• last year
(Adnkronos) - Quartieri giallorossi in lutto per la debacle della Roma contro la Fiorentina. A nulla è servita la sequenza di esoneri, che ora vede in bilico anche il neo allenatore Juric. L'1-5 al Franchi contro i viola, domenica scorsa, ha tolto sorriso e speranze ai tifosi giallorossi che nei fortini di Trastevere e Testaccio hanno poca voglia di commentare e ancor meno di pronunciarsi sull'ennesimo, possibile, cambio in panchina. (di Silvia Mancinelli)


00:00So, Juric and Tempo Scaduto?
00:05They exonerated him, who else?
00:07What are the alternatives?
00:09Giannicolo, Puccinella...
00:13They changed the coach.
00:15They exonerated Juric.
00:19We are already talking about an alternative for the bench.
00:23Ranieri or De Rossi.
00:27It would be a shame if it went wrong.
00:30Without the coach, it would be a shame.
00:32They exonerated Murigno.
00:39Murigno is the number one.
00:41Is it really the coach's fault?
00:45No, absolutely.
00:47It's the players' fault.
00:49It's the players' fault.
00:51It's the coach's fault.
00:53He just has to coordinate them and put them in charge.
00:55We are poor.
00:57When there are these problems, it means that the society is weak.
01:01But the purchase campaign has been made.
01:04What has changed from a team like it was in 2000-2001 to the one we have today?
01:10The players.
01:12It's the players' fault.
01:15They exonerated Scudetto.
01:18They exonerated Ranieri, De Rossi, Mancini.
01:24They exonerated other people.
01:26They exonerated Muterla.
01:28What other category can you win?
01:30Formula 1?
01:32I have been following Roma for three years.
01:37My brother played with a bunch of Roma fans.
01:43Then I followed him to the Olympic stadium.
01:45Now I follow him on TV.
01:49Roma has a society in the hands of the Americans.
01:53They only think about money.
01:58We didn't send Murigno or De Rossi away.
02:02Juric doesn't matter at the moment, as far as I can understand.
02:07I think there is an internal conflict in the dressing room,
02:12in the schools, in the academies, in the ministries and in other places.
02:17I think that's the problem.
02:19The solution, in my opinion, is not to send Juric away,
02:23but to do a big examination of conscience in the dressing room.
02:30They are really exaggerating.
02:34I suffered a lot the other day.
02:37It was my son's birthday.
02:40I hope there will be a clarification.
02:45From what I know about football, I don't think Juric will be sent away.
02:50Juric's debut was now.
02:53The only thing I would see again is De Rossi in Roma.
02:56You would see him again on the bench?
03:01I would like to see De Rossi in Roma.
03:03Who do you think is to blame?
03:05The players?
03:09They don't give us the minimum.
03:12I don't even know Barcelona.
03:16Unfortunately, we are in an unsolvable situation.
03:20The feeling is that no other coach,
03:26not even the best one,
03:28can solve a problem that is unsolvable.
03:37I think the problem is very clear.
03:40It comes from a club that has no real interest in the team.
03:49The risky decision of Sonero in Tempestivo,
03:54regarding Daniele De Rossi,
03:57and a whole series of situations
04:00that provide visual wings to the players
04:04who seem to be more and more detached
04:07from any kind of project,
04:10in the medium and long term.
