• il y a 2 mois
Film Comédie dramatique réalisé par Alexander Payne.
Avec Bruce Dern (Woody Grant), Will Forte (David Grant), Bob Odenkirk (Ross Grant), Stacy Keach (Ed Pegram), Rance Howard (l'oncle Ray), Ratray Devin (Cole), Squibb June (Kate Grant), Melinda Simonsen (la réceptionniste), Mary Louise (la tante Martha), Angela McEwan (Peg Nagy), Kevin Kunkel (Randy), Missy Doty (Nöel).
Sortie en 2014.

Synopsis :
Woody Grant, un vieil homme, est persuadé d'avoir gagné le gros lot à un tirage au sort par correspondance. Il cherche à rejoindre le Nebraska pour y recevoir son gain, un million de dollars. Sa famille, inquiète de son comportement, veut le placer en maison de retraite. Mais David, un de ses deux fils, décide d'emmener Woody en voiture chercher cet hypothétique chèque. Pendant le voyage, le père se blesse et l'équipée doit faire une étape forcée dans une petite cité en déclin du Nebraska, qui n'est autre que la ville de naissance de Woody. Epaulé par son fils, le vieil homme se remémore les souvenirs de son enfance et tombe sur des personnes à qui il doit de l'argent....

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00:00So, you told the sheriff that you were walking to Nebraska.
00:07That's right. To get my million dollars.
00:11What million dollars? Dad!
00:13Leave me alone.
00:15I can't let you go.
00:16It's none of your business.
00:17Yes it is. I'm your son.
00:19Then why don't you take me?
00:21I never knew this son of a bitch even wanted to be a millionaire.
00:24He should have thought about that years ago and worked for it.
00:28What's the harm in letting him have his little fantasy for just a couple more days?
00:31You and Ross always fretting over your father.
00:34What about me?
00:41I could drive a hell of a lot better than that moron.
00:47Wake up. Now.
00:49Are we going to Lincoln today?
00:51Today's Sunday. Lincoln's closed.
00:55I don't believe it!
00:57How the hell are you, Woody?
00:59God, I never thought I'd see you back in Hawthorne.
01:01God damn! Woody grabbed the millionaire!
01:05The next round is on Woody.
01:09A million here, a million there.
01:11All the newspapers are going to do a big write-up on you.
01:14The only reason I agreed to take you to Lincoln was to get out of Billingsville.
01:17And, you know, maybe have some time with you.
01:19Woody didn't win anything. This is a total sham.
01:22You're a damn liar!
01:29So you and Mom never actually talked about whether you wanted kids or not?
01:32I like to screw.
01:34And your mother's a Catholic, so you'll figure it out.