• 2 months ago
01:28Now in Mysore city
01:32Different Dalit organizations have called for a bandh. That is for eight hours bandh. It started in the morning by six
01:40I think it is going to be ended by four in the evening. The purpose of
01:47these bandhis
01:49During this Parliament session in the upper house. Mr. Amit Shah
01:56the Honorable Home Minister of India had made
02:00Sarcastic remark against Dr. B R Ambedkar
02:05Even though
02:09Remark, which he has made is objectionable highly objectionable and it has hurted
02:15crores of
02:17people from India
02:19Who has benefited this Constitution which was given by Dr. B R Ambedkar
02:27BJP and their cadre
02:29Along with this RSS the parent body never bothered to tender
02:36his apology
02:37at least
02:39That has not happened
02:41All opposition people there in Parliament, you know have made
02:46Dharna they have made
02:49I mean
02:51They've demanded to take
02:54Apology from Amit Shah and
02:56Take resignation from Amit Shah, but BJP never worried at all
03:00The mindset of the BJP is very very clear that they are against
03:06Dalits they are against women they are against
03:10certain religions
03:13through speeches their speeches and
03:17while talking
03:19In the Parliament they keep saying as though they are the custodian they are the
03:25Protectors of Constitution of India. They are against the Constitution which was given by Dr. B R Ambedkar
03:30That is very very clear. It is the mindset of the BJP several
03:35sitting MPs during the
03:382024 Parliament election
03:40Very openly they made speeches in different parts of the country saying that you know, if they get
03:45400 plus seats MP seats they are planning to change the
03:50Constitution so with this, you know, we will be able to understand the mindset of the BJP
03:56BJP is there only for selective people only for upper community people. They are against oppressed. They're against a backward
04:03They're against Dalits. They're against women. They're against
04:08Muslims they're against Christians
04:10They are then
04:11in favor of whom they are working they are working in favor of only two people one is Adani and the other is Ambani and
04:18Upper communities rich people are in their favor. BJP is working in their favor
04:25So because of this reason different organization belonging to different Dalit groups have called for a ban
04:32people of Mysore city
04:35Mysore city comprising of 16 lakh population
04:43Then without considering any party
04:47They have supported
04:48Anonymously, they have supported for this ban. This ban is very peacefully going on
04:53Congress party also has given moral support for this ban. We have extended our support
