• 2 months ago
Chand Aur Tare | Hazrat Khuwaja Ghareeb Nawaz RA

Host: Syed Salman Gul

#ChandAurTare #KhuwajaGhareebNawazRA #ARYQtv

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00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:18And they feed the food for the love of the poor and the orphans.
00:27We only feed you for the sake of Allah. We do not want any reward or thanks from you.
00:40Indeed, we fear from our Lord a terrible day.
00:49God Almighty has spoken the truth.
00:53Wow! All of you say it loudly.
00:57All praise to Allah.
00:59Very lovely children, Muhammad Ahmed has started the program with a very beautiful recitation.
01:05Dear children, in the service of all of you, Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
01:10Wa Alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
01:15How are you all?
01:16All praise to Allah. How are you?
01:19As always, I am fine and I am among you.
01:21And you, my dear children, and I know that the poor and the orphans should rest in Ajmer.
01:28Allah says, to move from somewhere.
01:38To move from somewhere.
01:43There is a world where we have to move.
01:49If not today, then in 20, 50, 100 years we will have to move.
01:54So, may the poor and the orphans spend their lives when Allah wills.
02:00When does a person die? When Allah wills.
02:04And may the poor and the orphans meet Allah.
02:10Wasaal means to meet someone.
02:18So, we use the word Wasaal for the people of Allah.
02:21That is, they have seen Allah.
02:24They went to Allah.
02:26They were already close to Allah while living in this world.
02:30They were close to Allah while living in this world.
02:33And even after leaving this world, they are close to Allah.
02:36These are the people who are close to Allah.
02:39They left everything for Allah.
02:42They did not fulfill their desires, their wishes, their personal choices.
02:47Rather, they did what Allah chose for them.
02:50That is, they did what Allah chose for them.
02:52They did what He wanted them to do.
02:55This is the reason why Allah has given them rewards and special gifts in this world.
03:01This is the reason why Allah has given them rewards and special gifts in this world.
03:05The society in which they lived,
03:07The society in which they lived,
03:10The society in which they lived,
03:14The society in which they lived,
03:18The society in which they lived,
03:23The society in which they lived,
03:26The society in which they lived,
03:28Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, may Allah bless him and grant him mercy,
03:31There is a poem by Naat,
03:34It is used in Manqabat by Hazrat Ali,
03:37It is used in Manqabat by Hazrat Ali,
03:40It is used in Manqabat by Hazrat Ali,
03:43It is used in Manqabat by Hazrat Ali,
03:46It is used in Manqabat by Hazrat Ali,
03:49It is used in Manqabat by Hazrat Ali,
03:52It is used in Manqabat by Hazrat Ali,
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09:11I want to share a quote,
09:14He indeed is a true devotee,
09:16who is as sincere as the sun,
09:19as generous as the ocean,
09:22as humble as the earth.
09:52The sun is so bright.
09:54It gives light to everyone.
09:56In the same way, they gave the example of the sea.
09:58I am elaborating on that.
10:00The sea, which has the whole universe in it,
10:03but it is silent.
10:05It has the whole universe in it,
10:07but it is silent.
10:09And the earth,
10:11they said it is humble,
10:12it is laid out for everyone.
10:14You run on it,
10:16you walk on it,
10:17but it is laid out for everyone.
10:19It is laid out for everyone.
10:21Meaning, these three wonders should be there in a person.
10:23First one is that,
10:25it should be like the sun,
10:26it should give light to everyone,
10:28help everyone,
10:30feed everyone,
10:31help everyone,
10:33share food with everyone,
10:34share happiness with everyone.
10:35Second one is that
10:36It should be like the sea.
10:37After that,
10:38there should be sufficient knowledge,
10:39but it should be silent.
10:40There should be sufficient knowledge,
10:41but it should be silent.
10:43Just like the sea,
10:44there should be humility and silence in it.
10:46Meaning, it should be full
10:48but not fly over the people,
10:49That I am this, I am that, I am that. This is the work of the devil.
10:52Similarly, he is down to earth like the earth.
10:55He is down to earth for everyone.
10:58And who is he? Tell me.
11:00He is the generous.
11:03He is Khwaja Gareeb Nawaz.
11:05May the mercy of Allah be upon him.
11:07The miracles that you are saying are at the highest level.
11:10Allah has given you the superlative degree.
11:14You used to help a lot of people.
11:18Similarly, I will tell you an incident.
11:20Once you went on a journey with your teacher Khwaja Usman Harooni.
11:28You went to an old man's house.
11:30It is called Khanqah.
11:31What is it called?
11:33The place where the elders give advice, feed people, teach them dhikr.
11:39It is called Khanqah.
11:41What is it called?
11:43So you went to an old man's house.
11:45You saw an old man there.
11:47Whatever he used to ask for, he used to give it to him and send it back.
11:52Whatever he used to ask for, he used to give it to him and send it back.
11:55And remember, an old man also said,
11:58The Darjan of Allah starts with 13.
12:02What is our Darjan? 12.
12:03What is it?
12:05The Darjan of Allah starts with?
12:08He always gives more.
12:10He always gives more.
12:11The one who gives more, Allah gives him more.
12:14So whenever an old man used to come, he used to give something to him and send it back.
12:20So he saw that if someone came to buy clothes, he gave them clothes.
12:23If someone came to eat, he gave them food.
12:25If someone asked for a gift, he gave them a gift.
12:27So Khawaja Gharib Nawaz was very impressed.
12:29And when he started leaving after 3-4 days,
12:32The old man said, while giving advice,
12:35Remember, the wealth that is spent in the way of Allah,
12:41The wealth that is spent in the way of Allah,
12:44That wealth is saved.
12:46That wealth is saved.
12:48And Allah does not give you 10 times, but gives you 1000 times more.
12:53Gives you 1000 times more.
12:56Keep spending in the way of Allah, it will keep coming.
12:59Keep spending.
13:00It will keep coming.
13:01If you don't spend, where will it come from?
13:03So dear children, we have learned.
13:05And we should do it.
13:06So dear children, who is among you?
13:09What is your name?
13:10Momina Khurram.
13:11MashaAllah, Momina Khurram.
13:12What will you recite?
13:15My name is Momina Khurram.
13:17Today I am giving you the honor of Khawaja Gharib Nawaz.
13:23Khawaja Gharib Nawaz has many miracles.
13:28Khawaja Gharib Nawaz has many miracles.
13:34With your prayers, innumerable people were healed.
13:37The oppression of the oppressors ended.
13:39Women's humanity breathed a sigh of relief and peace.
13:42And thousands of people got wealth from the religion of Islam.
13:46And became Muslims.
13:48The glory and miracles of Khawaja Gharib Nawaz are still mentioned with faith and respect.
13:55What a great thing, everyone will say it together.
13:59So, who else is with us?
14:02What is your name?
14:04What will you recite, Gharban?
14:07In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
14:08Khawaja Gharib Nawaz travelled to India in 1192.
14:14And made Ajmer Sharif the center of his preaching.
14:17This was the time when there was a surge of ignorance, oppression and classism in India.
14:24You won people's hearts with love, wisdom and good morals.
14:29And your message was the same for everyone.
14:32What a great thing, everyone will say it together.
14:36Khawaja Gharib Nawaz was full of love.
14:40Full of love.
14:41Love from head to toe.
14:43And you won people's hearts with love.
14:45You can never win people's hearts with hatred.
14:48You can never win people's hearts with hatred.
14:50Whenever you win someone's heart, you win with love.
14:53So, love is our message.
14:55We have to reach people with love.
15:00Give them the mic.
15:05What is your name?
15:07Rameen, what will you recite?
15:09Recite it in front of the camera.
15:11Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz said,
15:15The truth in God's love is that
15:18even if a hundred thousand swords strike him in the head,
15:27he will not know.
15:29What a great thing, everyone will say it together.
15:35Give them the mic.
15:39What is your name?
15:41Arham, what will you recite?
15:43Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz said,
15:48Wherever you go, do not hurt anyone's heart.
15:52And wherever you live, live like a stranger.
15:56What a great thing, everyone will say it together.
16:02Give them the mic.
16:04You were saying, Assalamualaikum.
16:06What is your name?
16:07Sehri Shayyub.
16:08Sehri Shayyub, what will you recite?
16:10Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz said,
16:13The truth in God's love is that
16:16even if someone's body is burnt to ashes,
16:22he will not die.
16:24What a great thing, everyone will say it together.
16:29Very good.
16:30Allah has blessed us with this passion.
16:34For example, there was a story about 100 swords.
16:36A person was busy in remembering Allah.
16:39Even if 100 swords were killed, he would not know.
16:41Similarly, he gave an example of passion.
16:43It is a very good example.
16:44Only Allah's people are blessed with this.
16:46Because Allah's people have sacrificed themselves for Allah in this world.
16:50So, do they care about anything?
16:53Very good.
16:55Give it to Abdul Basit.
16:57Abdul Basit, how are you?
17:00I am fine.
17:01How are you?
17:02I am fine too.
17:03You look very beautiful.
17:04You look pretty well.
17:05What are you reciting?
17:06Okay, I will recite.
17:34Very good.
17:35All of us will say it with the same passion.
17:38Very good, Abdul Basit.
17:40You have mentioned about convincing parents.
17:44So, tell me, dear children.
17:46Who among you kisses their parents' hands?
17:48Only one.
17:49Okay, one by one.
17:50You have to speak the truth.
17:53Now, do you know?
17:55Now, I am a father of my children.
18:00But even today, I kiss my mother's hands.
18:03Even when my mother is sleeping, I kiss my mother's feet.
18:07I kiss my mother's feet.
18:10Because Allah is pleased with it.
18:13Allah is pleased with it.
18:15Parents should never say no.
18:18Parents should always listen to their parents.
18:22For the time being, these things will come to you.
18:24When you have a good, transparent upbringing,
18:28then you will understand these things with time.
18:31What are the values of parents?
18:33When you become a parent,
18:35then you will know that just like we raise our children,
18:38our parents raised us with more care and attention than this.
18:42And even today, they listen to us.
18:44They fulfill all our wishes and desires.
18:47So, those people who take such good care of us,
18:50think about how much they deserve that we listen to them.
18:54How much do they deserve?
18:55Because they listen to us.
18:57Those who listen to us, we should listen to them.
19:01Very good.
19:02So, in the future, we will listen to our parents.
19:05That's all for today.
19:06We will listen to the words of Syed Hassanullah Hussaini.
19:09And we will take a break from you.
19:11Dear children,
19:12Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
19:15Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
19:19Your name is Khawaja Muinuddin.
19:29You are the Messenger of God.
19:34Your name is Khawaja Muinuddin.
19:39Give me your time, my Khawaja.
19:46Give me your blessings, my Khawaja.
19:54Give me your time, my Khawaja.
19:59Give me your blessings, my Khawaja.
20:04Give me your time, my Khawaja.
20:09Your name is Khawaja Muinuddin.
20:22Your name is Khawaja Muinuddin.
20:30Give me your time, my Khawaja.
20:38Give me your blessings, my Khawaja.
20:45Your name is Khawaja Muinuddin.
21:08I am the servant of Khawaja.
21:14Give me your time, my Khawaja.
21:20Give me your time, my Khawaja.
21:28Give me your time, my Khawaja.
21:33Give me your time, my Khawaja.
21:38Your name is Khawaja Muinuddin.
