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Albus isn't Aurelius' brother, so why did Grindelwald mention a brother at all?


00:00If any movie is scrutinised hard enough, which on the internet they pretty much are, there
00:05will be at least some error found, be it a continuity error, something contradictory
00:09to what has already happened, or even something outside of the laws of science and or nature.
00:14This has happened throughout cinematic history, because no matter how good filmmakers are
00:18at their craft, nobody is perfect.
00:21So with that in mind, I'm Ellie with WhatCulture here with 10 Recent Movie Moments That Made
00:26No Sense.
00:28Dinosaurs Spread Across the Globe – Jurassic World Dominion
00:32At the end of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom, the rescued animals were released into the
00:37This is what kicked off what should have been a story about trying to cohabit with dinosaurs
00:42in the real world, but instead it became about killer locusts instead.
00:45Though Dominion ultimately had very little to do with dinosaurs in the wild, it did begin
00:50to set the stage for such a story.
00:52Of the dinosaurs that were freed, some remained in the wild, while some found civilisations
00:57all over the world.
00:58There was even a visual showing the spread across the entire globe.
01:01But this doesn't exactly make sense.
01:04There are far more dinosaurs in the world by the time of Dominion than were originally
01:08released, which is easily explained as the original Jurassic Park showed that dinosaurs
01:12can breed, but how exactly did life find a way to transport these giants across the ocean?
01:18There was a certain amount of black market dealings, but these animals weren't moved
01:22across the world to be free.
01:24Even if they did escape their captivity, they wouldn't be number enough to create
01:28the global issue spoken about at the beginning of the movie.
01:31Ugh, honestly, how unrealistic, Jurassic World.
01:36Aurelius Dumbledore's Brother, Fantastic Beasts The Crimes of Grindelwald
01:40The lore of the Harry Potter books is sacred to almost an entire generation of readers
01:45and moviegoers, and has been recklessly played with in the Fantastic Beasts franchise.
01:50Three chapters in, and there have been some very questionable decisions made, and not
01:54just to include Professor McGonagall in a timeline that she clearly didn't fit.
01:59One of the biggest twists in the entire history of the wizarding world was that Credence Barebone
02:03was actually Aurelius Dumbledore, and it was strongly suggested by Grindelwald's wording
02:08at the end of The Crimes of Grindelwald that he was Albus Dumbledore's brother.
02:12Potterheads immediately jumped on the internet to tell of how impossible this was for a variety
02:17of reasons, and then in The Secrets of Dumbledore, it was instead confirmed that the former Credence
02:22was actually Aberforth Dumbledore's son, so Albus's nephew.
02:27This made more sense in the context of the wider lore, but it did confirm that the final
02:31scene of The Crimes of Grindelwald made no sense.
02:34Who on earth was the brother Grindelwald spoke of if not Albus, and why was it so noteworthy
02:40when there had been literally no other mention of his brother?
02:43This is a classic case of a story not being mapped out fully, and changes having to be
02:47made once it was already too late.
02:50Shame on you, Fantastic Beasts.
02:53Wonder Woman's Heroics – Wonder Woman 1984
02:56Wonder Woman 1984 is one of the weakest and poorly received movies under the DCEU banner.
03:02There wasn't much to love about the film, and there is one moment in particular that
03:07doesn't make sense when compared to what Wonder Woman herself has said previously.
03:12In Dawn of Justice, Diana said that she walked away from mankind 100 years ago.
03:17This is around the time that her solo story is set, and so it makes sense that after seeing
03:21and fighting Ares is when she decided to abandon the human race.
03:25The issue is that she was still very active in 1984, stopping such small scale operations
03:30as mall thieves.
03:31She went out of her way to make sure she wasn't seen, and that those who did see her knew
03:35to keep it a secret, but this doesn't exactly scream walking away from mankind, does it?
03:40She's still helping mankind, which is pretty much the exact opposite of what was said and
03:44established in the DCEU lore four years earlier.
03:49My head hurts.
03:51Along the Ocean Floor, Meg 2 The Trench
03:54There are certain movies you simply can't go into expecting everything to make sense.
03:58These ridiculously over-the-top films are set on entertainment and spectacle first,
04:03and don't tend to worry about little things like story, logic, or the writing.
04:07The Meg very much falls into this category, as does its sequel.
04:11The events of Meg 2 take Jason Statham and his crew down to the ocean floor, where after
04:16all manner of twists, turns, betrayals, and of course, megalodons, the crew are trapped.
04:21The only means of escape is for someone to swim around and open the door from the outside,
04:26on the ocean floor.
04:27According to the logic of Statham's character, there should be absolutely no issue in swimming
04:31under the weight of a simply immeasurable amount of water without protection.
04:35Even though not too long before this, another character suffered a gruelling fate when their
04:39helmet cracked exposing her to that exact same pressure, Jonas swam across the bottom
04:44of the ocean and was just fine.
04:47The Riddler Flooding Gotham City, The Batman One aspect of The Batman that received universal
04:52praise was Paul Dano's iteration of the Riddler.
04:55He fit the incredibly dark tone and posed a credible and compelling threat to the still
05:00young Bruce Wayne.
05:01His motivations were part of the reason he stood out from the rest of the DC antagonist
05:07Riddler targeted the corrupt leaders and influential people of power in Gotham, essentially standing
05:12up for the little guys whose lives were made worse by these people.
05:15However, toward the conclusion, he seemed to forget entirely that this was his motivation.
05:20After strictly sticking to his plan, it then became the rogue's intention to flood Gotham
05:25City, likely killing countless defenceless and innocent citizens he appeared to be standing
05:29up for in the first place.
05:31The moral code went out of the window, almost undoing the work he had done up to that point.
05:35This just seemed to be for the sake of a big spectacle of a finale, without actually making
05:40sense in the context of the character.
05:42Is anyone else sensing a DC theme to these entries?
05:46Just me?
05:48Zurg isn't Buzz's father, Lightyear In 2022, Pixar released its first cinematic
05:53spin-off from the Toy Story franchise, and audiences were confused to say the least.
05:58Chris Evans took over from Tim Allen, voicing the titular character in Lightyear, showing
06:03the in-universe film Andy watched when he was a kid that inspired the merchandise which
06:08included his beloved Buzz toy.
06:10The concept itself confused a lot of people, but there was one moment in particular that
06:14actively contradicted the Toy Story canon in a way that made absolutely no sense.
06:19And this revolved around Buzz's relationship with Zurg.
06:22Way back in Toy Story 2, it was confirmed that Zurg was Buzz's father.
06:27This is what the Buzz Lightyear toy based on the Lightyear movie believed, so naturally,
06:32it should have been the case that in Andy's favourite film, Zurg was in fact Buzz's dad.
06:37This wasn't the case, however, as the villain was actually revealed to be a different version
06:41of Buzz from the future.
06:43Now subverting audience expectations and offering surprises is one thing, but this was something
06:47that had already been well-established and you just walked all over it.
06:51What are you doing?
06:54Multiversal travel rules, Spider-Man No Way Home
06:56There are many films, particularly those that feature powers, magic and the multiverse theory,
07:02that require you to suspend your disbelief while watching.
07:05But there are things that can pull you out of the moment.
07:08In particular, if a story lays down certain rules and then breaks those rules itself,
07:12you can't help but question what's going on.
07:14When Peter Parker and Doctor Strange messed up the spell, people who knew the identity
07:19of Spider-Man from across the multiverse were dragged to Earth-616.
07:22However, in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Max Dillon never found out who was behind Spidey's
07:28mask, so why then was he brought to Earth-616?
07:32These nonsensical rules even traverse multiple franchises, as this same spell sent Michael
07:37Keaton's Adrian Toomes to Michael Morbius' universe.
07:41However, there was nothing in No Way Home to suggest that anything happened to those
07:45already on Earth-616 who knew who Spidey was, and Peter certainly made no effort to help
07:49them if something did.
07:50Ah, I've said it before, I'll say it again.
07:53My brain hurts.
07:55Going to space in a car, F9 Imagine thinking, back in 2001, that the Fast
08:00and Furious franchise would go from illegal drag races to actually sending a car into
08:06Well, that's exactly what happened in F9.
08:08The movie included magnets sending cars flying through the streets and a character returning
08:12from beyond the grave, but neither of these came close to being its most nonsensical moment.
08:17Roman and Tej are tasked with disabling a satellite, something they achieve by strapping
08:21a couple of rocket engines onto a car and heading into space.
08:25Only the Fast franchise could have the sheer gall to approach something like this and actually
08:29make it happen.
08:31Look at the years of training it takes to prepare to go into space, the multi-billion
08:34dollar spacecrafts and equipment, and the immeasurable amount of expertise.
08:37Apparently, all you need is two guys wearing scuba helmets and duct tape in a car with
08:41a couple of extra engines to breach the final frontier.
08:45The Dagger, Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Star Wars has always loved a good MacGuffin,
08:50and in The Rise of Skywalker, the writers didn't stop at just one.
08:53It's one of those typical tales that you need to find this, but in order to find this, you
08:57have to find that first, and in order to find that, you've gotta find something else.
09:01Which culminates in The Dagger.
09:03It wasn't the smoothest of rides, and we had to translate it, then couldn't translate it,
09:07then thought it was lost, and then found it again, and then had to make a journey to find
09:10the ruins of the Death Star.
09:12Rey had to line up the markings of the dagger's edge with that of the fallen planet killer,
09:17which would then point to exactly where the wayfinder was hidden.
09:20However, she would have to be in the exact right position, standing at the exact right
09:25angle, otherwise being off by even the slightest of margins could have led to a very different
09:30There was nothing on the dagger to suggest where Rey should stand, and yet she looked
09:34and lined it up from where she just so happened to be standing, and managed to find their
09:38path perfectly.
09:39Plain and simply, this shouldn't have been that easy.
09:42It's just lazy writing.
09:44Time Travel Rules, Avengers Endgame Time travel storylines are always tricky,
09:48because unless they are 100% watertight, there will be at least some kind of plot hole, inconsistency,
09:56or rule break found.
09:57Unfortunately, very rarely are these stories 100% watertight, and Avengers Endgame is no
10:02During the time heist, Hulk tried to explain time travel rules as they exist in the MCU,
10:07and in all honesty, he did a pretty poor job of it.
10:10Audiences and characters alike ended up more confused than they were before, and this wasn't
10:13helped by one of the final scenes in the entire film.
10:17Essentially, going back to the past doesn't change anything in that timeline, it instead
10:21branches out and creates a completely new timeline.
10:25Also, the time heist didn't change anything in their reality, but instead created a new
10:29and separate reality in which they could defeat Thanos.
10:32Well, that's what Hulk said anyway.
10:34With that in mind then, when Steve went back in time to return the Infinity Stones and
10:37live his life with Peggy, that should have been in a separate timeline.
10:41Old Man Steve shouldn't have been able to sit and meet the people from his old life
10:44decades in the future, because he should have been in a different timeline.
10:48Instead, what he did was go back to the past and change the future, which is something
10:52that Banner specifically said he couldn't do.
10:55I'm still confused.
10:57And that concludes our list.
10:58Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below, and while you're there, don't
11:01forget to like and subscribe and tap that notification bell.
11:04Also, head over to Twitter and follow us there, and I can be found across various social medias
11:07just by searching Ellie Littlechild.
11:09I've been Ellie with WhatCulture, I hope you have a magical day, and I'll see you
11:12real soon.
