• 4 days ago
00:00And last night was a disaster.
00:03It was so much of the same stuff we have seen all season long, different
00:10method of self-destruction, but the same result and outcome, the 10th loss in a row.
00:18They have become the kind of team you boo off the field.
00:23And now you have a fan base putting paper bags over their head.
00:28They're getting that treatment.
00:30And I understand because it's a national embarrassment when they, when they're
00:35throwing up the kind of graphics that you, they are a national embarrassment.
00:39They're a local disgrace in a national punchline.
00:43And Amazon had fun at the bear's expense that should tick people off.
00:50And I don't think you need much, much encouragement to be ticked off at this
00:55bears team in this season and everything about last night was annoying.
01:00Everything about last night was just another reminder of how long of a year it
01:07has been, how it started with all of the hope and the hype and the promise, and
01:13now how it's ending 10 straight losses.
01:17The second year in the last three, the second year of the Ryan polls regime,
01:23that they have a double digit losing streak and we're not done yet.
