00:30It's Bill Cosby coming at you with music and fun, and if you're not careful, you may learn something before it's done.
00:37So let's get ready, okay?
00:39Hey, hey, hey!
01:00Hey! Guess you know what I have here, don't you?
01:22Yeah, it's a baby buggy.
01:24And they're real handy too.
01:25And you can use them, baby buggies, for hauling groceries, toting laundry, storing your gardening equipment, and they're even good for carrying babies.
01:38You know, babies are a real cool way to start people.
01:41And it's only when babies grow up to be little brothers and sisters that they start getting in your hair, like Russell.
01:53Russell, come on back.
01:57Russell, you hear me.
01:59I'm too far away to hear you.
02:04Come on, Russell, I know you're under that box.
02:07I am not. I'm under this one.
02:10Let go of me, you big bully. I'm just a little kid.
02:14You gotta come on and take your bath.
02:16I already took a bath.
02:18You did not. Ma knows you didn't take no bath.
02:21How does she know?
02:22You forgot to wet the soap.
02:24I don't wanna go home. I don't wanna take no bath.
02:27You big brothers are all alike. You're mean.
02:31Boy, I'm sure glad I don't have no little brother to bug me.
02:35You sure are a lucky dude, Tom Donald.
02:38You're the only cat in the neighborhood who's got a room to herself.
02:45Hmm, we're putting on weight.
02:47How can you tell what you weigh when you're both on the scale?
02:50That's easy. I just look at the number and I divide by two.
02:54Where's my brother, huh? Where is he?
02:57Come on, Fat Albert, tell me where my brother is.
02:59I don't know, Tiffany. Donald, you seen Weird Harold anywhere?
03:04You're lying, both of you. You know where he is.
03:07Here I am, Tiffany.
03:10Leggo me. You hear leggo.
03:12Why don't you ask where he is for and then run away?
03:15So I can hide from him. Leggo.
03:17You're coming home to supper.
03:20Boy, Donald, you sure are lucky.
03:23You don't have to mess around with no little sisters.
03:25I don't want to go home. I'm not hungry.
03:28Hey, Donald, you don't know how good you got it, man.
03:33Oh, yes, I do.
03:37Here he comes now.
03:39All right, honey. Now this time, we really have to tell him.
03:43What's for supper?
03:45What's for supper?
03:47Your favorite, foot-long hot dogs wrapped in tortillas.
03:51Wow, that's great. Hey, let me go change my sweater.
03:54Wait, Donald, don't go in your room.
03:59What's all this junk doing in my room?
04:02Who came in here and did this without my permission?
04:04Now, Donald, we've got wonderful news for you.
04:08Yeah, yeah, wonderful news.
04:11Donald, you're going to have a baby sister.
04:14Or maybe a baby brother.
04:17You know, like Belle's little brother, Russell.
04:20Ah! Russell! Ah, damn!
04:22We knew you'd be surprised.
04:24And you get to share your room with him.
04:27Or her.
04:28Do I have to?
04:30You'll just love sharing.
04:32And the baby will be arriving very soon.
04:35Now, Donald, will you hurry up and move before it gets here?
04:38No, Donald. That's not the way it works.
04:42Donald, your father has something to explain to you.
04:45And while he's explaining it to you, I have to go get supper.
04:49I don't want no supper and I don't want no baby in my room either.
04:53Donald, you come back here.
04:58Boy, a new baby.
05:00Just what I need.
05:02This isn't my day.
05:04If it was raining double chocolate banana splits,
05:07I'd be up there with a rubber fork.
05:09I know that old baby's gonna try to take over.
05:12Nobody's pushier than a baby.
05:14He's gonna push me right out of my room.
05:16Then he'll try to push me out of the house.
05:18He won't get away with it. I'll fix him.
05:21They don't come too small for dumb Donald.
05:24I'll... I'll... I'll...
05:26I'll short-sheet his crib.
05:28I'll make him eat all my liver.
05:30I hate liver.
05:32Then I'll learn to be a vet of...
05:34of... of... of... of oysters.
05:37And I'll make dumb words come out of his mouth
05:40and everybody laugh at him.
05:46Where is he?
05:47Oh, he just went outside.
05:49Better leave him alone for a little while.
05:52You're right.
05:54Poor kid.
05:55It must have been a terrible shock.
05:58Just like it was to me.
06:03Everything happens to me.
06:05Everything happens to me.
06:07Oh, it's you.
06:11You don't know how lucky you are being a dog.
06:16You never have to come home
06:18and find all your stuff scrunched up in one corner.
06:22I bet you'd really growl
06:24if you had to share your place with a baby.
06:29Huh? What do you mean?
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10:36Nice going, Butcher.
10:38Yeah, you got too much tongue.
10:41Hey, Donald, you wanna see the Cubs?
10:43I don't wanna see no baseball players.
10:46Not the Chicago Cubs.
10:48Polar Bear Cubs.
10:55Hey, that's kinda cool.
10:57Russell, you learn anything from all this?
10:59Yeah, it sure be fun to have a polar bear for a brother.
11:03Yeah, that be cool.
11:05But I'm not gonna have a polar bear for a brother.
11:08I'm not even gonna have a sister for a brother.
11:10I'm split.
11:11Hey, where you going, man?
11:13I'm going home and lock the door so the baby can't get in.
11:17That won't do no good.
11:19The old stork will drop him right down the chimney.
11:24Man, that isn't how babies come.
11:26Don't you know how babies come?
11:28You kidding?
11:29Oh, man, we know.
11:30Everybody knows.
11:32Come on.
11:33All right, Weird Harold, you know so much.
11:36How do babies come?
11:38Sure, I'll tell you.
11:40You go to the hospital and get them.
11:42Yeah, hospital.
11:43Sure, they got them in a big display rack behind a big window.
11:47Yeah, window.
11:48No class.
11:49What do you mean?
11:50I mean, you're all wrong.
11:52R-O-N-G wrong.
11:54A lady in our building had a baby last week,
11:56and she didn't go to no hospital.
11:58Okay, she didn't go to the hospital.
12:00Then how'd she get the baby?
12:02The doctor brought it in a black bag.
12:04That's how.
12:05I don't believe any of you.
12:06I'm going home.
12:07Hey, hey, hey.
12:08Wait a minute.
12:10I got the real scoop on where babies come from, man.
12:13My grandmother told me.
12:14I don't want to hear it.
12:15Leave me alone.
12:22Babies are found under cabbage leaves.
12:25That's where babies come from.
12:28I don't believe it.
12:30Where would they find a cabbage big enough to put you under?
12:34Oh, fool.
12:35You don't know what you're talking about.
12:36Oh, man.
12:37That's a bunch of bunk.
12:38Yeah, bunk.
12:39Maybe I better check Grandma on that again.
13:28So, Donald, you're such a good kid.
13:31Your mother and I decided to have another one like you
13:34to keep you company.
13:36Is that why Mom's at the hospital picking out a baby?
13:40No, no.
13:41The baby is inside your mother,
13:43and it's time for it to come out.
13:45She's at the hospital so the doctor can help her and the baby.
13:48Well, when's the baby going to come?
13:50It should be any time now.
13:53The doctor will call her.
13:55Oh, boy, I can hardly wait.
13:57For the baby?
13:58No, no, I can't wait to tell Fat Albert
14:00the dumb gang where babies really come from.
14:06Hey, hey, hey, I'm king of the mountain
14:08and no one can pull me down.
14:11Okay, king.
14:12Get ready to abdicate.
14:19Here comes King Harold.
14:26When the going gets tough,
14:28the goeys get tougher.
14:34Hey, hey, hey, I'm here to stay.
14:45Well, king, we ought to rename you Paratrooper.
14:50Yeah, because you just fell down on the job.
14:53Harold! Harold!
14:55What do you want?
14:56I've got a secret.
14:58She's got a loud mouth, and that's no secret.
15:01All right, Tiffany, what's your secret?
15:03I'm not going to tell you, Rudy.
15:06Donald's mother just come home with a baby.
15:10Yeah, man, what's going on?
15:12We've got to get out of here.
15:14Why can't boys keep a secret?
15:16Hey, Donald, man, come here.
15:18Donald, we want to talk to you, man.
15:20Shh! Quiet, you hear?
15:22We want to see the baby.
15:24You can't. Baby's asleep now.
15:26I don't want her to wake up, start yelling in my ear.
15:29Go away.
15:32Don't I have enough troubles with this new baby's sister
15:35without you dudes messing me up even more?
15:40Gee, what a grouch.
15:42But it's not easy for poor old dumb Donald
15:44to share his room with his parents
15:46and the baby's mother.
15:48I wonder if Donald's ever going to quit fighting it.
15:54Hey, it's three weeks since Donald's baby sister came,
15:57and we still haven't seen her.
15:59Yeah, let's check.
16:03What do you dudes want?
16:05We want to see the baby.
16:07Come on, man.
16:08Yeah, we want to see the baby.
16:10Come on, we want to see the baby.
16:12I'd like to go see it.
16:14Well, okay, but just one minute.
16:16Hey, she's cute.
16:18Yeah, don't look anything like Donald.
16:21Yeah, now that's a real baby.
16:23She's sure little.
16:25She be sure to sleep as quiet as maybe.
16:28Oh, yeah?
16:29You ought to hear how quiet she sleeps at two in the morning.
16:32Wish I had a baby sister.
16:34Oh, no, you don't.
16:35You don't know how good you got it.
16:39Now you've done it.
16:41Done what?
16:44You almost woke up the baby.
16:46That's all I need.
16:47You cats better split.
16:49Boy, that Donald sure uptight, man.
16:51Yeah, how can a cute little baby like that be any trouble?
16:56Come on, let's play ball.
16:58Uh-oh, I left the football in the house.
17:02Okay, I got rid of those dudes.
17:05Now, time for your bottle.
17:07Boy, man, would they give it to me if they saw me do it.
17:13Not too fast now.
17:15You hear all those nice things those cats say about you?
17:18Boy, nobody better not say anything mean about you.
17:22I'll get them, that's for sure.
17:24You don't have it too bad yet, kid.
17:26I still haven't made up my mind if I'm going to keep you.
17:32Well, looks like Donald and his baby sister are going to get along.
17:36Of course, they'll have some problems, just like all brothers and sisters do.
17:40You know, if a dude can have two parents and love them both,
17:44then why can't parents have two kids and love them both?
17:47Oh, my goodness, I got to go change her now.
17:50Well, and the kids have a song to sing about a little newcomer, so give her a listen.
17:54Fellas, sing that song while I change the baby.
18:00You know, I used to think babies were a pain
18:04That they cry all day, get in your way
18:06You know what I mean
18:09But when you finally do get a little brother or sister
18:12You realize it's a beautiful thing
18:14So listen
18:17Today I became a big brother
18:25Oh, and I'm as proud as I can be
18:34Today I became a big brother
18:43And I hope that she'll look up to me
18:50I want her to lean on me
18:55When she's weary
19:00Lean on me when she's sad
19:09Lean on me when she's lonely
19:16For you know that that would make me so glad
19:24Today they brought our baby home
19:32And you know I felt just like a man
19:40Cause today I became a big brother
19:49And you know I'm gonna help her all I can
19:57I want her to lean on me
20:02When she's weary
20:08Lean on me when she's sad
20:19Lean on me when she's lonely
20:29Lean on me when she's sad