• il y a 2 mois
Film Comédie réalisé par McG .
Avec Judah Lewis (Cole), Mae Hana (Sonya), Robbie Amell (Max), Bella Thorne (Allison), Emily Alyn (Melanie), Andrew Bachelor (John), Leslie Bibb (Mutter), Ken Marino (Dad), Jenna Ortega (Phoebe), Amanda Cerny (Violet), Acevedo Maximilian (Jimmy), Wylde Chris (Melanie's Annoying Dad).

Synopsis :
Deux ans apre`s avoir e´chappe´ a` une secte satanique, Cole vit un nouveau cauchemar : le lyce´e. Ses vieux de´mons ? Ils re´apparaissent et transforment sa vie en enfer..

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00:00Growing up is worse than a near death experience.
00:04I can confidently tell you that.
00:06Because two years ago, my babysitter and her friends tried to kill me.
00:14The worst part is, nobody believes me.
00:18And now, everybody thinks I'm crazy.
00:20But I miss her.
00:21You're a weird little dude with a crush on a murderous, fictitious babysitter.
00:24We just gotta get you laid.
00:25That's your advice?
00:26That's what the f*** just came out of my mouth, man.
00:30Nicole, you're my best friend.
00:31You're not crazy.
00:32It's displaced.
00:34We're all going to Lake this weekend.
00:35Just come with me.
00:37I already took my dad's car.
00:49It's just you and me.
00:52We're back!
01:00Let's go, Cole!
01:01You okay?
01:02You look like you've seen a gorgeous black ghost.
01:07Don't worry, guys. I'm good.
01:08Where's Sonya?
01:09Getting cookies.
01:10I watched you all die!
01:11We are dead.
01:16Clearly, you guys are into some heavy cosplay.
01:19Just leave it be.
01:22Oh, shit!
01:23Oh, no! It's all gonna get dumb again!
01:27Update me on the psycho breakfast club.
01:30Basically, they're a blood cult.
01:31And they made a deal with the devil.
01:33They only have three hours to complete the ritual.
01:35We could hide out till sunrise.
01:37We finish this, we have to go back down to Limbo.
01:47I love you, Cole.
01:57Finally found my neck, Cole!
02:01Could this night get any more erotic?
02:07Hey, Cole.
02:12I get killed first!
02:13That's some post-Jordan Peele-era horror movie progress!