• 2 months ago
प्रयागराज ( यूपी ) - प्रयागराज कुंभ मेले में सुरक्षा को लेकर रेलवे हो, जीआरपी, यूपी पुलिस, यूपी जेल पुलिस, यूपी फायर विभाग सहित सभी प्रशासनिक सेवाओं ने सभी इंतजाम किए हैं। इसको लेकर उत्तर प्रदेश अग्निशमन विभाग की तरफ से सभी प्रकार के इंतजाम हैं। जहां बड़ी गाड़ी नहीं जा सकती वहां पर छोटी गाड़ियों के इंतजाम किए गए हैं। यूपी के फायर अधिकारी शिवदास प्रसाद ने जानकारी देते हुए बताया कि सभी सेवाएं फायर विभाग की तरफ से दी जा रही हैं। हमारे पास आर्ट एडवांस रेस्क्यू टेंडर है, दूसरा वाटर टेंडर है, तीसरा फोम टेरर है और FQRV फायर क्विक रिस्पांस वाहन, एक GTV ग्रैंड टेरर वाहन है।



00:30For a safe Kumbh, the first thing we have to do is to conduct a widespread awareness campaign.
00:46And all the tents here or wherever there is a risk of fire or life,
00:53we have conducted a widespread awareness campaign for both rescue and fire.
01:00The second thing is that the awareness campaign has been conducted so that there is no fire at all.
01:08Our entire team has worked diligently at every point from the wiring of electricity to setting up a tent.
01:16In spite of this, if there is a fire, there are vehicles on many levels behind us.
01:23So we have a FQRT that we will go into it with quick action and immediately get control of the fire.
01:33If there is a possibility of getting a little bigger than that, then we have a water tender of 2500 liters.
01:39We will respond to it.
01:42If there is a fire of oil or petroleum products, we have a foam tender for it.
01:48There is a highway behind us or you can see it next to us.
01:54Along with the highway, there is also a bridge that crosses the Jamuna river and goes to the city.
02:01If there is an accident in any vehicle, then we have an advance rescue tender for it.
02:15All the equipment is available to rescue it.
02:20And our people are also available 24 hours a day.
02:25As soon as we get a notification, we immediately go to the scene and work on both rescue and fire.
02:34As I told you about our vehicle, you must be asking about JTB.
02:40What kind of vehicle is JTB?
02:42For example, an officer is going or we are not able to find out how the fire is.
02:49Is it big or small?
02:51We have a float pump in it.
02:53The float pump is such a pump that we throw it into the water.
02:58There is a pipe attached to it.
03:00We start it.
03:01We also start it from the remote.
03:03And we also start the manual.
03:05And it starts running inside the water.
03:07We get water from there.
03:09We extinguish the fire.
03:11If there is no need to run it, we feel that the fire is very small.
03:15It has happened a little from the short circuit.
03:17There is a fire extinguisher in it.
03:21We run it and extinguish the fire.
03:23And if there is a small accident for some reason, there is equipment in it.
03:30And we control the effect on it.
03:32And whatever accident has happened, we handle it.
03:38There are at least 12 stations on the side of Aral Ghat.
03:45And there are some squares in it.
03:49So there is a common fire station on the side of the Ghat.
03:52And the distance between the fire stations is 1.5 to 2 kilometers.
03:55So according to the necessity, we respond.
03:58If there is an incident in the area, we provide support to the big advocate.
04:04We provide support from the Aral where you are standing.
