• last year
Scotsman Politics: Alex Salmond Memorial Service at St Giles Cathedral
00:00Hello, I'm Alistair Grant, the Political Editor of The Scotsman and I'm here just outside
00:04St Giles Cathedral in central Edinburgh where for the last hour and a bit I've been attending
00:08the memorial service to Alex Salmond, the former First Minister who died at the age
00:12of 69 in October while attending a conference in North Macedonia.
00:17He had his funeral previously, it was a private service attended by family and close friends
00:23but this was a chance for people from across the political spectrum to come together in
00:29St Giles Cathedral and to mark the life of someone who made a huge impact on Scotland's
00:34political life.
00:35It was a service that I think was very moving for a lot of people inside, there was tributes
00:40from political figures like David Davis, the former Brexit Secretary, Kenny MacAskill,
00:45the Alaba Party politician now but formerly Scotland's Justice Secretary under Alex Salmond's
00:52government, there was a tribute by Duncan Hamilton who used to be an SNP MSP and some
00:59quite pointed statements as well about Scottish politics since Alex Salmond stood down as
01:04First Minister.
01:05Duncan Hamilton saying that it was a mistake for Alex Salmond to step down as First Minister
01:09as Alex Salmond said himself as well which seemed like a pointed criticism of his predecessors,
01:17mostly Nicola Sturgeon.
01:19There was also tributes from Alex Salmond's family, Christina Hendry, his niece giving
01:23a very personal tribute to her uncle Alex making the point that he might have been this
01:27huge political figure, someone who as she said was the top man in Scotland but he always
01:33made time for his family as well.
01:35And there was musical tributes as well from the Proclaimers who sang the Nationalist Anthem
01:40Cap in Hand just a few yards really from where Gordon Brown was also sitting there because
01:45there was a service that was attended by as I say political figures from across the
01:50spectrum but also music from Alistair Fraser in the Fiddle and from Dougie McLean performing
01:56his rendition of Caledonia.
01:59As you can see just outside the cathedral here there's lots of people that have gathered
02:03with saltires, with various kind of political flags to pay tribute to Alex Salmond, lots
02:10of cheers for the family as they left St Giles Cathedral and a few boos as well actually
02:14notably for John Swinney, the current First Minister.
02:22But I don't think these people will be going anywhere soon, they're very much here to mark
02:27a life of someone they hugely admired and respected.
02:32Alex Salmond nearly got his independence, he was like Moses being shown the promised land.
02:39We will never see the like of Alex Salmond ever again but possibly there is hope in the
02:45horizon but at the moment I cannot see it and I'm of an age where it possibly will not
02:52be the case.
02:54We've come here from Arran today and we couldn't not be here and we want to be not just in
03:01memory of Alex but in honour of his wife.
03:05It's been a great loss to us all because while Alex was around we still had a lot of hope
03:13but there's nobody to replace him, there's nobody like him.
