• last year
Kamala Harris Supporters Meltdown after president Donald Trump wins
#donaldtrump #kamalaharris #usa


00:00If you voted for Trump
00:03You good morning. I'm here to report the news that Donald Trump still is not my president. I don't support it
00:09I didn't vote for it. Don't like it
00:11I rebuke it in the name of Jesus and I'm putting a sticker back on and I'm returning to send her good night and good
00:17Morning all at the same motherfucking time. Are you gonna talk about Jesus and also swear like that in the same video?
00:25To Trump speak was like listening to a first grader who had too much candy and embarrassed to be an American
00:31I'm embarrassed that this is how the country showed up. I'm terrified
00:36For my three daughters and why?
00:42Trump is our president
00:46This just proves my point even further that all felons should be
00:52Released or felons that have been released should be able to run for president and they should be able to do they want to do
01:03Because unlike the vast majority of America I am smart I know that most of America is stupid
01:10I know that most of America hates women. I know that most America is racist. So I know how he won
01:15Wait a minute. Do you agree? I don't think that uh
01:19American men hate women. I love women. Do you let me know your thoughts?
01:24My question today is how was he allowed to run a twice impeached?
01:32Convicted felon who could not even get a job at the gym that I work at
01:36Could become president make it make sense
01:40Donald Trump has officially won Pennsylvania, which means that somehow he has once again officially won the presidency
01:47And I think the worst part is is that I can't honestly say that I'm surprised in any way
01:51I exist on the internet every single day
01:54I see the way that these grown men and occasionally women act when they are behind the comfort of a keyboard
02:00I see the hate that this world harbors towards women towards LGBTQ plus towards people
02:07Towards everyone who is not this mold
02:10Today this country has proven to us that they hate women
02:15People of color
02:16LGBTQ plus members
02:19Everyone else more than they hate a literal felon who has committed smack small
02:24Small that is how much hatred they harbor for women and I fear that things are not going to get better
02:30I don't think she's being fair every group of people no matter gender or religion
02:36Or whatever the case may be every group of people. There's good and bad
02:41I think that it's kind of hypocritical for her to put everyone in the same category
02:47Yes, there's definitely got to be some Trump supporters that are real pieces of shit
02:52But there's also tons of amazing people that are Trump supporters just like with Kamala Harris
02:58There's tons that are great people and there's some that are pieces of it, right? Let's continue
03:04This is not moving in the direction of things becoming better. They have won the presidency
03:10they have won the Senate and
03:13They will probably be winning the house
03:15The GOP will have full control to pass and do whatever they want without being stopped and we have seen what that means
03:22We have seen their playbooks and their projects and their plans
03:26I'm assuming she's talking about project 2025, which he has said is not true that whole thing that leaked on the Internet
03:35Let's keep rocking. I
03:37Genuinely do believe that we are about to witness the downfall of an entire country
03:43We have been actively witnessing it for some time. Yes, a lot of us acknowledge that but I truly do think
03:52Run it essentially and I'm in Minnesota. I'll probably be fine for a while
03:57I can drive up to my friends in Canada. I can figure something out, but there are so many people here who cannot
04:05Who don't have plans or the option of a plan
04:09And they won't be okay. Why are people running to Canada? I don't understand this
04:15Why are people in such fear? The man was president already and it was good
04:21I think for the most part was really good
04:24He did a great effing job and that's why people are voting for him because they seen what Joe Biden
04:30Kamala Harris did and they're like, you know what?
04:34He did a pretty effing good job. You know that old saying you don't miss something till it's gone, right or wrong
04:39You don't have to agree with me, but I do want to read your comments and smash that like yeah
04:46Don't worry
04:50And I don't know what to do I know you're gonna ask me what to do I
04:54Don't know what to do
04:57I'm sorry, you're crying. I tried so hard and I feel like I
05:04Feel like we all failed. I did everything I could. She's on TikTok. She's a TikToker, right?
05:11I don't know what I could have done better
05:16Nothing. I'm sorry. I'm gonna go now
05:20Well, Donald Trump is now our 47th president of the United States of America
05:26This election was not even close
05:29Which I find odd considering
05:32Kamala Harris's rallies
05:35However, how can that compete when you have Elon Musk paying a million dollars per day?
05:42To encourage people to vote for Donald Trump. I don't think he was encouraging people to vote with his money
05:48He was helping Donald Trump by giving him money from my understanding to put that money into him running for president
05:56I didn't see any money. I voted for Trump
06:00Please send some money my way Elon, you know, there's my cash app. It'll be linked in the description
06:07I could use some right now. Let's continue personally. I'm disgusted by that. I'm disgusted enough to
06:14Delete my ex account. I'm disgusted enough to
06:19Never order a Tesla as long as I shall live. I'm sure that's not gonna affect Elon Musk at all
06:26I don't want Trump to win at all
06:28But I low-key do want Trump to win for all those people who voted for him
06:33Okay, and they're going to see they go f around and find out
06:39Lose your rights to your own body or your child lose their rights to their own body
06:44Hmm just remember that you voted for him. Trump is not banning abortion from my understanding. Yeah, there's a lot of misinformation
06:51That is just spreading it's spreading like wildfire
06:55And I think that people have had enough of it and they are seeing through the BS. Let me know your thoughts though
07:00Please a lot of immigrants and black people voted for him
07:05And you know why they voted for him because they want to be white themselves
07:11When they get their ass deported because I am an American, why would they be the boy they get up deported?
07:18back into their country I
07:21Don't want to hear
07:23You gotta be an American citizen to vote so everything that she's saying respectively is
07:30Just completely wrong. You cannot just vote
07:33Unless you cannot vote unless you are an actual American citizen
07:37So why would they get deported makes no sense whatsoever?
07:42I'm going to be like, yeah
07:44Build that daggone wall or get them out of here because y'all the ones who voted for this information
07:51All the white people I know
07:55Voted for
07:56Kamala and she's making it about color. You notice that like why does it even have to do with color?
08:02It shouldn't that's do it who's running the country the best right? Let's continue if you're voting for Trump
08:09I hate you politics is that deep it's been that deep. It's all so much anger
08:14I didn't give up
08:15I'm trying to say and I feel like I was I look I was cut
08:19Out of my life the first time around but this time is like for real
08:23Unexcusable like it. I don't care how long you've known me or if we cool like this block just block me right now
08:30And I hate you. Why would someone go out of their way?
08:34To block you because you have a different thought and a different opinion on who you want to be president
08:42Like it's extreme right? The behavior is odd behavior
08:47Why would someone even go out of their way to block a friend when they probably got nothing but love for you, dude
08:55You know, you're kind of getting a little extreme with it and you're in your feelings man
09:00I hope you all reconsider what you're saying right here man, because you got friends that probably love you, man
09:05Let's go hate you and don't just unfollow me either
09:08Don't don't you dare just unfollow me and force me to still have to receive your and block the hell out of me
09:16I hate your guts. Good morning. Tick-tock. I just signed on and saw the election results and it looks like Trump is gonna win
09:23So this is what I want to say to the Trump supporters now
09:28last election I
09:30said I don't care who you support we're just not going to talk about it and we're just the right way to think and
09:37Not let an election tear friendships apart
09:40This year if you voted for Trump
09:44Please don't talk
09:45I'm done. I'm done. This man literally
09:50Caused an insurrection and tried to take over the government fake then said during his
09:56political campaign
09:58That we won't have to have elections anymore. That's not true
10:02After this one after he wins we will not true elections anymore
10:06The man has literally said he's going to be a dictator and you're not true. Once again, are you stupid? You're stupid
10:14He promised to take a woman's right to abortion away he not true honest
10:18That's not true when he was campaigning last time. Did he not he is the first president to turn up to a right-to-life rally ever
10:26And give a speech
10:27Most presidents stayed away from I don't know about that. So
10:33you're being
10:35Taken off to your forced breeding camps and all your money and valuables being taken
10:42Your husband has to sign off on birth control. What is she talking about?
10:47You're not allowed to sign off for that on your own
10:50like oh
10:51I don't know 50 years ago when my grandmother was married all this information is not true
10:56Then that's your America now
10:58But congratulations because that's what you wanted and again if you voted for Trump and thought that he was a good choice
11:04Maybe our core values don't align and we shouldn't be friends
11:08I decide what to do with Trump does become president. I'm not going to delete any of my content. I'm not going to
11:16bow down to a
11:20Sexist person. Yeah. Okay. The worst they can do is come and shoot me. Wow
11:24I don't know that is IRA has no stuff going on. Oh, that's terrible. Scary. I have tried to do it myself this
11:32person right here
11:34You can see young has some some issues so, you know, hopefully this person goes and gets some help
11:42Because you know, I am an advocate for mental health. I'm gonna put some information in the in the description box to also
11:49For anyone to go and do some stuff right now to help you out
11:53That is nothing to me. So let him come for me. Let them hate me
11:59Not coming for you buddy, and this is a big time for us
12:03He will try and take away our amendments
12:05He will try and take away our right if you wanted to they're a imposed laws against transgender people
12:11So, you know what? I'm not going to bow down to him
12:14You can unfollow me erase me from your content, but I'm not scaring me a little bit
12:20Kind of scaring me a little bit Harris's
12:23America I
12:26Am so sorry, I
12:30Am so sorry that you're waking up with the news that Donald Trump is
12:36Our next president. Don't be sorry you fought
12:40So hard you gave your all and it wasn't enough
12:47Did your best and it wasn't enough one more time
12:51Kamala Harris did her best
12:55Not enough. She gave it her all and nothing to offer and I'm proud of her
13:02for doing so
13:05All hope is not lost as long as God is on the throne
13:11And he is on the throne and Trump is not stronger than he is
13:19I don't know what reason
13:22He allowed Trump to become president, I don't know the reason
13:27you know, what's funny is you hear people bringing God into this and
13:32the left is
13:34What takes God out of a lot of stuff that we used to have around in our society?
13:41You cannot deny that no matter how much you love Kamala Harris
13:46Like just really think about that
13:49If anything if you're a religious person
13:53Trump is bringing God
13:55to the forefront more and you cannot you cannot deny that if you do not see that
14:02Then you know, you got to get your not only your eyes checked, but your ears checked. Let's continue
14:08But I know I believe in my father God
14:12If you want me to post content about how I moved to Portugal, let me know people's I'd
14:17Do like people lied about who they're voted for
14:20Of course, they lied because there's a lot of people that are getting shamed out there, man
14:25you know, there's a lot of people I'm friends with that voted for Trump and
14:31Lied and said they voted for Kamala Harris, but they told me I'm gonna vote for Trump
14:35But I'm not gonna tell people cuz I don't want to deal with what comes with it
14:39And that's crazy. Like they gotta like hide who they want to vote for
14:46Because they don't want backlash life is too short for you to worry about what other people think
14:51People should love you for who you are. And if they don't then so be it. That's just my opinion though
14:57Talk to me. Let's go. The energy did not match the results
15:02People said that they were voting for one person and then they voted for another yeah, America was not ready for
15:08A female black president. I disagree respectfully
15:13And I respectfully to everyone that we're reacting to you know, the thing is about Kamala Harris
15:19She tried running for president and I don't know if you guys ever seen that debate how bad that looked was running for president
15:25It was not a good look. She
15:29Didn't even do anything during this run with Biden
15:35Nothing not a freaking thing that I can see and you know say wow. Well, that was incredible
15:42Nada, look what happened in North Carolina?
15:45Horrible. Meanwhile, you got the migrants living it up living it up men
15:51There's so many amazing women out there in the world that are just crushing it doing so much amazing stuff
15:58so successful so independent to
16:02Kamala Harris, I'm not saying is a terrible person
16:05But she just had no plan for a lot of people. They just didn't get what she could really bring and
16:12As I said, there's so many amazing women out there. She's just not the one for this job
16:18It has nothing to do with the fact that
16:22So-called men out there don't want a women president
16:25I maybe there are some right like I said before, you know, there's there's a lot of people out there
16:31You know, there's all types of people in different groups. Maybe there are not even maybe there definitely is some sexist people out there
16:38That's not why I feel she did not win. Okay, you don't have to agree with me people. Let's continue
16:45That is what I was worried about because the country is full of racist
16:50misogynists men and women
16:53Now we're all about to learn what tariffs are. We're all about to learn what mass deportations look like
16:59We're all about to learn what a national abortion ban looks like I can feel my sadness
17:04shifting into rage at the sheer stupidity of
17:10Americans so angry this is
17:12So embarrassing. This is way more embarrassing than 2016 when Trump was president once again last time did an outstanding job
17:20I think so. What did he do? So terrible. I want to know in the comments
17:25We have no excuse know what a Trump presidency is gonna be like it's gonna be worse this time
17:30He's not gonna have any of the smart people around him. He had in 2016
17:34They're all about you because of the house RFK jr. Is gonna be in charge of health
17:38He wants to take fluoride out of the water. It's almost 2 a.m. Pacific time
17:42Which means it's well after both of them and I'm still just genuinely confused as to what happened
17:50So if anyone wants to offer some insight
17:54Yeah, no, no, I'm happy to take it just also think that maybe what I've noticed is that men are just genuinely
18:03not as concerned as women and don't quite think our concerns as
18:09seriously, and I don't know that sucks because I met a lot of women tonight who are just
18:15Genuinely, so I'm scared. What are women so scared about about how being able to have an abortion?
18:22As I said correct me if I'm wrong, I'm pretty sure he's not banning abortion
18:26He's just not into the whole late-term thing, which it's like if you get pregnant, right?
18:33If you want to do that, I'm not for it. I'm not against it right now
18:37I'm just saying if you it's your body if you want to do that, right?
18:42Don't wait till the freaking baby seven eight months, you know, like do it right away
18:47Get the plan B pill, but what a morning-after pill whatever it is, you know, it's like what is this concern?
18:55Like I don't understand explain to me. Maybe I need to understand this more and you can explain it
19:01So I'm listen, I am open to hearing the other side of things. Let's go
19:10So, yeah, let me
19:12Know I hate you
19:14orange pumpkin
19:17One of the most important people in my life
19:22So, what is it that y'all are mad about like are you mad that gas prices are about to go down or wait
19:28Are you mad that we're gonna be able to afford groceries?
19:32Is that no, no. No, it's gotta be affordable rent, right? You're mad about that. I
19:38Don't know. Maybe I'm missing something
19:42Cuz me personally, I'm happy. Oh, yeah
19:46Shout out to my editor for throwing that in I like that you did that right there and shout out to everyone
19:51That's making content
19:52you know, that's the beauty of America freedom of speech and we're able to speak our minds and just because um me or you may
19:59Not necessarily agree with what everyone has said during this reaction, you know
20:05They have the right to speak their mind, you know
20:07They sure do just like I have the right to speak mine
20:11And if you enjoyed this video, make sure to do that and also comment share. Maybe we'll do a part two
20:17I have a feeling there's gonna be a ton more and if you guys want should we react to people?
20:22That are happy about Trump on tik-tok. Let me know that too and we'll do that also
20:28but um all in all I personally voted for Trump because
20:32He did a good job last time and when it came down to biting getting it back into office
20:38It was awful did a terrible job Camilla
20:41Harris would never in my opinion have been a choice for the Democrat Party to push
20:48Against Trump, but they had no choice. They had to run with Camilla Harris, right? I am NOT a Democrat
20:54I am NOT a Republican
20:56I voted for but I wanted to vote for Bernie Sanders when he was trying to run for president
21:00Honestly, I would have voted for Bernie because I like Bernie Sanders a lot and he's still sharp
21:06And I wish you you know ran for president because um, he's sharp still
21:10I just seen him do an interview but what the Democrats had to offer this time around was not it and
21:18Trump's endorsements were people like Dana White to Elon Musk and
21:23You got the endorsements from Camilla Harris. You have
21:27Cardi B who was reading off of a phone looking like a goof to you know, Megan Thee Stallion and
21:35Taylor Swift, you know, I'm not an anti Taylor Swift person, too
21:39I think she is talented some of you guys gonna boo me for that
21:42But I do think she's talented but this isn't about music right here. We have a music channel though over at Dells reacts
21:49Check that out
21:50But um, I just felt like they just had nothing to offer and the American people
21:55I think will agree with me for the most part because Trump kicked some serious arse when it came down to
22:02Last night's election. We did a reaction leading up to it. And then we did a reaction to the actual speech
22:10Which was really cool to watch. I was up really late last night. I would love for you to watch that if you enjoyed the video
22:17Definitely check out more if you're new to the channel
22:20There's some options right here and I really hope to read your comments. I love Reno
22:25All right, be safe out there guys. And you know for the people that don't like Trump, um, let's let's root for him still
22:30Right. He's running the country whether you like it or not. So root for him. Let's let's hope he does a great job
22:36Stay positive people love
