• l’année dernière
Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget is a delightful 2023 sequel to the beloved animated film, Chicken Run (2000), produced by Aardman Animations and directed by Sam Fell. This charming stop-motion comedy continues the adventures of Ginger (voiced by Thandiwe Newton) and Rocky (voiced by Zachary Levi) as they embark on a daring rescue mission to save their daughter, Molly, who has been abducted by their old nemesis, Mrs. Tweedy (Miranda Richardson).
Set against the backdrop of a highly advanced poultry farm, the film explores themes of bravery, family, and the fight against oppression. After successfully escaping from Tweedy's farm and finding sanctuary on a peaceful island, Ginger and her team are faced with a new threat that endangers all of chicken-kind. The story unfolds as they devise a plan to infiltrate the sinister farm, showcasing their cleverness and teamwork.
With a talented voice cast that includes Bella Ramsey, Imelda Staunton, and Romesh Ranganathan, Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget combines humor with heartfelt moments, appealing to both children and adults. The film maintains Aardman's signature style of animation while delivering a fresh narrative filled with adventure and wit.
Critics have praised the film for its engaging storyline and stunning animation, highlighting its ability to resonate with audiences while addressing important social issues in a light-hearted manner. With its release on Netflix set for December 15, 2023, this sequel promises to capture the hearts of fans old and new.


