get beat up running. No, he's smart. He's a smart runner
02:33He gets himself out of harm's way
02:35And he very very seldom ever takes that hit that sort of sets you down on the bench for a little while
02:41But he throws the ball down the field. We haven't had somebody throw the ball down the field this well in
02:47Decades to be honest with you. He's accurate
02:50he's cool under pressure and it's it's a very interesting study for me because when you have quarterbacks that have
02:57Athleticism like he does the tendency is to I call it seeing ghosts
03:02It's feeling pressure, but it's really not there and then trying to escape somewhere
03:07Jaden has tremendous focus
03:09Down the field
03:11Where he can stay with the targets, even though somebody you got free runners coming at him
03:16he still makes the throw makes the delivery and then he has that sense of when to get out and
03:21Make plays and do things that he needs to do and he's an uncanny runner. I mean really guys he makes people miss
03:28In so many different ways you could put a list of ten things that you really want to see in a quarterback
03:33Forget about the rookie stuff. I'm talking about a flat-out quarterback. He checks every box
03:39Mentally and physically he has great football intellect
03:43Yeah, and what I mean by that is is he has the ability to understand down in distance. Where am I on the field?
03:49I can't take a sack can't throw an interception on a first down. That's football intellect to me
03:55Joe Theismann on G and D Joe. It's one thing to have finally solved quarterback
04:01That's the whole thing frankly in football, but even larger than that
04:06Before they found Jaden Daniels and decided he was their guy this new ownership group took over it has taken them
04:14This is their first legitimate season running the team. This is their second year, but now they took over so late
04:20This was their first offseason. It's basically taken them one year in control to have the correct structure
04:26Which was not the case here since Charlie Casserly who was summarily dismissed as an executive of the year back in 2000
04:33They haven't tried it since GM hires coach coach picks quarterback and you look at the results now
04:39This is a little bit more I would say impressive than anyone could have imagined
04:43But how about the Harris ownership group and Adam Peters setting this whole thing up?
04:47I think it starts right there. It always starts at the top and I think in Adams case
04:52He's done a fantastic job putting this team together with Dan
04:56You know Josh when he took over the football team and his his ownership group. He's he did a great
05:01He did a wonderful thing. I think he stepped back like any
05:04Excellent any great executive that when you take over a company you want to take a look at what you have first
05:11You can't make rash decisions, even if it's your vision right away. You want to step back and let's evaluate what we have
05:18Let's evaluate who was on the team and then we'll make adjustments accordingly
05:22It's a great blend this football team of veterans and young guys
05:27And really if you go all the way back to the beginning of the season
05:31When this football team had about 60% of the starting units
05:36That had never won commander uniforms
05:38Your coaching staff was all new your offense was all new most of your defense was all new
05:44we still went when you know through the
05:46Trials and tribulations of the kicking game and and managed to be able to to come out on top with that now it seems
05:52So as you look at this football team
05:55There's so much newness and I was saying it reminds me in 1981 when Joe Gibbs came here
06:01We you know
06:02we were a bunch of guys that got put together had to learn a new system had a new coaching staff to deal with a
06:08Lot of newness we had veterans and then we had a lot of young guys come in
06:12And we started that season. Oh and five and we finished eight and three we finished very strong
06:18This team has finished very strong with a lot of newness around it and to me
06:24It's just it's just been fun to watch them play. They're killing me as far as cardiac arrest. I mean my gosh
06:30Yeah, I'm glad I don't have a monitor on me
06:32You know my wife and I Robin and I were watching it the other day and you know the last game and it's like
06:37You know
06:38You sort of you wait for that you wait for that moment when you're gonna jump out of your chair and go. Yes
06:43And we've had a lot of them lately
06:46Joe I want you to references, but once you go back, can you remember?
06:50I know you guys when you're together
06:52You're that strong finish to the 81 season and then and then 82 you guys are playing you're playing good football
06:57When did it go from we can do something here to we're going to do something like when did you turn it from?
07:03Optimism hopefulness and and and the like to straight-up belief that it was gonna happen, which of course it eventually did
07:08I think the latter part of 81 is when we really started
07:12I think not only us but our coaching staff sort of had an idea of what we were
07:16What we needed to be able to do and Joe continued to challenge us. He always challenged us offensively
07:22There's always something new coming in
07:24We weren't going to sit down and just go with what we had or we weren't satisfied with what we were doing
07:29It was always an effort to strive to be better and better better and we challenge each other in practice
07:34I think that's really where you get better is
07:37You just don't go through the motions in practice you try and score on the defense
07:41They try and stop you and it gets you ready for when you step into the arena and that has to happen
07:47And so I think the latter part of 81 is what really set the foundation for what we became for over a decade
07:54Joe I said to someone last night that this locker room and this group of guys
08:00They call it their brotherhood is the tightest I've seen
08:04Since o7 after the tragedy to Sean Taylor in the Gibbs
08:09locker room and I would say o5 at the end of the year was similar to that and
08:13Even though those teams didn't go on deep runs. I had remembered my whole life my mom my dad, you know
08:19People say no Joe Gibbs would do this or it was so amazing and I kind of understood it
08:23Like even though they weren't Super Bowl contenders. I said man, this is unique. I haven't felt this I get it
08:28These guys all love each other. They love the staff. We've got that in this town right now
08:33number one, how is that built and
08:36Specific to Quinn. Why is he made that work so quickly? How has he done it?
08:41Well, I think I think first of all, I think these guys really respect one another. I mean
08:48Dan's a Dan's a players coach now people misinterpret what that means
08:52They think that that's a coach that lets the players do what they want
08:55no, what it is is it's a coach that sets a standard creates an environment in a culture and
09:02Then the players execute that environment and that culture and and and there's expectations
09:08There were expectations for this football team certainly to say we're going to be an NFC Championship game
09:12If anybody ever told you that they they were sort of dreaming a little bit in the beginning of the year
09:17But as this football team came together, you almost look at it. It's a team of destiny. You don't get years like this
09:24This is a very unique
09:25experience for every member of that football team every member of the coaching staff and for every one of us that are fans in this
09:31City and all over the country that are listening. This is this is that opportunity that comes along almost, you know
09:37Once in a lifetime how many teams have never gone back to Super Bowls?
09:41How many guys have never had a chance after they've been there once has never seen it again
09:45So what they're experiencing what we're experiencing right now is this almost once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?
09:51I really feel like and I did I felt this way when I was broadcasting
09:55when we when I traveled around the country and I could walk in a locker room I could sense whether that team had a
10:02Real chance to be able to win by the brotherhood that's created by the banter that you hear by the interaction that you see
10:10That you know
10:11There are a group of guys that really care about one another and they're gonna push each other in practice to get better
10:16That's the way Daryl Green was with me
10:19Daryl was you know, Daryl Daryl was one of the toughest guys
10:22I worked against it was on my own team and he made it tough for me in practice
10:26I had to get the ball out on time if I didn't he was gonna you know
10:29He didn't really catch much because he you know, he'd probably had about 20 more interceptions, but god bless him
10:34He'd be right there. I can't all the time about that
10:36But I mean he made me but I think that's what this team has done
10:39But you you look at the leadership, you know Terry on the offensive side, you know, Bobby on the defensive side, you know
10:46You know Geron and Jonathan and and the guys that have been there and experienced this
10:51That's the other thing guys that have gone through the tough times
10:54Get a chance to talk to the guys that are new there plus other guys like Bobby you come from a team
10:59that's that's that's experienced success and you share that with the young guys and
11:04Then the young guys are held accountable
11:07Coach Gibbs in the six years. I played for him. I saw him walk through our locker room five times
11:15The locker room belonged to the players. It's our locker room. It was ours to be able to take care and manage
11:20It was our house and coach respected it enough so that he let us do our job
11:26Together as a team and then he led us in the direction we needed to go and I think Dan's done exactly the same thing
11:32He has a great understand plus I mean it's historic what we're seeing in professional football today
11:38Not only with Dan Campbell, but Dan Quinn and around the league everybody going for it on fourth down
11:44We did you know, we never really talked much about fourth down when I was playing we you know
11:50We had third and short and maybe a fourth one or two
11:53But now you know your third and shorts and your fourth and fours are exactly the same thing
11:58You have to find that play that you can execute and Jade the thing that he's you know
12:04We've twice in the last two games
12:06Critical moments. He's got the ball in his hand and he picks up. He needs four. He gets five. He needs three
12:12He needs three gets four
12:14They trust him completely and what I was really pleased with against Detroit was our running game came about
12:21And he wasn't just the runner, you know be Rob was was really running hard and run
12:26Well, of course, well, you know Austin's, you know speaks for himself as far as his abilities go making plays
12:32I mean everybody's contributing this football team whether you're in for one player you're playing for 30 doesn't matter. Everybody's contributing
12:39By the way 27 of 33 on fourth down this year
12:4481% absolutely astounding doesn't include that 12 men on the field against Detroit by the way true. No one more conversion
12:49Yeah, five of seven touchdowns in the playoffs so far for this offense after they converted a fourth down
12:57just to kind of give you an idea of how massive those decisions by Quinn and the
13:01Execution by the players have been a Joe Theismann the legendary former MVP and Super Bowl champ is with us
13:08On G and D Joe. I want to double-click on something. You said you talked about this
13:13It just doesn't happen this kind of run which is so true and poetic, but I want you to if you would
13:22Speak to this we've had a couple of people already call in I've seen people on social media saying whatever happens
13:28No, they'll be back here next year. It's just the beginning Daniels is getting better
13:32They're gonna spend a hundred million and my point is whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
13:37Nothing's given after this sees the day here. Go get this thing
13:43Absolutely. Absolutely
13:45100% and let's let's let's use the San Francisco 49ers as an example
13:50They've been doing how many Super Bowls in the last couple of years very talented football team
13:55But now all of a sudden you lose Christian McCaffrey you lose an offensive lineman
14:00Williams goes down for a while. The biggest thing in our game is how healthy are you?
14:06When did you get the crunch time and we've been very blessed and lucky at this point?
14:10We've had a lot of guys start
14:12We've had guys step up
14:13but they've been able to practice so that they can put in different types of offense and defense and they've been able to play and
14:20Execute I think wouldn't call it luck or whatever you want
14:23That's one of the things that I think has contributed to our success is we've had the guys on the field
14:28To be able to execute and do the things that they need to do
14:32And so to me, you know
14:34That's as big a part of anything is if we if we stay healthy if we can stay healthy
14:38Through another year and you know key guys can continue to play then. Yeah, we have a chance to be extremely competitive
14:45But we've seen it too often in this division and in other divisions you go from last to first in our team
14:51All somebody has to do is you get key injuries all of a sudden it changes your dynamic for your football team and what you're able
14:57To accomplish Joe. This is a treat. That's fun to talk about a team going to the NFC championship game with you
15:02This is always a blast man. Appreciate the time
15:05Thank you. Can I say one thing?
15:07Go, oh, that's right tonight is I got that I got we're we're in Atlanta
15:12You're double-dipping my wife's and I are getting ready to go to the game here this evening
15:16Notre Dame Ohio State Notre Dame wins. I will have had myself one heck of a week
15:21I gotta tell you are you what are your plans?
15:24you got to be on the sideline pregame or something that you're doing the
15:27Are you a fan? Are you a dignitary? I am a fan
15:31I am I am a fan and a very proud fan of of a lot of people that are here to cheer on the Irish
15:38Well, that's a college football Hall of Famer. Dan. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Put some respect on that man's name
15:43Mm-hmm. Good luck to you. We all well, I shouldn't say we I don't know what Danny's doing
15:47I am rooting for you tonight Joe. I will say that. Thank you. Thank you. I don't need Ohio
15:53I got a commitment for me 100% Danny. I've had enough of Ohio State man
15:57Let's you can just don't think but just pretend they're Michigan and then love them. I have a great shot
16:01I also think Marcus Freeman is one of the coolest
16:03Coolest dudes easy to root for for sure. I got if I could play golf with three people right now form a foursome
16:09He might make the cut. I love that guy. Oh, that's great. That's great. I'll tell him
16:13Please do Joe Thysman
16:16D&d you're on the fan our guy and a legend. They're pretty good January for Joe Thysman, by the way, right?
16:22How about his couple of days Alma mater for a daddy? Yeah, not bad
