• 2 months ago
Tommy Smokes | Surviving Barstool
00:00That was the moment that Rhea should have got Dave.
00:03Will Conton texted me.
00:05You'll only win the house over if you fucking cut Dave's throat.
00:08This is going to be very close at the end.
00:10Dawn, the challenge is over.
00:12But Megan wins immunity.
00:16I have an idea.
00:17Show it to us.
00:19Disease just hanging around.
00:22I guess it's a battle between us because I'm safe next time.
00:25This is Surviving Barstool Season 4, presented by Body Armor.
00:31All right.
00:32We're cool.
00:33I got it.
00:34No, I know.
00:35You tried.
00:36You tried.
00:37It worked for me.
00:38It didn't work for you.
00:39It's cool.
00:40That works.
00:41So Kelly gets voted off.
00:42Rico voted for Rhea to try to flush the idol.
00:45And nobody else did.
00:47Rhea kind of did a celebration dance on Rico's head.
00:50I have no idea why.
00:52I guess it's a battle between us because I'm safe next time.
00:57I have absolutely no idea why she was in Rico's face.
00:59She's like, I played you.
01:00I played you.
01:01Rico had no choice.
01:02Rico had to play the idol.
01:03If he didn't play the idol, he went home.
01:05It's a game.
01:06It's a game.
01:07No, I know it's a game.
01:08It's a man's game, Rico.
01:10Come on.
01:11It's a man's game.
01:13Doesn't feel like it right now.
01:14Let's go.
01:15It's a man's game.
01:16It's a mind boggle.
01:18It's a man's game.
01:22I mean, you didn't get really played like a fiddle, to be honest.
01:27You had to play your idol.
01:28You had to play your idol.
01:29We told you, you know.
01:32You almost didn't have to play it, but you did, so.
01:35Well, actually, no, you're right.
01:36I would have had to play it.
01:37Oh, you would have had to play it.
01:38I had to play it.
01:39You did get played.
01:42That was insane, Ria.
01:45You had more balls than anyone left on this fucking tribe.
01:48I'm not quite sure what Ria was doing, like celebrating like that.
01:51It kind of pissed me off.
01:52I don't want to go back on my alliance, but I wasn't sure what that was all about.
01:55And I actually hated it.
01:57I didn't like the Sully.
01:58I don't even know why she's mad at me.
02:00I didn't like the Sully.
02:01You have to flush an idol.
02:02Why is she mad at me?
02:03I didn't like the Sully at all.
02:05I don't know why Ria's upset with me.
02:06It was my only option to try and flush that idol.
02:08The big mistake was not getting Megan on board to try and flush that idol.
02:11We could have got that out.
02:12So, I don't know what she wants me to do.
02:13I'm up against it.
02:14They basically forced it.
02:15I told them I had an idol, forced it out of me.
02:18I'm on the block.
02:19What do you want me to do?
02:20Is she right?
02:21What was fucking Megan making money doing to you?
02:23She hasn't thought all game.
02:24I want her in the final.
02:25She has no chance.
02:26I love her, but I don't think she's played a good game.
02:29Why wouldn't Megan making money, who's wearing the idol, join with Rico,
02:34put the two votes on Ria.
02:37Rico has two votes.
02:38All the immunities have to be flushed,
02:40and everyone's equal going to the next round.
02:43Megan making money with a just throwaway vote on Rico.
02:49Don't attack me, Megan.
02:51The first time, now, I may be a dick and try to do whatever I can to get you.
02:54I just think I hated that celly.
02:57I guess it's a battle between us because I'm safe next time.
03:01Let me just think for a second.
03:02You're going to be a dick to get me?
03:05I'm saying I may try to fucking get you to do whatever I can to get you to the final vote.
03:12I'm 100% trying to go.
03:16If there's one, I'm 100% going to Megan making money next before you.
03:21I just got to think I hated that she celebrated in your face like that.
03:24You didn't do anything.
03:27Am I supposed to just scream at her?
03:30You're so equally frustrating to talk to because I'm on your side.
03:35I know.
03:36So what do you know?
03:37You're not supposed to scream at her.
03:38You handle it.
03:39I'm on your side.
03:40All right.
03:41Yeah, I got it.
03:42This fucking guy, though, you can only be on boss's side for like max 14 seconds
03:47until he makes you want to be against them again.
03:50It's a gift.
03:51Or I may just fucking diverge.
03:55What does that mean?
03:57I mean, if I can't sell them, you have two votes.
04:02And moves is a third vote.
04:05Yeah, that I'll get exposed.
04:07The difference between this and like the real game, like we deal with these people after.
04:12And going against Rio, I've been lockstep or even moves like they work for us.
04:17They're important.
04:18I don't want to hate my guts, which you can.
04:22And I think a big picture stuff like if I fuck Rio over is like chicks in the office.
04:29I fucked us over.
04:31That's the triple level of this game for me.
04:35Again, what was that sell you?
04:37I feel like we're losing our marbles here.
04:40Right now, my strongest alliance is Dave and Mubi.
04:43I wouldn't be shocked if Mubi felt like she had to backstab me because she's new to the company.
04:50She's new to the game.
04:52I wouldn't hold it against her.
04:54But if Dave backstab me, I would 100% take it personally.
05:11All right.
05:16You doing okay?
05:18It just sucks.
05:19It sucks so bad.
05:22Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly.
05:24Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
05:26It's fine.
05:27I wouldn't refuse to write your name right down.
05:29You did nothing.
05:30I didn't play my idol because I just was like, fuck it.
05:33I just said, no, listen to me, listen to me.
05:35Don't be upset.
05:36I'm just upset.
05:37You guys are great.
05:38I'm sorry.
05:39If it's us two, then I'm putting my hands up in the air.
05:43Of course, of course.
05:44I love you so much.
05:45You have to get there.
05:46You have to get there.
05:47You have to get there.
05:48You have to get there.
05:49You have to get there.
05:50No, no, no.
05:52Stop mentally.
05:53You know that?
05:54They're dead.
05:55Tell them to stop mentally fucking with me.
05:56They're dead.
05:57They're dead.
05:58They're dead.
05:59All of them.
06:00Please tell them to stop.
06:01After the last tribal council, I get a text from Will Compton that tells me, I'm telling
06:03you right now, if you want to win this house over, you got to cut Dave's throat.
06:08This text sent me into an absolute spiral.
06:12It's okay.
06:13You're going to be great.
06:14You're going to be great.
06:15I'm going to kill those fucking people.
06:17Yeah, kill them.
06:18They have no idea.
06:19They have no idea what's about to look in there.
06:20They have no idea.
06:21Every bit of rage, it's on them right now, and they don't know.
06:24They don't know it's coming.
06:25Kelly and I hugged it out, and she said she understands it's a game.
06:29She totally understood where everyone was coming from, and she was such a good sport
06:34about the whole thing, and I love Kelly so much.
06:37So I hope me and her are good.
06:39I think we are good.
06:40I didn't write her name down, and now I'm being told that the house is practically against
06:46me unless I take Dave out.
06:49Can I just get a fucking second?
06:51Oh, my God.
06:54I'm going to have a panic attack.
07:11If Rico gets immunity next round, what's the play?
07:15Because I feel like it's me.
07:16Because I feel like you two and Dave, all three have an alliance, and I don't know.
07:21I'm just really fucking hoping it's not.
07:23Seeing Kelly leave just absolutely crushes me, because it felt like Kelly was the closest
07:28thing I had to an alliance, and obviously those core three are just kind of picking
07:34everybody off.
07:35So I know for 100% fact that, again, if I don't win this next immunity challenge, it's
07:40me, or it's Rico Bosco, and I really, really want to make it to the last day of this game.
07:48Gang's all here.
07:58Look, people want to say that they're going to be here.
08:01Look, people want to say that they carried me through this competition.
08:04That's fine.
08:05I've won two out of the three single immunities.
08:07I'm the only one left from Moon Tribe and from the fucking Giliwanka Tribe.
08:12It's me.
08:13I'm on a fucking island, man.
08:14I am basically, I feel like I won already.
08:17This kind of feels low-key like I won.
08:20You got any immunity idols in here?
08:32Well, that could be something interesting.
08:34It's not.
08:35My tummy's starting to hurt for the next challenge.
08:40Because if Rico gets immunity, then I go home, which sucks.
08:50Rico just can't win.
08:51Just can't let Rico win somehow, someway.
08:54I think your most obvious thing is you have to win.
08:58You have to win.
09:00I've got to win both.
09:01I've got to win the four to get into three.
09:03Well, no, because theoretically I could win that and give you safety.
09:07I mean, I have one shit.
09:09I'm good.
09:10Oh, you would give me safety to the final?
09:13I appreciate that.
09:14I'm not guaranteeing it.
09:15I'm saying good.
09:16Like, right.
09:17It's on the table.
09:18Like, once you sell it on you, I switch.
09:20Like, how can I actually help you?
09:22I don't even know what to sell.
09:23Like, it was just...
09:24Yeah, I know.
09:25I know.
09:26I want to be on your side, so don't say anything else that makes me not understand.
09:27All right.
09:28Why did I change on Rico?
09:31I think the money starts being real with Rico.
09:34And there's a little bit of Rico.
09:36He's like my dog.
09:37Like, you know, I can play with my dog,
09:40and I don't like other people, like, being mean to my dog or scolding my dog.
09:44So, maybe I can get him somehow a chance to do this.
09:49I did give you an idol once before.
09:52Yeah, I know.
09:56Eye for an eye?
09:57If we're going, if I have the thing, I give it to you.
09:59Is it going to vote me?
10:02I risk that.
10:03Where is that?
10:04Two-way street?
10:06See, now you're starting to talk where I'm starting to hate you.
10:10I'm just throwing out theories.
10:11We're having laughs with the pals.
10:15I did give it, though, in the most vulnerable moment.
10:18And let's not forget, I'm helping you through your fucking javelin at my fucking face.
10:22Yeah, I have that kind of charm.
10:23You can't quit me.
10:24And you attack me.
10:25You can't quit me.
10:26You can't quit me.
10:27You attack me.
10:28You attack me.
10:29You can't quit me.
10:30You attack me over there.
10:32Don't call me dumb when I'm not fucking dumb.
10:33And I'm off meds.
10:35Gotta get him on the meds.
10:37Blockbuster Bosco.
10:40This is the first genuine time it's like, I'm going to try to get Rico to the finals without fucking over my lines.
10:47I don't know how that's going to work.
10:49I thought you were playing it.
10:50That was well played, Rhea.
10:52Well played.
10:54Smarter than me.
10:55If anybody has anything they want to play, now would be the time to do so.
11:00Yeah, I got to play mine.
11:02Okay, this is an immunity idol.
11:05Any vote against Rico will not count.
11:09Anyone else?
11:12I'll read the votes.
11:13I just trusted you guys.
11:14And if you were lying to me, I was like, all right, well then it's me or Keegs.
11:19I think you would actually have been out because if someone's lying, that means Keegs wasn't getting the votes.
11:26Keegs only had two votes.
11:27And then, but if Megan had joined Rico and did two, Rhea, two, Keegs, then it would have been between us two.
11:32Oh, so it would have been if she lied to me, which I don't know.
11:36I don't know.
11:37I don't know.
11:39Oh, so it would have been if she lied to me, which I didn't know for sure, but I trusted you.
11:45So I just said, I'm just going to trust it.
11:47And that's it.
11:48It would have been just Rhea and Keegs and it would have been a revote.
11:50In hindsight, it doesn't matter anymore because she has it and that's it.
11:54Tactically, that was probably an arrow by you unless you guys have some secret alliance I don't know about.
11:59If it was Megan, she probably should have thrown it on you just to flush it.
12:03I think Dave knows that he's really safe in this game.
12:07One, because half of the people that he wanted gone are gone.
12:11And two, he's the boss.
12:13No one really wants to piss him off.
12:15And he's just giving advice to people.
12:17Oh, I think you should flush out the idol or you should have flushed out Rhea's idol.
12:21Oh, you should have voted for Rhea.
12:22You should have done this.
12:23You should have done that.
12:24I voted for Rico because Rico was a fucking idiot.
12:28As soon as he could, he gave his immunity necklace to fucking Dave.
12:32Who the fuck gives their immunity away?
12:35What are you doing, Rico?
12:37So yeah, that's why I voted for you.
12:39That was stupid as shit.
12:41She was nice.
12:43That's what I've been all game, unfortunately.
12:47Still here.
12:49That's a good calling card to have.
12:51And I bet I told Kelly.
12:53Kelly was the closest thing I had to an ally.
12:55I couldn't.
12:56That's all I had.
12:57She was the only one left.
12:58I wasn't going to write her name.
13:00And I wanted Rico to use his idol and he did.
13:02He had to.
13:03I had to.
13:06No, no, yeah.
13:07I'm really happy you did.
13:08I had to.
13:09I was going if I didn't.
13:19You gotta win this challenge.
13:21One of us needs to.
13:22One of us has to.
13:23Because they were talking about how I should not have listened to you.
13:26And if I just would have voted for you, I would have flushed out your idol.
13:28Who said that?
13:32There's only two people here that would say that.
13:37I said potentially, but I don't want to start anything.
13:39Like, I don't want you to, like, I just overheard them.
13:41Because he's like, that was a stupid move, so.
13:44But Rhea, Rhea, don't.
13:45No, Megan, please.
13:48I'm just, okay, I'm not going to say it, but it's just like.
13:50No, I know, but it's just like, that puts me, I wanted to relay that,
13:53but that also puts me in an awful position.
13:54So, if you want to figure something out, we can.
13:57Dave already said, in front of Megan and me,
14:02that it was kind of dumb that Megan didn't write my name down.
14:05Technically, that was probably an error by you,
14:07unless you guys have some secret alliance I don't know about.
14:10If it was Megan, she probably should have thrown it on you just to flush it.
14:13Whatever, I understood what he was saying.
14:16But when Megan approached me, she kind of worded it in a way,
14:19she was like, somebody, you know, said that I was dumb for not writing your name down.
14:25I go up to Rhea, I tell her, and she gets really upset,
14:28and pretty much tells me to fuck off.
14:30Now she's going to gun for me.
14:32I was just trying to relay information.
14:34I've just been playing this game too nice, I think.
14:36Just so you know, I explained it very poorly to Rhea.
14:38I was like, Dave said I thought I was stupid about flushing out your idol,
14:40and she thought that you were gutting for her, and now she's upset,
14:43just because of the way that I said it.
14:44You said it in front of her.
14:45I don't know. She's mad at me now.
14:46Now I'm like, what the fuck is happening?
14:50I'm tired of these guys texting me.
14:52And on one hand, I don't want to tell Dave,
14:54because I don't want to be like a tattletale,
14:56and everyone thinks I'm a loser for telling Dave,
14:58but on the other hand, I'm like, fuck these people.
15:01Let's fuck them all in the end, and I don't even care what you have to say.
15:05I'm going to go to the end, and I'm not going to vote Dave out
15:08just because you guys want me to.
15:10This is a disaster.
15:11We can all figure something out.
15:13Okay, Megan.
15:19Just remember it's all a game, I guess.
15:23I thought she was planting in my head that Dave wanted me out,
15:28and after I received that text from Will Compton,
15:30I'm like, they're telling Megan to fuck with me now,
15:34and if I've been saving Dave this entire time
15:38just for him to get me out,
15:42I'm going to lose my mind.
15:44Like, I'm really going to lose my mind,
15:46which is happening.
15:48I am losing my mind.
15:52I have nothing to do with you.
15:54No, I want to make sure you're all right.
15:58Just a game at a time.
16:00I know, it's just...
16:02I think we're all ready to crack.
16:04Everyone is just fucking with my head, like, a lot.
16:08Yeah, I think we're all ready to crack.
16:12Megan, it's not you.
16:14I'm not really sure.
16:15No, it's not you,
16:18and I know people from the other house are probably texting you, so...
16:21No, no one's texting me at all.
16:23You don't have to show me.
16:25I don't even want to look.
16:27No, I don't want to look at your phone.
16:29I trust it. It's fine.
16:31I don't want to get paranoid, so it's all right.
16:33No one has texted me from the other house.
16:35I texted Kelly, and that's the only person I've texted since I've been here,
16:37and she didn't even text me back.
16:39Hand to God, I'll shake your hand on it.
16:41I'm a very bad liar.
16:43No, it's fine.
16:45People are fucking with my head right now.
16:47No, I'm not.
16:49No, it's not you.
16:51I don't want to talk about it right now,
16:53but there are people that I will tell you after this.
16:57There's just people fucking with my head right now,
16:59and that's why I'm bugging out a little bit.
17:01Just wait, okay?
17:05What the hell's going on?
17:07I don't know.
17:15I'm close.
17:17I'm going to try to save Rico.
17:19I told him. I was like, let me see what I can do.
17:21But before I really had time to do that,
17:23Ria, who was crying as we walked into the challenge,
17:25and she's like, I'll tell you about it after.
17:27I'll tell you about it after.
17:29People are just fucking with me.
17:35From the other house.
17:37What's that?
17:39From the other house.
17:41How is that possible?
17:43Texting me.
17:45And you're not going to be happy when you hear it.
17:47All right, bring them on in.
17:49Okay, everybody.
17:51Your second-to-last immunity challenge.
17:53I walk out to this table in front of me
17:55that's shaped like a triangle
17:57and sort of has, like, obstacles in it,
17:59like a maze.
18:01It's like a balancing thing,
18:03sort of like what you play at, like, the movie theaters.
18:05And this challenge is really important
18:07because the only people that are left
18:09are me, Dave, Ria, the trio,
18:11and Rico and Megan making them up.
18:13And Rico and Megan making money.
18:15Five people left
18:17in this game.
18:19Here's how this game works.
18:21You each will have three balls,
18:23very similar to pool balls.
18:25You will start them out one at a time
18:27in your starting position on your balance board.
18:29You will then use the handles on the balance board
18:31to navigate the ball
18:33to the end of the maze.
18:35When it gets to the end of the maze, you'll line it up
18:37and try to fire that ball into the hole.
18:39You cannot shoot the ball in the air.
18:41You must roll off the front
18:43of your board.
18:45First person to make three balls
18:47in the center hole
18:49wins the challenge, wins immunity,
18:51and is into the final four.
18:53All right, first things first.
18:55Megan, you've worn it twice. That's pretty great.
18:57But now, you've got to
18:59compete to wear it a third time.
19:01Immunity is back up for grabs in this
19:03challenge. Okay.
19:05The ball's going in the hole
19:07or ending up on the table, on the floor,
19:09in the gutter.
19:11Let's see who can get three balls in the hole
19:13first. Whoever does it wins a challenge,
19:15wins immunity, and is into the top four.
19:17I'll count you down from three.
19:19Three, two, one, go.
19:23Is it speed or is it patience?
19:29Quick start for Rico.
19:31He's going to have an early shot attempt here.
19:33Rico's first attempt
19:37not good.
19:39Hits the side of the hole, but Rico has the hang
19:41of this thing already. The ball game
19:43is fun. I get a hook of it real early.
19:45You can be a little strong with it to get to
19:47a certain spot. Then you've got to reset.
19:49Then you've got to finagle it to another spot.
19:51You can reset, and then you can shoot.
19:53I have a pretty good hook on this game.
19:55Rico's shot attempt is
19:57rimmed out.
20:01two great shots. Mubi has had her first
20:03attempt. I have to focus on me
20:05and my board and not focus
20:07on the other boards, and I have to focus
20:09on going very slow
20:11and getting it to the top and then holding
20:13it and kind of shooting it out.
20:19Dave's shot.
20:21Short. Way short, Jeff, and I
20:23blocked myself. Rico back into the gutter
20:25with success for the first time, now struggling a little bit.
20:27Dave's second
20:29shot attempt potentially.
20:31In the gutter. I'm going to be
20:33rough with this game. My board will not make it.
20:35Osco navigating the ball.
20:39Rico's shot is
20:41long, and now he will have all three
20:43balls returned by Tommy.
20:45Rico had three good shots, but nothing in.
20:47If Rico wins immunity,
20:49I'm fucking out. This is
20:51my last chance to truly save myself.
20:53Rico's is short.
20:55Rico, the most shot attempts by far
20:57so far, but none in.
20:59Mubi looking for her second shot attempt.
21:01Jesus hell.
21:03It was hard as fuck.
21:05It's just a time thing.
21:07Rico's next shot is no good.
21:09Rico has a ton of shots,
21:11nothing in. Listen,
21:13if Mubi wins, that's great.
21:15If Megan wins, that's great.
21:17If Dave wins, that's great. If Rico wins,
21:19it throws the whole plan
21:21for the next elimination out
21:23the window.
21:27Nobody has any in.
21:29At this point,
21:31do I want to win the game? Yes, of course.
21:33I want to win every challenge, but I do
21:35have an idol that is keeping me safe
21:37that can only be played one more time.
21:39So I'm like, who is going
21:41to win this?
21:43How are we going to vote after this?
21:51Rico's shot. Oh!
21:53Skips over the hole. The ball
21:55just will not go in. The ball limps out.
21:57It's fucking ridiculous.
21:59Here we go. He's through the maze
22:01again. Struggling for a bit.
22:03Can Rico score? You've got to be
22:05fucking blowing me. You've got to be fucking blowing
22:07me. Not getting the hometown bouncing
22:09right now. His ball
22:11is right on the edge where Dave
22:13could potentially hit it in. Lines it up.
22:15Drops it.
22:17Just right. Skims
22:19the edge.
22:21Dave has the hang of it.
22:23Patience from Dave.
22:25The shot hits the wall.
22:29Tommy! What the hell,
22:31bro? Tommy returns all the balls to
22:33Megan and Dave.
22:35Dave finds some room.
22:39Rico's next shot is short.
22:47Dave's next shot is
22:51in! And Dave has the first
22:53ball in this game.
22:55He's two away from unity.
22:57Nobody else has any. Dave clearly
22:59has played the game before
23:01because he was dialed in.
23:03The shot from Dave is
23:05almost down. Hits the side
23:07of the hole. Rico's
23:09next shot hits his ball and he
23:11will have his return. Megan,
23:13her third ball.
23:15That one, though.
23:19It's in!
23:21Megan has one now as well.
23:23Megan will get two balls back.
23:25She's tied with Dave.
23:27Rico has burned the edge of that hole
23:29multiple times. Dave, a wild
23:31shot. Now Tommy will recover both. What the
23:33fuck, dude? Dave
23:35will let another one fly. The speed
23:37is good and the shot
23:39is short!
23:41And the tough thing is he must have both
23:43balls returned. He thought it would be
23:45a freebie because it was on the edge, but it was his
23:47second ball. Unbelievable
23:49luck I'm having. How can we not say mom
23:51ribbing out?
23:59Rico is in!
24:01And it rimmed out but benefited
24:03by his ball being on
24:05the edge as well.
24:09After all that frustration, Rico has a
24:11shot for two.
24:13Rico's shot
24:15is in, and Rico Bosco
24:17is one away from winning immunity.
24:19It's me and Rico versus
24:21the world right now, and Rico and Dave
24:23are both playing really,
24:25really well. Dave, another
24:27shot attempt coming up to tie Rico Bosco.
24:29Dave's shot ricochets off
24:31his other ball and almost in
24:33but hangs on the edge.
24:35I'm telling Rico, I said, dude, you gotta win
24:37or you're out.
24:39And it's between me and Rico.
24:41Dave, another chance
24:43at it. Will it be on line?
24:45It is! And Dave
24:47has tied up Rico. Dave and
24:49Rico with two apiece.
24:51Each will have a shot at immunity
24:53the next time their ball reaches the end of the maze.
24:55Rico gets one.
24:57Dave gets one. Rico for the win,
24:59no good, wide left. Rico
25:01misses. Dave's shot for
25:03immunity is to the left.
25:05Dave misses. Dave
25:07now, close to another shot.
25:09The speed has been down. It's
25:11lined up in the gutter.
25:13Rico with a chance, but his fall's in the gutter
25:15as well. It's been me, Dave,
25:17and Rio wanting to get in the final three
25:19110%. If Rico
25:21gets this in,
25:23we're fucking screwed.
25:25Dave, for the win,
25:27hits the wall, but Rico at the same exact time
25:29goes in the gutter. You never know if you're totally
25:31safe. As much as I want Rico to
25:33chance, I'm not going to sacrifice myself
25:35for it. So I compete as hard
25:37as I can. Bosco's had many good shots
25:39Is this it for the win? No, it bounces off
25:41the back of the hole.
25:43Too fast. He's mad
25:45at everybody, but he knows that had too much
25:55tries to kick it in
25:57with the table, and he does, and
25:59Dave wins immunity.
26:01It is safe from elimination.
26:03A crazy move at the
26:05end there. Lined it up,
26:07and he is into the final four.
26:13I can't believe I won.
26:15Dave wins the challenge.
26:17I'm elated
26:19because that's my alliance. Rio's safe.
26:21I'm safe immediately. Lit.
26:23Individual immunity is yours. You are safe
26:25as long as you want to keep it, and into
26:27the final day. Now,
26:29the question is, who will go to
26:31the jury? Is it Megan? Is it
26:33Mubi? Is it Rico? Or is it
26:35Ria? It's the final time
26:37you can play your immunity
26:39idol at the final five Tribal
26:41Council. Someone will join the jury.
26:43The rest will move into tomorrow.
26:45Strategize, talk things out, figure out
26:47what you want to do, and I'll see you at Tribal Council
26:49very shortly, everybody. Game ends.
26:51I have the immunity, so
26:53on the block, Mubz,
26:55Megan making money, and
26:57Rico. For me, it's clear
26:59Megan making money is next to go
27:01for me, but everyone else is saying
27:03that it's Bosco.
27:15I'm 100% going to Rico,
27:17even if he pulls me aside and
27:19tries to get me to not vote for him.
27:21I am 100% voting
27:23Rico Bosco, and
27:25I just, I can't write Megan's name down.
27:27I can't believe the challenge
27:29you win is the one you fucking just
27:31rammed it right up my ass.
27:33You're going to win one challenge,
27:35and you were like,
27:37right up the poop chute
27:39for old time's sake. I thought
27:41about it at times. You didn't think about it?
27:43I did. I did think about it,
27:45but it's like, then what if I'm gone?
27:47I still want to win.
27:51It's a pizza three.
27:53I thought it meant something.
27:55The pizza four is
27:57me, Ria,
27:59Dave, and Rico.
28:0110th person eliminated. Second member of our jury.
28:05I heard he was calling us the pizza four.
28:07I heard he was calling us the pizza four.
28:09That's heartbreaking.
28:11That sucks.
28:13Yeah, Dave wins this challenge. A guy can't win a challenge
28:15to save his life, and the last time he gets to ram it
28:17up my ass, he does, so I'm sure he's laughing
28:19about that.
28:21Good run.
28:23I think it's me. I think it's you too, but
28:25it's not totally over. I'm going to see if I can
28:27get them to keep you, but I don't know how that's going to happen.
28:29She's going to talk to me about something.
28:31I don't know if she's saying people from the house are
28:33fucking with her. I don't know what the fuck she's talking about.
28:35That might help me with Megan, maybe.
28:37It's one of those... I don't know.
28:39Help you with who? Megan? Just get Megan, yeah.
28:41Try to make it Megan.
28:43Yeah, but what is the other...
28:45Ria's like... I don't know what she's talking about.
28:47I got nobody to talk to, so I might as well eat some
28:49fucking popcorn.
28:51Well, yeah, you're in trouble.
28:57What were you mad about before?
28:59Can we just go talk?
29:01Yeah, while we went to our bunk?
29:05So I thought Megan
29:07was fucking with me through the people in the house
29:09because Will texted me, and he was like
29:11if you want any chance of anyone voting you
29:13in this house, you'll cut Dave's throat out.
29:15And I was like, I didn't answer
29:17because I'm not going to do that. Will wrote that?
29:19Yeah, he texted me. Will Compton.
29:21Obviously, I got really upset because I was like
29:23I'm not doing that, and now everyone in the house
29:25over there
29:27hates me because I've been so locked in
29:29with you, and I'm not fucking him over
29:31and they're trying to get me to fuck you over
29:33and I'm not.
29:35Ria has strung Will Compton along like a fool
29:37the entire time, and she's been
29:39telling me this. I have Will in my pocket.
29:41He reached out early. He thinks we're an alliance.
29:43I can get information out of him.
29:45He's just a big guppy fish, Will Compton.
29:47Just bump, bump, bump, bump. What can I eat?
29:49Ria's throwing out little crumbs.
29:51Will's swimming around eating them.
29:53She gets a text from Will, big guppy Will.
29:55If you don't slit Dave's throat,
29:57you'll get no votes.
29:59I took that to mean
30:01he was mad about the pink wedding
30:03and the beatdown that I put on the
30:05Boston boys and his entire tribe
30:07and the way I emasculated them.
30:09But then I started panicking, and I was like
30:11I don't want you to think I am. I don't want you to do it to me.
30:13I literally had a breakdown about it
30:15because I'm like, why is Will Compton texting me this?
30:17Because I got Will out.
30:19I know, and I'm like, why?
30:21I know, and that's why I didn't want to like
30:23Then I started panicking. I was like, I don't want to get anyone in trouble.
30:25I also, by the way,
30:27said on Tribal, which they were watching,
30:29that me and Big Cat's only game
30:31was beat Will Compton
30:33and Taylor Moore.
30:35It was as soon as I got my phone back,
30:37it was a text from Will Compton,
30:39if you want any chance at winning,
30:41then you have to cut Dave's throat.
30:43I didn't want you to freak out.
30:45I have no plans on getting Dave out.
30:47Yes, you backstab people.
30:49Yes, you lie to people,
30:51but you gotta keep some alliances,
30:53and I plan on keeping this alliance
30:55with Dave, and honestly,
30:57I'm tired of having these guys
30:59that aren't even in the game anymore
31:01trying to tell me what to do.
31:03He was like trying to like really get in my head.
31:05Will Compton.
31:07Yeah, he texted me that,
31:09and he also texted Marty that to tell me that.
31:11So, and I was like, this is getting crazy.
31:13Like, why is everyone trying to get in my head right now?
31:15I didn't answer at all.
31:17They just want revenge on me.
31:19And I'm not gonna do that, and I wanted you to do that,
31:21but I thought that you were gonna flip out
31:23and text Will, and then I was like,
31:25if Dave screws me over, I'm gonna freak out
31:27because I saved him the whole time,
31:29and like I will not vote him out,
31:31so I just got really like paranoid,
31:33so I just wanted to tell you, and I just...
31:35Yeah, that's bullshit. I'm not even like,
31:37he's just fucking...
31:39And you understand when he was like,
31:41when he's telling me like if you want any chance
31:43like of the house like turning towards you,
31:45everyone's against me.
31:47We're as good as gold.
31:49The only thing that fucking...
31:51If Megan wins it,
31:53then she gets to pick one,
31:55and there's one left.
31:57So we've gone pretty much
31:59as far as we can go.
32:01It just is it now.
32:03Now that it's out in the open,
32:05and I told Dave what happened with Will,
32:07and he's not mad, he thinks it's bullshit,
32:09I'm kind of like, you know what?
32:11Fuck it.
32:13Sorry you guys are home.
32:15You're so mad.
32:17All the big football players are so mad
32:19they're at home.
32:21I'm still here.
32:39Oh wow, look at this.
32:41Mass shocker.
32:43This is a nice house, beautiful house.
32:45Oh, there she is!
32:49Good job, good job.
32:53Well done, well done.
32:55Hell yeah, great job.
32:57I'm proud of you.
32:59How's the hike?
33:05So is their plan to carry Dave and Ria,
33:07carry Mooby to the end, is that the plan?
33:09I think so.
33:11For sure, but Megan wanted immunity
33:13so she didn't have to think about it.
33:15I'm telling you, somebody's got to make a move on Dave.
33:17I don't understand.
33:19We've been saying that since Gilly was in the house.
33:21I don't understand how not to understand
33:23that when Dave goes to the final,
33:25no one's voting for Dave in the final.
33:27That's the whole point.
33:29Hey, by the way,
33:31I have a major bond with Nikki Keogh.
33:33Oh yeah.
33:37We were supposed to be allies,
33:39but I heard she had an alliance with Big Cat.
33:41It went beyond our alliance.
33:43I don't know why I was told it was you.
33:45Because everybody else was talking about Dave.
33:47I was shocked when I heard your name.
33:49I was shocked.
33:51Dave is playing a good game.
33:53And I'm sitting there like,
33:55hey guys, Ria can win this game.
33:57She can easily snipe Dave
33:59and make a big kill.
34:01She can still do it.
34:03She's got him in her back pocket.
34:05And so was I.
34:07That if Dave is in the final three,
34:09people aren't voting for Dave
34:11because who's voting for Dave to give money to himself?
34:13That's stupid.
34:15I think that's dumb to think,
34:17but you can make the argument that Dave played a good game.
34:19No, no, no. Dave played a horrible game.
34:21Ria dragged him through the entire game for her own benefit.
34:23That is a subjective assumption.
34:25Dave could be thinking I was pulling the strings the whole time.
34:27He says it multiple times.
34:29Ria's dragging him through this game.
34:31And also to be honest,
34:33when everybody got Dave out, when everybody got Ria out,
34:35I said, oh, he's good as a shield. He's good, he's this, he's that.
34:37We're playing both sides of it, and nobody really questioned it.
34:39The whole time.
34:41Was your goal to be in the final three with Ria
34:43and then better speech wins?
34:45Yes. Me, Ria, and Dave was our hopes.
34:47See, I was going to just fuck them both.
34:49Yeah, you were, for sure.
34:51I should have won this. If I won this, it would have been fine.
34:53I didn't win, and I kind of fucked myself.
34:55I should have won that immediately.
34:57They're going to be so mad to see you wearing that.
34:59You know what they've kind of done for me?
35:01Sign my fucking, put me in the finals.
35:03They're like, we'd rather die than vote for Dave.
35:05I thought people were like, oh, we like him,
35:07but it sounds like I have zero in there.
35:09They hate my fucking guts,
35:11which, by the way, I fucking love.
35:13Like, I love.
35:15If you told me they were sitting there happy,
35:17like they're out, I'd be like,
35:19I don't know what you're talking about.
35:21I don't know what you're talking about.
35:23I don't know what you're talking about.
35:25If you told me they were sitting there happy,
35:27like they're out, I'd be like, oh, that kind of sucks.
35:29I love that they're this mad.
35:31It would suck if they told you.
35:33I'm now kind of loving it, too.
35:35I'm like, fuck it, I want to see it.
35:37I'm like, fuck you guys.
35:39No offense to everybody else in the game.
35:41We had a
35:43day one fucking alliance.
35:45What are they mad about?
35:47Moves is my only true
35:49pre-game alliance.
35:51Who do you want to get?
35:53Who do you guys want to get?
35:55I'm really open to it.
35:57Well, I feel like if we say who we're going to,
35:59if I say who I want to get, you're going to turn around and get me.
36:01Not at all. I will shake your hand right now.
36:03Swear to God.
36:05Okay, I'll do it. I'm with you.
36:07It makes me so happy, they're so mad.
36:09I fucking love it.
36:11Dave's like,
36:13hallelujah, they hate me.
36:15He literally thrives on it.
36:17Fuck these guys.
36:19Don't threaten fucking Rhea, and I was firmly back on her side
36:21again, despite the 30 presidencies
36:23and Rico being like a sad puppy dog.
36:25I'd rather a final three
36:27of Rico,
36:31and me.
36:33How the fuck can I put Rico
36:35in there when Will Compton
36:37sent that to Rhea?
36:41Compton fucked it up.
36:45Compton fucked it up.
36:47Will fucking Compton.
36:49Compton fucked it up.
36:53It's like, I mean,
36:55Rhea has a case to,
36:57and so does Dave.
36:59Dave has a really good case, Rhea has a really good,
37:01she used to play an absolutely
37:03psychotic game.
37:05If someone did, and this is not me,
37:07if someone did text Rhea that,
37:09it's the best thing that could have happened to her.
37:11Why do you think that?
37:13Because now she'll get out Dave.
37:15And then we would all vote for her.
37:17Maybe she would, I don't know.
37:19I don't like anything like that affecting the game.
37:21Do you think that's a fucked up thing?
37:23All of it's fucked up to me.
37:25All of it's fucked up to me.
37:27Obviously, I don't give a shit
37:29enough to do something like that. I wouldn't do that to her.
37:31I still think highly of her.
37:33It could also be her fucking saving grace.
37:35Knowing that Rhea has
37:37the item,
37:39she could be in a spot that makes her play.
37:41To get Dave.
37:43Oh no.
37:45In my mind, her heart is competition.
37:47Oh no.
37:49I bet the badge
37:51was plus 14, god damn it.
37:53It was interpreted as
37:55fucking with her, and that's how she took it.
37:57It is fucking with her.
37:59Now she is thinking,
38:01everyone in the house is talking shit about me.
38:03They're all rallying against me.
38:05There were a lot of people rallying for her.
38:07Will was the main one rallying for her.
38:09If he's the one that texted, that's why.
38:11But then I asked him, I said, did you text Rhea?
38:13If I said yes, I texted her to help her.
38:15He would have said that.
38:19Going into
38:21final four voting,
38:23thankfully to Tommy John,
38:25I won two of the three
38:27so far.
38:29Single immunity challenges, that's because they got
38:31breathable fabric that moves
38:33with you and not against you.
38:35I can literally do anything
38:37in these clothes.
38:39Besides win the last challenge.
38:41I don't think there's any more immunity idols out there,
38:43and everyone says that
38:45Rico is the one that's going,
38:47and hopefully everyone's not lying to my
38:49face, and Dave doesn't
38:51orchestrate something else to happen.
38:53But I feel like
38:55with what just happened with Will
38:57texting Rhea, that she's
38:59going to make sure that she makes her own moves
39:01and doesn't let Dave control her, so that's hindsight
39:03probably a good thing that Will
39:05texted her. Will Compton, so a loser
39:07trying to affect the game from the clouds.
39:09It's not right.
39:13It's going to probably be you, Bosco.
39:15You know,
39:23And any chance of me trying to, they said you right away,
39:25but any chance of me doing anything, Compton
39:27blew it up. Compton texting
39:29Rhea on the side, just
39:31being an asshole, being like, no one's voting for you if you don't
39:33cut my throat. They're like,
39:35so... Dude, what the fuck?
39:37I don't know. Well, what the fuck
39:39is that? I don't know, it's bullshit.
39:53It's me.
39:55Alright. I told you when it was you.
39:57Or I tried to.
39:59Good game.
40:01You got another idol?
40:03No, I don't.
40:05You might.
40:09Who's going to break the news to my wife?
40:15What's your plan? I'm done.
40:19I'm done.
40:23Everything's still okay?
40:25What? Everything's still okay?
40:27We are not writing your name. Okay.
40:29To be honest, the only thing that changed, it probably
40:31wouldn't have changed, is I was going
40:33to try to lobby for Rico over you,
40:35no offense, because I've known
40:37Rico forever, and
40:39I know, not that it's different from you,
40:41how much the money is
40:43life-changing. It would be a stupid decision, because
40:45now there's no, I told him,
40:47any chance of me trying to be like
40:49Rico, which I don't think it would have mattered,
40:51is done, because
40:53obviously he's going to get every vote.
40:55They fucking hate us.
41:03Hey, I want to make sure I don't lose my shoes. They're Reebok's.
41:05They're beautiful. Shout out, Reebok.
41:09Not that it would have worked or happened, but
41:11I feel bad for Rico. Does he have an idol?
41:13I feel bad for him, but does he have an idol?
41:23So I start packing, I feel sorry for myself,
41:25and you know what? I look at myself, I say, that's the old me.
41:27That's fucking stupid. It's $250,000.
41:29You found keys before,
41:31you can find them again. So I decide, you know what?
41:33Fuck it. Start looking for keys. Look everywhere.
41:35I'm running around like a madman. Here, there,
41:37low, high. $250,000 means the world
41:39to me. Fuck it. Let's find the keys.
41:49Fuck, man.
41:55Nice time to find a fucking idol.
41:59Don't you have the box in that room?
42:01Can I just go take the keys out of the box?
42:03There's the box.
42:13I gotta go follow Rico around
42:15to make sure he doesn't find anything.
42:17I'm still, I'm just very paranoid.
42:21I'm gonna go upstairs,
42:23and I'm gonna fucking
42:25tail Rico
42:27to see if he finds anything.
42:31Will you do me a favor?
42:35If somehow I make it to the final three, will you lobby boats for me?
42:37Yeah, no problem.
42:39I would have done it for you.
42:43Because I think out of everyone here, me and you could probably use it the most.
42:47This shit sucks, bro.
42:49I'm running around. Megan's trailing me
42:51every move. You know, I don't even know
42:53if I'm looking in the right spots.
42:55It's brutal, but you gotta keep looking.
42:57I'm a fucking Snoopy freak.
42:59Wanna split it if we find it?
43:01I don't know if that's allowed.
43:03Dave said we couldn't split the money.
43:05He didn't say we couldn't split idols.
43:17we, we
43:19played almost a perfect game.
43:21Every time
43:23in my testimonial, I'm like,
43:25yeah, and then I hope this, and then I'm like, it's all happened.
43:27Every vote has gone exactly
43:29how we pretty much thought.
43:31That's hilarious
43:33that they're that mad.
43:35You guys can just tell me where it is and I can send you a Venmo.
43:41buys a lot of lunch, guys. Open up your eyes.
43:43Don't be
43:47Get a fucking cigar.
43:49Smoke a cigar.
43:57Well, it would be poetic
43:59if the three of us made it.
44:01It really would.
44:03Fate might be in our hands, so
44:05who knows.
44:13Oh no, there's something
44:15over the lights.
44:19What's that?
44:25You see how it's like flashing?
44:27I thought you were fucking helping me out with an idol.
44:33Megan, if you find it,
44:35let me know. I will.
44:37I do not think he is an idol,
44:39but a desperate Bosco is a desperate Bosco.
45:19No fucking way.
45:29I got it.
45:31No fucking way. I hate you.
45:35I'm sorry, Megan.
45:37It's okay. It's like I'm going home.
45:41Alright, let's go play it.
45:45And Rico just found a key.
45:47Just found a key.
45:49Just found a key.
45:51How did Rico
45:53find another
45:57How did Rico find another key?
46:01Chance if he gets another idol, though.
46:03One in three.
46:05If he gets
46:07another immunity idol,
46:09not only
46:11am I out,
46:13but I do not believe
46:15in the laws of probability.
46:19I'm going home tonight,
46:21if that's the case.
46:35Are you super desperate right now?
46:37Yeah, super desperate. It's me going home.
46:39So I got a one in three shot.
46:41I'm out.
46:43If I don't get it, if I don't pull it, I'm out.
46:45I got a one in three shot.
46:57I gotta stop you.
47:01You haven't seen me do it the rest of the time.
47:03That's fucked up.
47:05That's not, that's not, that's not true.
47:09Fuck that guy.
47:13So if I just fucking move my chair way over here,
47:15is that okay? Can I sit here?
47:57What'd you get, Cheech?
47:59He's got it.
48:01He got it. Unbelievable.
48:07Of course he did. He's the worst poker player ever.
48:09Eleven out of Moscow.
48:13This is a crazy game.
48:15I've known this guy for a long time.
48:17He has the worst poker face
48:19I've ever seen in my life.
48:21I don't know if Rico has this idol.
48:23Dave is so persistent that he knows Rico
48:25and Rico has this idol,
48:27I'm just not sure.
48:29Rico, let's do matching necklaces.
48:31Unless he's got it anywhere else.
48:33He's got it.
48:35I don't know Bosco.
48:37If he bullshit me on this, I don't know Bosco.
48:39And I think I know Bosco Ball
48:41pretty well.
48:43I think I know Bosco Ball
48:45pretty well.
48:59Five to go.
49:21Oh, I love it.
49:23They're probably like, he won!
49:25He won!
49:27Dave with immunity.
49:29Dave's got it.
49:31Oh no!
49:33Beat out Bosco
49:35who was
49:37tortured by that play.
49:39It was a tough cup.
49:41It was a tough cup.
49:43Valiant effort Rico. Dave, what was the mood like
49:45after that? Obviously you had to be pretty
49:47fucking elated. Winning your first individual immunity.
49:49Yeah, more a pride thing to win it.
49:51You know,
49:53we know we got to send somebody home originally
49:55after we thought
49:57Bosco was going.
49:59To be honest,
50:01I was going to kind of fight for Bosco
50:03because I've known him for a long time.
50:05I think it was Bosco or Megan probably.
50:07And I've known Bosco a long time and then
50:09all hell broke loose because it came out
50:11I think they're watching
50:13the Soul Loser boys.
50:15The CTE crowd
50:17that got outwitted. That camera right there.
50:19The CTE crowd that got outwitted, outplayed
50:21by yours truly. Amongst
50:23others, not just me, but
50:25they're sending texts like
50:31Totally illegal being like
50:33if you don't slit Dave's throat
50:35nobody's voting for you.
50:37Something along those lines.
50:39So wildly illegal. I love it
50:41by the way boys. I love
50:43knowing you guys are mad. I fucking
50:45love it. Like I got like
50:47hard. I was like oh they're that mad?
50:49Like I thought that they were
50:51sitting there having a time. No.
50:53They're fucking so mad. And then I come
50:55out with this. So we found that out
50:57and then it's like alright well
50:59we know they'll vote Rico.
51:01And I love Rico but I'm not going to give them what they want.
51:03But it twisted again. If you want me to come
51:05going, it appears
51:07Nine Lies Bosco
51:09found in
51:11idle at the gun.
51:13We don't have proof but
51:15look at this fucking guy's poker face.
51:19He has another idol?
51:21That would be a pretty crazy
51:23development. He may have a rider
51:25on staff. Yeah. He was
51:27hunting. That's not. I've hunted a lot.
51:29I haven't seen dick. This guy's pulling keys
51:31out of his ass, out of his ears. You think he might
51:33have. What about everyone else? Do you think he has something?
51:35He definitely found a fucking key. We just need to know if he has an idol.
51:37Look at that face.
51:39I watched him find the key. Okay there's that.
51:41I asked him if he wanted to wear matching necklaces.
51:43He didn't so we'll see what happens.
51:45Enjoying the game.
51:51I don't know ball. I don't know ball.
51:53It's going to be an unbelievable face.
51:55But it is now time to vote
51:57because four of you will move
51:59into tomorrow, the final day of this
52:01competition where tomorrow
52:03someone will win immunity and take somebody
52:05to the final three. And from there
52:07the remaining two people will
52:09battle it out in a duel
52:11to figure out who is going to be the final person
52:13sitting at the final three of
52:15Surviving Barstool Season 4. Megan you are
52:17up to vote. Don't you want to say
52:19if we're playing any idols right?
52:21Or is that after? That would be before a vote read.
52:23Okay. Alright. I'll go.
52:31It really hurt her.
52:35It's a man's game.
52:43Please God don't let him have an idol.
52:51Dave you're up.
52:53I mean where is this thing?
52:55Bosco you're up.
52:57Seriously where is he hiding it?
52:59Literally in between his butt cheeks?
53:01It has to be. I've literally patted him down by the toe.
53:07I don't know.
53:09I don't know.
53:11I don't know.
53:13I don't know.
53:15I don't know.
53:17I don't know.
53:19I don't know.
53:21Rhea, you're up.
53:35Do Rhea play the same game as Jersey Jerry?
53:39Oh, Rhea?
53:40She had a billion secret alliances going in the game,
53:43same as Jersey Jerry.
53:44Oh, yeah.
53:44Total, total, this is like, total bullshit.
53:48If you have an idol, this may be Rico Bosco's game.
54:00And Mubi, last up.
54:04I don't fucking know.
54:05Maybe he has an idol.
54:06Maybe he voted for me.
54:08Chugging my way through.
54:10Play my alliances right.
54:13Mubi has voted, meaning all five votes have been cast,
54:16and I will go tally them up.
54:25This is the last Tribal Council that anybody can play an immunity idol.
54:28For the sake of dramatics, Rhea, I assume you're going to play it.
54:31Do you want to play it?
54:33Who will you play it on?
54:34I'm going to play it on myself.
54:36I'm going to hand it to you, and I hope that this is okay with Clemmer.
54:44That's crazy, all right.
54:46Yeah, yeah, yeah.
54:47I'm voting for you, buddy.
54:49This is obviously, as we know, an immunity idol.
54:52Pizza, pizza five, pizza four.
54:54Rhea cannot be eliminated.
54:55If anyone else has an immunity idol, now is the time to play it.
55:13I don't have it.
55:14I don't have it.
55:26I don't have it.
55:30I lost.
55:31I went one for four just like my gambling picks.
55:33He doesn't have it.
55:34You went one for four.
55:36Pull an idol.
55:40It was my last guess, but I hope.
55:42Box number three again. I went one for four. Didn't pull it. Got a nothing.
55:54Which one was it in? I have no idea. I don't ever know.
56:03It's a relief, but we have to read the votes. First vote.
56:05Next vote. Rico Bosco. Second vote. Rico Bosco. Two votes Rico.
56:18Next vote.
56:21Megan. Two votes Rico. One vote Megan.
56:25Next vote. Megan again. Two votes Megan. Two votes Rico. One vote left.
56:3520th person eliminated. 12th member of our jury, Rico Bosco. Rico.
56:55Grab your torch and save the old dog.
56:59Well, the old dog will now be a part of Tribal Council. The second to last member, Rico,
57:04your time here is done, but we will see you tomorrow. Thank you Rico. Great game.
57:10I knew you would have wore a matching necklaces. Great game.
57:14I think I was voted out because I was a threat in challenges. I also think I might have got
57:17some votes on the jury. So I think I had a good speech. Maybe at the end, I would have won.
57:21Initial thoughts is I played a great game. I gave it everything I could. I hope my wife's
57:25watching happy that I gave it everything I could. Okay. Final four. Nobody else can be voted out.
57:32If you're out of the game, it's because you have lost the duel tomorrow. One of you will win
57:37tomorrow morning the challenge. From there, you'll have a little bit of time to decide
57:42who you want to take with you to the final three, and then who you want to send into the duel. And
57:46after that, the 13 members of the jury, Mincy, Clemmer, Whitney, Frances Roan, Terlewan, Kirk,
57:53Will Compton, Biz, Big Cat, Kelly Keegs, and Rico Bosco will be joined by one more member,
57:58and they will vote on who wins a quarter of a million dollars in this game. Mubi, Rhea, Dave,
58:05Megan, thank you. Have a great night. I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you. I can't
58:09believe he didn't have it. Wow. I mean, I'm happy for Megan. I'm sad for Rico. I think Dave was
58:16blown away because I think he thought he could read Rico, and turns out he actually can't read
58:21Rico. Does it suck to be here with no alliance? Yeah, it sucks really bad, but I made it further
58:28than anyone else that was in my tribe. There's, you know, no moon is left. It's just me, and that
58:35feels like a pretty fucking good accomplishment. They were over fucking looking me in the beginning,
58:39all the big heads, all the, they didn't know about my alliances. They knew I was playing the game,
58:46but halfway through, I really clued in and fucking played it right. I thought I knew
58:51Bosco Ball. I thought I knew every face he made. Maybe I don't. And then there were four.
