• 2 months ago
Video Information: ShabdYoga Session, 23.11.16, Advait BodhSthal, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

~ What is the purpose of life?
~ How to be purposeless?
~ How to attain freedom?

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00It is purposeless.
00:11You tell me where do your purposes come from?
00:13It is not as if it should be purposeless.
00:16All shoulds are purposes in themselves.
00:20So when you say life should be purposeless, you have already ascribed a purpose to life.
00:28Life is already purposeless.
00:30Even if you give it a purpose, that purpose stands nowhere.
00:36That purpose is just like trying to write your name on the surface of the mountain stream.
00:45That means there should be no destination to decide that where do you want to go.
00:50Again the should is there.
00:51No, I am understanding that.
00:52I want to live my life in totality.
00:56It is not dependent on your want.
00:58No, exactly what you said that yes, any inch, any second, whatever I am living, I am living
01:05out of totality.
01:06It is I should understand this thing that yes, I am living.
01:10You already understand this.
01:12So that's what my point is that if I want to go ahead in my life, wherever I want to
01:19You need to go ahead.
01:20There is no ahead to go to.
01:23So what should be the objective of a journey?
01:26There is no should and no objective.
01:29Okay, so I mean, there should not be any plan.
01:34That's what my question is.
01:35For whom must the plan be there?
01:38It is I, I, I.
01:40This I, I, I is all coming from this, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that.
01:48No, I mean, suppose, how can I live in it?
01:52That's what my question is.
01:53How are you living right now?
01:54I am living that, yes, I have some purpose to achieve.
01:56Were you, were you thinking of all that purpose since the two hours?
02:00No, I sincerely do not.
02:01I'm asking you, were you thinking of any purpose since the last one and a half hours?
02:08Were you dead then?
02:10So were you not in just listening?
02:13Is there any purpose?
02:15It is somewhere down the line.
02:18All purposes are there in the mind.
02:21When you were just listening, was there any purpose in your mind?
02:25Was the mind containing anything?
02:28It was not containing anything.
02:30So then full stop.
02:32Just as you can listen without purpose, you can also live without purpose.
02:37Just as over the last one and a half hours, you could listen without purpose with a clean mind.
02:44Similarly, you can live without purpose with a clean mind.
02:47It is possible.
02:49It is not only possible.
02:51It is the only possibility if you do not want to die insane.
03:02Life knows in which direction to take you.
03:08The pulsations in the heart of the ocean decide the rise and fall of waves.
03:26Waves have no business setting their personal agenda.
03:30The ocean is there.
03:33The ocean very well knows when the wave would be born, how far would it rise.
03:37Whether it would merge with another wave, how it would fall, how it would dissolve and then how it would reappear.
03:46Ocean knows all of these.
03:48What business does the wave have troubling itself over questions about future, security, movement, life, action and purpose?
04:02You do not need to do anything.
04:04Even assumption is a doing.
04:06Why do you need to do anything?
04:09Why do you need to assume?
04:11What is the compulsion, the inner compulsion to think, do, assume, be embroiled in something?
04:25So the wave does not need to decide anything.
04:28So that is what I am saying, if I should be getting inspired from the ocean.
04:32You do not need to get inspired from the ocean.
04:34The wave does not get any inspiration from the ocean.
04:37The wave is the ocean in movement.
04:41The ocean knows everything.
04:43The wave can just relax.
04:53That troubles, right?
04:55Because it leaves you jobless.
04:56Now what do I do?
04:57Do you see how restless do we feel without doing?
05:01Do you see how that tells of our internal fears?
05:06You know what your fear is?
05:08If I do not do anything, I will be no more.
05:10You have associated your being with doing.
05:14You feel that without doing there will be no being.
05:20I find myself isolated when I think the way you are asking.
05:29You find yourself isolated.
05:31You find yourself this.
05:33You find yourself that.
05:34But you do not stop finding.
05:37Because you have hyphenated your existence with finding this or that.
05:45Your finding is not a realization.
05:48Your finding is just a desperate attempt at remaining alive, at doing something.
06:04Why can't you just sit still?
06:06Why can't you just sit still?
06:08Why can't you just sit still?
06:12What is this compulsive obligation to achieve, move, do, conclude, know?
06:30What is this?
06:39You are alive. You are still alive.
06:43It is possible.
06:47It is possible.
07:00The skies have not fallen upon you.
07:02Not doing anything, you are still alive.
07:04The skies have not fallen upon you.
07:06Not doing anything, you are still alright.
07:11And when the moment of doing comes, then the doing happens.
07:16Doing is already happening even without your confirmation, support, validation or participation.
07:24It is happening.
07:45Stillness is not threatening.
07:50Stillness is not terrible.
07:54Stillness is not your enemy.
08:11Feel secure and relax.
08:23One can live even without feeling afraid.
08:26It is possible.
08:53Sir, what is the difference between pleasure and joy?
08:58How can you know that this is pleasure?
09:00Classically it has been put like this, to have an itch and scratch it, yes?
09:07And to not to have an itch at all is?
09:11I think it was Nagarjuna who put it this way.
09:15But I love the way he put it.
09:31When you have an itch and you scratch it, how does it feel?
09:38That is pleasure.
09:40But to not to have an itch at all, that is?
09:50That means we should not have any purpose in our life.
09:53There is no purpose.
09:55It is not a question of you having the authority to have or not have a purpose.
10:02We don't even have the authority to have a purpose.
10:06We are not even qualified, authorized to have a purpose.
10:17What would a life be without a purpose?
10:30And you know that, right?
10:35That's why all our actions are just breeding grounds for suffering.
10:46Do you like that?
10:50Do you like that?
10:56I am again asking this.
10:57Do you like suffering?
11:00If you do not like suffering, surely you know that it is possible to not to suffer.
11:06Had suffering been your nature, how could you have disliked it?
11:11Does anybody dislike his nature?
11:14But suffering by definition is something that you dislike.
11:18Which means that all these actions and all this doership that leads to suffering has to be artificial, unnecessary.
11:32All right.
11:45Life without purpose does not mean that you are left stranded in a strange jungle with no compass, no sense of direction.
11:58That is the scary feeling you get when somebody says life cannot have purpose.
12:02You feel you have been left unattended, helpless, directionless in the middle of a thick and terrible jungle.
12:13Now you need to have a purpose.
12:14The purpose is to get out, right?
12:17And you feel what kind of man is this?
12:19He is saying you need not have a purpose.
12:21Then I will keep roaming and circulating and stranded and lost in this jungle forever.
12:27First of all, you are not in a jungle.
12:31Secondly, it is not a terrible place where you are.
12:36Thirdly, even if you do not have a purpose of your own, your entire system, your innate intelligence knows how and where to go.
12:54Movement is possible even without having a prior purpose.
13:03It is possible to reach without planning.
13:07It is possible to understand without a motive.
13:11In fact, you cannot understand with a motive.
13:14Do you understand what I say?
13:16Did you have the motive to understand?
13:18Don't you understand?
13:20Don't you see that you are reaching only when you are not moving?
13:25Don't you say that you are understanding only when you are not thinking?
13:30Don't you see that the more you move, the more you remain deprived of real motion?
13:40Even as I speak to you, if your mind remains in movement, would there be any understanding?
13:45Don't you see real action is happening when you are not intending to act?
13:54I am again asking this.
13:56Is there really an intention to understand right now?
13:59An intention also is a movement.
14:03Even if there is an intention to understand, it is the same as an intention to not to understand.
14:08Not to understand.
14:13You look at those who are learning to drive a vehicle.
14:20Sometimes I am beside someone who is recently learning to drive a vehicle.
14:28Now, there are two things that go wrong.
14:31One, carelessness.
14:33Second, carefulness.
14:35Both are enemies of driving.
14:38Both lead to accidents.
14:42Because in both, there is an intention.
14:45When you are careless, then your intention is pivoted on something else.
14:50You are careless about driving because you are thinking about the mobile phone.
14:56When you are careful about driving, then you are thinking about the exact pressure that you should put on the pedals.
15:04In both the cases, the driving gets rough.
15:07Driving is the smoothest when you are not even knowing that you are driving.
15:11If some of you are drivers, then they know what I am saying.
15:15When you are really driving the smoothest, then you do not even know that you are driving.
15:20Beginners mess up because they are careful about driving.
15:23They have an intention to drive.
15:25When you have an intention to drive, all you drive is accidents.
15:28All you drive is accidents.
15:33An intention to understand would restrict your understanding.
15:41An intention to not to understand too would inhibit your understanding.
15:49Intention in any form would be the enemy of the real thing.
15:55An intention is purpose.
15:58You know what I am saying.
16:01You decide that you do not want to listen to me, obviously you cannot listen.
16:05But if you come here and you decide that today I will listen with the greatest concentration, again you will miss me.
16:14Those who are able to get me are the ones who are just here.
16:17No purpose, no meaning.
16:19They are just here, simply relaxing and sitting.
16:21They will get everything, everything without effort.
16:31You decide that you have to remain stuck in the jungle, you will obviously not be able to get out.
16:38You decide that you must quickly get out of the jungle, you will again find that you are getting deeper into the jungle.
16:46You are not being pulled out of it.
16:59The more you try to excretate yourself, the more you put yourself deeper in it.
17:07Not having a purpose, does this hold good in a day to day life also?
17:18Yes, of course.
17:19If I am not having a purpose, probably I will not go to office tomorrow.
17:23See, it cannot become a purpose to deny the simple happenings when they approach you.
17:30We think in terms of duality.
17:33When I say do not have a purpose, that itself becomes a purpose.
17:38So you see, the first thought that comes to you is, if I do not have a purpose, then I must not go to the office tomorrow.
17:47When the time for the action has arrived, go there purposelessly, act purposelessly.
17:54And if you find that that purposelessness is unsuitable to that place, then you and the place would anyway get separated.
18:03Good for you, good for that place.
18:06Why must you be in a place that does not love you enough to bear your purposelessness?
18:14Why must you be with a person only with a purpose?
18:21Why must you be working only for a purpose?
18:30Remember that working can never be a purpose.
18:33When you say that you go to a workplace for a purpose, the purpose is never work, or is it?
18:41When you say that you go to a workplace for a purpose, is the purpose ever the work?
18:46What is the purpose?
18:49The purpose is the salary check.
18:53You do not go to work for a purpose.
18:58In fact, if work could be bypassed and you could straight away reach the salary check, then who would want to work?
19:07Is work the purpose really?
19:09No, it is not.
19:12Now why work in such a place then?
19:15Why subject yourself to month long torture so that you may get a check in the month end?
19:28When you work purposelessly, then you really work.
19:31Now you are going to work.
19:33You are not going to get the salary check.
19:35Now the purpose is the doing itself.
19:39Otherwise purposes are always outside of the doing.
19:44The purposes are always in the future, somewhere ahead.
19:49It is the 5th of the month and the purpose lies on the 30th of the month.
19:56When you don't have a purpose, then you can really work on the 5th.
20:01Otherwise, even on the 5th, the mind is hovering around the 30th.
20:13Today is the 5th, but the mind is, when would the 30th arrive?
20:19Working without purpose means really working.
20:22Now I am not bothered about what would happen tomorrow.
20:24Today I am really working.
20:28What is the purpose of that working now?
20:30No purpose.
20:31Have you ever played with a kid?
20:38What is the purpose of playing?
20:42That's it.
20:45Pleasure that is not dependent upon the result of the action is called joy.
20:50When you play with the kid, do you play with the intention that the kid will pay you back one day?
20:56You record it so that later on you may show it to the kid and prove that you have invested on him.
21:06So the working, the doing, the playing itself is the purpose.
21:12There is no purpose beyond the playing, beyond the working, beyond the doing.
21:20Nothing outside of the action is now determining the action.
21:23The action is its own purpose and that is called purposelessness.
21:28Work itself is so beautiful and meaningful that I don't have to look forward to the 30th.
21:35Now nobody can threaten you.
21:38They may say, we will not pay you.
21:40You say, do I receive a salary?
21:42I forgot that.
21:44I thought working was sufficient.
21:46Those who work for salaries can be arm twisted, even manhandled.
21:55You tell them you won't be paid and they won't even want to work.
22:00What we are working for them?
22:02Life must have a purpose, work must have a purpose.
22:04The purpose of work is salary.
22:06If somebody is blocking my salary, I have nothing left to work for.
22:17Go to work as you play with your kid, just for the sake of it, just for the inherent joy,
22:26not for anything outside of the playing.
22:35So salary becomes a by-product.
22:37Of course, it may or may not come.
22:39You see by-products are not so important that we talk of them.
22:43One is never assured of by-products.
22:48Salary might be by-product or it is possible that on the 30th, somebody may demand that you pay for being allowed to work.
22:58You see, I saw you deriving a lot of joy in this work.
23:03Don't you think it is proper that you pay me for letting you work?
23:08And that is all right.
23:10It is all right. Yes, of course.
23:17For an hour of company with the beloved, would it be too much to pay for the dinner?
23:32I am prepared to pay.
23:34I am prepared to pay for this work.
23:36I am prepared to pay. I am paying.
23:39The dinner is upon me. I am paying.
23:42Because the company is so beautiful.
23:45I am prepared to pay.
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