• last year
Black Doves Series Trailer HD - Plot Synopsis: Set against the backdrop of London at Christmas, BLACK DOVES is a sharp, action-filled and heartfelt story of friendship and sacrifice. It follows Helen Webb (Keira Knightley), a quick-witted, down to earth, dedicated wife and mother -- and professional spy. For 10 years, she's been passing on her politician husband's secrets to the shadowy organization she works for: the Black Doves. When her secret lover Jason (Andrew Koji) is assassinated, her spymaster, the enigmatic Reed (Sarah Lancashire), calls in Helen's old friend Sam (Ben Whishaw) to keep her safe. Together, Helen and Sam set off on a mission to investigate who killed Jason and why, leading them to uncover a vast, interconnected conspiracy linking the murky London underworld to a looming geopolitical crisis.

directed by Alex Gabassi, Lisa Gunning (various episodes)

starring Keira Knightley, Ben Whishaw, Sarah Lancashire, Andrew Koji, Andrew Buchan, Kathryn Hunter, Ella Lily Hyland, Gabrielle Creevy, Omari Douglas, Luther Ford

release date December 5, 2024 (on Netflix)


00:00Good evening. My name's Sam.
00:03Dave... Kevin.
00:05Yeah, try not to say half of your old name before introducing yourself.
00:09That's probably Spycraft 101.
00:14This morning a man named Jason Davis was killed on the South Bank.
00:18Do you know him?
00:20I want to find the person who killed Jason.
00:22I know you do. That's what's worrying everyone.
00:26The world is not run how you think it is.
00:30Who are you?
00:31Who are you? Helen Webb.
00:35You've endangered this entire organisation.
00:39He's dead. He's in my shed.
00:42He's dead. In your shed.
00:45Oh, I'll clean up, shall I?
00:50As usual.
