• 2 months ago


00:00No one knows who is leading this.
00:04Whoever came to the stage,
00:06the one who was made a leader by the media,
00:09he became the leader.
00:11But another phase of this came
00:14when the students were stabbed on 25th.
00:19When they were stabbed,
00:21then it was not just a matter of unlawfulness of BPSC,
00:25it was also a matter of killing democracy.
00:28It was also a matter of injustice to the youth of Bihar.
00:32After that incident on 25th,
00:34some people like us got involved.
00:37Then the third phase of this came
00:40when on 29th,
00:42a large number of students
00:44were present here in Gandhi Maidan,
00:46in front of the Gandhi statue,
00:48in the student assembly.
00:50All the children gathered.
00:52Everyone had only one demand.
00:55On that day,
00:57we took the march today,
00:59met with the Chief Minister
01:01and requested him
01:03to cancel this exam
01:05because of the unlawfulness
01:07of BPSC
01:09and to get it re-examined.
01:12Before the students left,
01:14they made a team of their own
01:16which was elected
01:18almost unanimously
01:20by the students
01:22who will lead the students.
01:26It was also decided that
01:28after leaving Gandhi Maidan,
01:30no kind of violence
01:32or any such illegal act
01:34will be done
01:36which will affect
01:38the future of the students.
01:40As you all saw,
01:42all the students,
01:44about 15,000 people
01:46walked from here
01:48and in a peaceful manner,
01:50where the police stopped,
01:52all the students sat
01:54next to J.P. Golembar.
01:56In that sit-out protest
01:58of about an hour and a half,
02:00the administration from the front
02:02and a large group of students
02:04from one side.
02:12In that conversation,
02:14the government proposed
02:16that if the sit-out is removed,
02:18the students will meet
02:20the top officials
02:22of the government,
02:24the Chief Secretary,
02:26and together
02:28will try to find
02:30a solution to this issue.
02:32In that crowd,
02:34there were all kinds of people,
02:36all kinds of students,
02:38all kinds of intellectuals.
02:40When this was discussed,
02:42I was at the forefront.
02:44We all agreed
02:46that if the government
02:48is ready to talk,
02:50the students do not want
02:52to march,
02:54the students do not want
02:56to fight,
02:58the students only wanted
03:00the BPSC exams to be re-examined.
03:02That is why,
03:04from there,
03:06from the protest,
03:08we accepted that Gandhi
03:10will return to the field.
03:12But because there was no
03:16a small microphone was used
03:18to announce it,
03:20so many students who were behind
03:22did not know what to do.
03:24In that crowd,
03:26some people
03:28went home,
03:30some people came with us,
03:32with some friends,
03:34to Gandhi Murti,
03:36but a large number of students
03:38remained seated there.
03:40And after I left there,
03:42those students were
03:44first drenched
03:46in cold water
03:48and then
03:52with a stick.
03:56I was also a part of it,
03:58on my saying,
04:00to some extent,
04:02the students came on my saying
04:04that as long as I am standing,
04:06the stick will not work on you,
04:08but after I left,
04:10its moral,
04:12ethical responsibility was mine.
04:14That is why I,
04:16although the next day,
04:18I spoke to the Chief Secretary,
04:20but when the Chief Secretary
04:22did not take any decision,
04:24I understood my moral obligation
04:26that on my saying,
04:28the students gathered
04:30and in my absence,
04:32the students were beaten.
04:34Now it is my responsibility
04:36to put my life at risk,
04:38so that the students
04:40have faith again,
04:42and the students do not get scared,
04:44and do not consider themselves
04:46alone in their struggle.
04:50Today is the most important
04:52day of this entire campaign.
04:54Why is it an important day?
04:56Because today,
04:58after 19 days,
