Karan Johar recently attended a concert by Punjabi music sensation Karan Aujla in Mumbai and had an amazing time. He called Karan Aujla a "showman" and thanked actress Neha Dhupia for taking him to the concert. Karan shared a video on his Instagram stories, which showed Karan Aujla performing on stage while Karan danced in the VIP area. Comedian Munawar Faruqui was also seen dancing alongside Karan. Neha also shared several moments from the concert on her social media.
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00:00Karan Johar recently attended a concert by Punjabi music sensation Karan Aujla in Mumbai
00:07and had an amazing time.
00:10He called Karan Aujla a showman and thanked actress Neha Dupia for taking him to the concert.
00:16Karan shared a video on his Instagram stories which showed Karan Aujla performing on stage
00:22while Karan danced in the VIP area.
00:25Comedian Munawar Farooqui was also seen dancing alongside Karan.
00:30Neha also shared several moments from the concert on her social media.
00:34Karan Johar is known for his love of music and entertainment and it's clear he had a
00:39great time at the concert.
00:40He recently shared his resolution for 2025 on social media which was,
00:46Evolution should be your only resolution.
00:49On the professional front, Karan is gearing up for his upcoming project Chand Mera Dil,
00:55a love story starring Ananya Pandey and Lakshya Lalwani.
01:00The film is directed by Vivek Soni and is set to release in theatres next year.